8 weeks of happiness

Impact: 4
Support: 3
Fun: 3
Value: 3
Safety: 2

I came to South Africa without any expectations, because I had learnt various times before this trip that this is the best way to make the most out of it. But in the end my time there was so much fuller than I could have ever imagined.
I don't know where to start, because so many things were just amazing. The country is beautiful. Just incredibly beautiful. That's why it is especially sad that it is so dangerous there and we could only go outside till 5pm, before it was "hunger games time". Your freedom is definitely taken away from you by the living conditions there, in the sense that you can only walk in groups or take cabs if you don't wanna risk getting mugged or worse. But the kids you teach there make it all worth it. They have the worst background stories and don't even show a glimpse of negativity. Their smiles make your day and in the end I learnt more from them than I could ever have taught them. Moreover the other volunteers I worked with are great. Everyone has their own amazing life story and everyone just wants to enjoy life, which spreads good vibes wherever you go. I did so many things from my bucket list while I was in South Africa, I walked with lions and elephants, did a skydive, experienced Cape Town, drank more expensive wine than I would have imagined, dived with great white sharks in a cage, went surfing, rode in a cab with crazy local "cab drivers", saw penguins, went to beautiful places of which I could not have dreamt of... This list could go on and on. I met people from all over the world, made friends with the most beautiful people and learnt so much during these 8 weeks, more than I could ever have wished for. I highly recommend doing this program to everyone! Of course one will encounter dodgy situations and be to scetchy places, but if you have a common sense and some luck you will survive South Africa without any problems! :)

Would you recommend this program?
Yes, I would
Year Completed