  • Fiji
1 - 2 weeks
Health & Safety

Program Details

Program Type
Direct Enrollment
Age Min.
Age Max


Starting Price
Price Details
Costs vary depending on the program. Price does not include international airfare.
What's Included
Accommodation Activities Airport Transfers Meals Transportation Wifi
What's Not Included
Jan 11, 2024
Feb 06, 2020
76 travelers are looking at this program

About Program

Our community partnerships in Fiji date to 1993. These deep roots mean that we have friends in every village we visit and our expert local staff members make students immediately feel at home. Arriving students are welcomed to their programs with a traditional sevu sevu ceremony and invited to share a taste of kava. Our Fiji programs visit villages on remote islands and in the mountainous highlands, locations not available to the average tourist.

Sailing through the islands of Fiji feels like you’re in a postcard brought to life. Whether you are in the highlands or among the islands, you will constantly be surrounded by calming tropical scenery. The warmth of the Fijian people make you feel at home and you will find yourself easily adjusting to island life.

Video and Photos

Program Highlights

  • Soak up sun, sand, and ocean breezes from the comfortable base house
  • Create meaningful connections with local communities through hands-on service activities
  • Make new friends on the adventure of a lifetime

Popular Programs

Diving into blue waters after busy days

Join this service-focused program at our South Pacific Eco-Lodge base where you’ll work on environmental and needs-based service projects with local community members. This popular program will give you insight into the Fijian way of life and introduce you to the natural beauty of this island nation.

Program Reviews

4.83 Rating
based on 93 reviews
  • 5 rating 89.25%
  • 4 rating 8.6%
  • 3 rating 0%
  • 2 rating 0%
  • 1 rating 2.15%
  • Impact 4.85
  • Support 4.85
  • Fun 4.75
  • Value 4.7
  • Safety 4.75
  • Growth 5
  • Support 5
  • Fun 5
  • Housing 5
  • Safety 5
Showing 33 - 40 of 93 reviews
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Yes, I recommend this program

Rustic Pathways Trip to Fiji!

This summer I went on my first trip with Rustic Pathways and had an incredible experience. Before my trip I had never traveled alone before but I was pleasantly surprised with how safe I felt with Rustic's staff helping me at every step of the way. Once in Fiji, I bonded with so many amazing people I met on my trip. I was very nervous about the social aspect of the trip because I knew I was going to be one of the youngest people there. My nerves were quickly calmed once I met the people I would be spending the next 16 days with. The group leaders on my trip were so welcoming and fun. They were great at keeping everything organized and running smoothly while also having tons of fun. With the leaders and amazing organization I never once felt unsafe on my trip. The service part of the trip was so great. It was hard work but I loved every second of it because I was with awesome friends and I knew how helpful my work was. I strongly recommend traveling with Rustic Pathways and hope that everyone has and incredible time like I did!

What would you improve about this program?
I honestly can not think of anything major that needs to be improved. If anything the packing list was not spot on but everyone had what they needed.
53 people found this review helpful.
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Yes, I recommend this program

Rustic Pathways Trip to Fiji!

This summer I went on my first trip with Rustic Pathways and had an incredible experience. Before my trip I had never traveled alone before but I was pleasantly surprised with how safe I felt with Rustic's staff helping me at every step of the way. Once in Fiji, I bonded with so many amazing people I met on my trip. I was very nervous about the social aspect of the trip because I knew I was going to be one of the youngest people there. My nerves were quickly calmed once I met the people I would be spending the next 16 days with. The group leaders on my trip were so welcoming and fun. They were great at keeping everything organized and running smoothly while also having tons of fun. With the leaders and amazing organization I never once felt unsafe on my trip. The service part of the trip was so great. It was hard work but I loved every second of it because I was with awesome friends and I knew how helpful my work was. I strongly recommend traveling with Rustic Pathways and hope that everyone has and incredible time like I did!

What would you improve about this program?
I honestly can not think of anything major that needs to be improved. If anything the packing list was not spot on but everyone had what they needed.
50 people found this review helpful.
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Yes, I recommend this program

Rustic Fiji

My experience in Fiji was amazing, not only did I meet amazing people, but the country itself is beautiful. I truly do miss waking up to the sunsets and the quiet all around, where every local there is so full of life and happy to be there, which shows such a big contrast with the world I live in. The way of life was completely different there, however, I adapted quickly and realized that the little things in our life were nothing, because people here live in such a different way that it inspires us to change how we live and not be so focused on things that do not matter. Being in Fiji for three weeks really did inspire me, being disconnected and far away from home, I was able to look at life from a different, eye-opening perspective. Now that I have this new perspective, I feel like I can accomplish so much more.

What would you improve about this program?
The only problem I had was with my Program Leaders, however, I also met amazing ones that were just not leading my program.
51 people found this review helpful.
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Yes, I recommend this program

Rustic Fiji

My trip was amazing! I did the Highlands & Islands trip and I will remember it for the great of my life. When they say it’s a life changing trip, they mean it. This trip made me change my perspective on third world countries. On my trip, I did a home-stay which was the best. The family that you stay with is so glad to have you there! My host parents gave up their bed for me and my homestay buddy. We had a little sister who slept in the floor with her parents when we were there. We got to help out the village is ways that seem small to sit but can change their lives. I also got to go out to the island for some beach days. We got to go scuba diving and sky diving! (Its all very safe, don’t worry.) This trip is what prompted me to get more involved I’m my community, finding ways to help more people. I am so excited for my next trip with Rustic!

What would you improve about this program?
Already perfect!!!!!!
50 people found this review helpful.
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Yes, I recommend this program

Spring into Fiji

Living in New England, everyone that I know of goes to Florida for spring break. In spring 2018 I traveled to Fiji with Rustic Pathways for a week that I would always remember. Fiji is the most beautiful place ever and worth the plane ride -I didn't come for the Instagram photos but, I ended up with way too many to post. I came to Fiji for the perfect mix of community service and fun, which was better than I imaged. The community service was meaningful, we helped build a house, made and delivered food for a children's home and farmed on the eco-lodge. One day when we were walking away from the house that we were helping build I saw the mother of the household crying. For that morning we hammered wood and played with her 2-year-old daughter and know that we were apart of helping them get back on their feet is an amazing feeling. When we delivered dinner to the children's home, we spend the night playing games with them and learning more about there culture. Fiji has so much culture to it that was so cool to learn about like it is disrespectful to touch someone's head. Also, there is plenty of time to step outside of your comfort zone, explore Fiji and have fun. With my 10 new best friends and 2 amazing group leaders, every time was the best time! The place we stayed at also had an amazing pool and food! We went to the beach, hiked the beautiful sand dunes, zip lining, went in caves, went to the local markets, went to a mud bath, snorkeling, went island hopping and some of us went skydiving! Island hopping was my favorite as we spent the whole day in a boat seeing all the beautiful islands. Rolling out of the plane 14,000 ft in the air was also amazing too.

There is something special about spending a week in an unknown place with a group of people that become your family, I left Fiji with way too much inside jokes and smiles.
I came to school refreshed with a new perspective of the world, ready to take on the rest of the year.

If you have any questions feel free to reach out, my email is mcgrathh19@kua.org or hannahmcgrath444@gmail.org :)

(also my computer is broken so my photos won't upload):

What would you improve about this program?
Nothing, this program is perfect for a spring break mix of community service and stepping out of your comfort zone and fun. I just wish that all schools had a longer spring break so that I could stay longer!
53 people found this review helpful.
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Yes, I recommend this program

Courtney’s Fiji Trip

My trip to Fiji with Rustic Pathways was unbelievable. It was truly life-changing from all the service we accomplished to the fun days with new friends just hanging out at the base house. Although hard to pick just one, one of the highlights of my trip that will stick with me forever is when we did our first day of service. My group started their service with a beach cleanup. I remeber not knowing anyone and that beach clean up gave us the most time to connect with all the girls on my trip while still picking up 20 pounds of trash. Little did I know right then that those 11 girls would become my new best friends and people I still stay connected to.

What would you improve about this program?
I would not change anything to this program.
54 people found this review helpful.
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Yes, I recommend this program

Sun, sand, and international service

Before the trip, I was excited, yet frankly very nervous. I had never traveled out of the country without my family and was scared of a culture shock. But what I expierenced in Fiji was nothing what I could’ve ever imagined. My outlook has changed immensely from my trip; experiencing new culture and seeing how one thing may seem tiny but made an enormous positive impact put everything in perspective. We often take many things for granted, like running water, restrooms, and even shelter. But, after helping to build compostable toilets I was able to see how much change one person can make. I know it may seem far fetched or dramatic, it really isn’t. Once you take a trip to an amazing and welcoming culture, like Fiji, your eyes will he opened. It wasn’t just service, but even the service was fun and very rewarding. We were able to go island hoping and even to the highlands, which is the “real” Fiji; most people just think of beaches or resorts and look past the locals lives in the villages in the mountains. We took a caravan to our home stay, where we were instantly accepted. The people are just the nicest and friendliest people you’ll ever meet, there’s no words to explain how at home you’ll feel in just a few short weeks. I loved my trip and would do it again in a heart beat.

What would you improve about this program?
The trip was perfect!
53 people found this review helpful.
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Yes, I recommend this program

Beyond the “Bula” Smile

The two sweet weeks I spent in Fiji were beyond life changing. I always look past these cheesy posts after international service trips, but it’s one of those things where you have to see it to believe it. I don’t have the vocabulary to express how extraordinary my time there was, but to be honest I don’t think anyone in the world does either. The service did not even feel like service when you were surrounded by so much love and especially so many Bula smiles :) There is not a second of that trip that I will ever take for granted. Going into the trip I was extremely nervous to make friends, but I can confidently say that I am much better friends with the seven people that were in my group that I am with some of my friends back here in Canada. They are so amazing that we are all planning another Rustic trip next summer :). If you do plan on joining the Rustic Family, it will 300% be worth while. PS if you choose Fiji, say Bula to the crew for me :) - T dawg

What would you improve about this program?
Nothing. I loved it :)
51 people found this review helpful.

Questions & Answers

Hey Sarah! I had the exact same question when embarking on my trip to Fiji. Being my first Rustic trip I followed the packing list completely. Which you should do because some of my friends did not have some of the stuff I had. I wish I brought more lounging, comfy clothing. Everything says on the website "no leggings", but everyone wore leggings and comfy lounging clothes when we weren't in...

I used a huge duffel bag, along with a day pack on all of the Rustic trips that I went on. I found that to work very well rather than a suitcase, as a suitcase would be harder to lug around, and duffels are made to carry easily.

I wouldn't consider the experience as a "tour group feel" whatsoever. You get really close with the other travelers, as you spend all day every day with them. There are activities put in place to break some ice and learn names, but after that initial "awkward" stage of not knowing anyone else, you'll find that you bond with the other kids really easily. Everyone in the group doesn't want to "tour"...

Yes! The entire time I never questioned anything that was going on in terms of my safety. When we stayed on SomoSomo island there was a guard who watched our camp site throughout the entire night.