Great trip for those looking for a real adventure

Housing: 3
Support: 5
Fun: 5
Value: 3
Safety: 4

This is a trip that's not like 'normal' travel companies will dare provide. It's a real adventure with a real challenge and no safety net! Something to really build the character.

If I take away one story it'll be when the rope bridge over the raging river collapsed when we were half way across and an hour after it was dark, in the driving rain, the resourcefulness and braveness of the group leaders were able to get us all across to the local plantation...

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Yes, I would
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At first I thought two guides and two local guides would be too many. Having a dedicated medic proved vital to myself to help patch up various ailments along the way. Also, the ability to combine knowledge and top and tail the walk is vital as the local guides don't speak English.

Thanks for providing this trek and long may it continue!
