My time with ABCi

Benefits: 5
Support: 5
Fun: 4
Facilities: 5
Safety: 4

I participated in the ABCi program from January to March 2015. It was an amazing opportunity in many ways. Primarily it allowed me to gain the certification and training needed to be confident in my teaching abilities. Having never taught before this program, I was placed in the CertTesol course. This helped me gain a firm understanding of the fundamentals of teaching and how to create materials, lesson plans, and assess a student's strengths and needs. At the same time, the hands on approach to teaching enabled me to utilize all that I had learned in a real classroom environment. The hours of teaching experience went a long way to make me a more confident teacher as well as better equipped to control many situations that arose in the classroom. Aside from the educational benefits, the program is run in an incredible country, one which I was able to explore throughout my travel to the various schools. This allowed me to see more of Austria then I ever would have on my own. The program takes care of all travel, accommodation and food plus provides the trainees with First Aid training, TEFL-YL certification and a CertTesol certification (depending). Overall I thoroughly enjoyed my time with ABCi, it was a life-changing experience and opened my eyes to the opportunities available.

Would you recommend this program?
Yes, I would
Year Completed