  • Costa Rica
1 - 4 weeks

Program Details

Program Type
Student Tour
Host Family Hotel Lodge
Age Min.
Age Max


Starting Price
What's Included
Accommodation Activities Meals Transportation
What's Not Included
Airfare Travel Insurance
Oct 11, 2023
Dec 18, 2023
32 travelers are looking at this program

About Program

Are you looking for volunteer opportunities in Costa Rica? Global Works has a variety of options for you. Take a look at our programs and visit our site for full details. Program Options:
- 2 Week program with service work, cloud forest, homestay, and surf lessons
- 4 Week program with overnight rafting, homestay, community service, and beach time
- 3 Week Wildlife focused program with sea turtle projects, biological research station, and zip-lining
- Middle School focused program that is great intro to service travel
- Pre-Med & Public Health Focused program

Video and Photos

Program Highlights

  • Local Community Service Projects
  • White-water raft on the Pacuare River
  • Practice your Spanish Skills
  • Surf epic Pacific Coast waves

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Surfing in Costa Rica

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Program Reviews

4.97 Rating
based on 30 reviews
  • 5 rating 96.67%
  • 4 rating 3.33%
  • 3 rating 0%
  • 2 rating 0%
  • 1 rating 0%
  • Growth 4.8
  • Support 4.95
  • Fun 4.7
  • Housing 4.8
  • Safety 4.9
Showing 17 - 24 of 30 reviews
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Yes, I recommend this program

Best experience of my life

Going into the trip i was thinking it would be very fun. I was very wrong Once i met the other kids i was going on the trip with i started really liking them. Once we got into Costa Rica i was very close with the other travelers and i quickly started having an amazing time. I did not think it would be difficult to leave the trip, but as the day got closer and closer the more i feared leaving. The trip gave me Friends and memories i will never forget. Its almost been 5 months since the trip and i still miss it just as much as the day i left. If you are debating to go on a trip with Global Works i strongly recommend you to go with them!

What would you improve about this program?
Make it 1 week longer
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Great Adventure

My trip to Costa Rica with this group was hands down one of the best weeks of my life. I was able to experience so many new things from making new friends around the country to learning about a whole new way of life to helping out in the community and speaking the little Spanish I know to the locals. The fact that I was able to experience a whole other way of living at this young age really made an impact on me. Going on this trip opened my eyes to a whole new perspective. I've realized that we should not take anything at all for granted any day of the week because we don't realize how good we have it and how much we ave. I've become a lot more appreciative and also a lot more accepting. With that, I learned through the people in the villages and how they go about their way of life that you should always extend a helping hand and make sure everyone is accepted. Other than my learning experiences, I had such a blast everyday with anything we did - especially the surfing and the late night talks with my group. We were all able to get really close with each other since we were such a small group and it really meant the world to me. This trip was truly such an amazing experience and I would definitely do it again, or something like it, in a heartbeat.

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Costa Rican Adventure

My experience on this Global Works trip was nothing less than phenomenal and life changing. Every day I spent in this amazing country helped me grow as a person in knowledge and understanding. Those who accompanied me on this trip would definitely say the same.

What would you improve about this program?
I would change the housing arrangements. By the end of the trip, I think that students should be allowed to choose their roommate.
59 people found this review helpful.
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¡Pura Vida Mae!

When our group traveled to our first destination after San José, el Rio Pacuare, I knew it was going to be an amazing trip. Just as we started our bus ride toward the river, I began to see the immense beauty of the country with its endless mountains and lush greenery. Also, friendships were quickly made. I found that regardless of it being a sort of long bus ride there was never a moment when I felt bored. I was always talking to the people around me and trying to get to know one another. The friendships were so close, but yet very inclusive. I loved the lifestyle and friendliness of Costa Ricans-¡Pura vida!

What would you improve about this program?
The one thing I do wish there were more of was language. We did often speak in Spanish during the times we had Spanish meals as a group (where we only spoke Spanish), but I do feel that at times there was no Spanish at all. Maybe more contact with locals besides the homestay too.

LOVED the trip!!!!
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The Puda Vida Lifestyle

The Puda Vida life means living your life as if every obstacle is a piece of cake. It means being happy and welcoming to everyone around you as well as looking at the bright side of everything. I would love to be around Costa Ricans all the time. The community I stood with was so loving and caring and still to this day opening there homes to me if I ever go back to Costa Rica which I most defiantly will do!

What would you improve about this program?
If I could change one thing I would have a more organized schedule on how things will work in your home stay community once there as well as a bit more flexible with calling back home.
52 people found this review helpful.
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This trip was my first overseas camp. All I know is that the description fits. It is a wonderful experience and I made so many great new friends! I got significantly better at speaking spanish which enabled me to skip a class! I also did so many cool activities that I wouldn't have been able to do anywhere else. For starters, I was really nervous for the rafting trip. However, it was completely safe and absolutely thrilling! We got to go swimming in all these waterfalls and go surfing down the rapids. The views were stunning especially with no one around us but the wildlife. Ill also say overall the lodging and bathrooms were all really nice, compared to what I expected. Next, the cloud forest was really, really nice. Off the bat if you are going to this particular trip you need to be fit. The exercise and exertion that goes into this part of the trip is intense. So be prepared!! Here we did TONS of work everyday and we learned a lot about the wildlife too. The food on this part of trip was to die for. The people are also super nice and you never feel pressured about the spanish. Next, the home stay is probably the most impactful. Here you get to practice your spanish the most. You are also rarely with your counselor and you have the most freedom, but it's still safe!! The people, again, are also very nice and there are tons of little kids to play with. We do community service everyday but its easy stuff and then we do fun activities like playing in the river or games with the kids. I should also mention that we have to wake up around 7 am everyday and go to sleep around 10 pm. We also always pretty much have access to food. We also went on a few field trips like visiting another but huge waterfall. There isn't as much shopping on this trip as I personally expected but we got to go to super markets a lot. Then we travel to the national park. Unfortunately I got sick during this part but I got lucky because it has the best lodging! We saw amazing sunsets, went to hot springs and ziplining of course! Do not do this trip if you are afraid of heights!!! You are hundreds of feet above the forest for a large time in the air. But don't be afraid to try new things! Last but not least, the surfing! The beach is just beautiful. The water is warm and safe and the bottom is all sand. The surf instruction is great and you are guaranteed to stand up the first day. There is also a nice pool too or you could walk up and down the beach and collect shells. The shacks that we live in are super comfy but I hope you are not afraid of giant lizards! All in all this trip is just..its soo nice. I completely recommend this to anyone! Lastly, the counselors are the sweetest people who you can really trust and they always do everything with the safety of your child in mind! This the right decision for an overseas camp. And don't forget Global Works offers other locations and specializations as well.

What would you improve about this program?
If I had to change one thing about this program it would be to spend less time traveling or maybe travel overnight so as to permit more time for fun activities.
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Costa Rica Global Works Experience

While on my trip in Costa Rica with Global Works, I had the time of my life. The hardest part for me was feeling comfortable with my group because many of the kids came with friends. I can be shy anyways, but it was a great learning experience and it has made me more outgoing. By the end of the trip, our group was very close and it was sad to see everyone go.

I loved all of the language games we played and I have since decided to major in Spanish and use it in my daily life in the future.

What would you improve about this program?
I would say that the one thing I would change is the homestay. I was able to be in my homestay with my best friend on the trip, but I know many people were upset that they could not choose their roommate.
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My "Cedralian" Exchange

During the reliable afternoon thunderstorms of Costa Rica, the newly built beneficios, an elevated wooden room that oversees the town’s coffee processing plants, was our official work station. But outside the beneficios was an even more intensive study of the culture shock. As we adapted to the masculine-dominated, agricultural society, we also had to adjust to the fact that the entire village was literally one family! In return for our dedication, the locals shared their long-standing traditions with me, a complete stranger who barely spoke any Spanish, save for a few phrases from a tourist guidebook. The exchange was not always tangible; it still baffles me that they were so willing to do so much for others without expecting anything in return. My inclination to attempt to help was largely because I felt a new connection to these people who have made me feel as if I was a part of their culture. This trip has introduced me to the boundless opportunities that await me in the field of business, and I am surprised by what I did accomplish in these short weeks. My experience in Cedral has passed, but Cedral and the memory of it live on.

What would you improve about this program?
My main difficulty was communicating with my only-Spanish-speaking host family. I wish my leaders had taught us more essential Spanish phrases before the homestay.
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