Peru Amazon Adventure

Impact: 5
Support: 5
Fun: 5
Value: 5
Safety: 5

Going to Peru with the operation groundswell team was the best decision I have made in a long time! It was definitely a life changer for me not only in what I physically experienced but also my perspectives and ideas about the world and how I should live in it.

It was so FUN! I have not laughed so much in years, and even just sitting here writing this I am smiling widely just remembering the excursions we had.

Spending the afternoon swimming/rafting down the river while in El Chino ranks near the top of the fun list along with fishing for piranhas in "sinking" mud in Puerto Prado!!

Working on the moloka's (thatched roof houses) was incredible. I loved getting dirty and involved, helping out in any way that I could, even if it was uncomfortable at times.

Getting food from the markets was one of my favorite things. There was fruit, veggies, nuts and pretty much a bit of everything in between. It was nice-especially on a budget! While in Iquitos I loved getting up early in the mornings and enjoying the market as it came alive while sipping my fruit smoothie.

The independent travel time to do what we wanted at the end was awesome! All of the things that we had been doing up until this time really helped to prepare us to be on our own.

So...go on this trip!! The only complaint that I would have is that I did not want to come home, it should have been longer than 6 weeks!

Would you recommend this program?
Yes, I would
Year Completed