  • Thailand
1 - 4 weeks
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Program Details

Program Type
Direct Enrollment
Age Min.
Age Max


Price Details
Costs vary depending on program and does not include international airfare.

Students traveling from the United States will travel on our escorted group flight from the United States, international participants can choose to take our group flight from the USA or arrange their own airfare.
What's Included
Accommodation Activities Airport Transfers Meals Transportation
What's Not Included
Jan 09, 2023
Nov 20, 2019
79 travelers are looking at this program

About Program

Rustic Pathways first offered Thailand programs in 1999, and the country has since become the hub of our Southeast Asia operations. We have an extensive team of incredible local staff who are experts at ensuring our students have authentic, transformative experiences. Thailand offers the widest range of Rustic programs, from gritty service trips and animal conservation programs to outdoor adventures and immersive cultural experiences.

Known as the Land of Smiles, Thailand will immediately welcome and captivate you. The local people are incredibly friendly and deeply enjoy sharing their Buddhist culture, spicy food, and love for laughter. There is a peacefulness about the country, and the scenery is always entrancing.

Video and Photos

Popular Programs

Student on thailand beach

Southern Thailand is home to idyllic beaches, pristine waters, rainforests and limestone karsts that have made it a world-famous destination. While popularity has brought international renown, this influx of tourism is starting to negatively impact the marine environment in popular places. Learn about the challenging dynamic between the industries that sustain local populations with the conservation of these fragile habitats, home to wondrous creatures that call these waters home.

Students visiting with buddhist monks

Prepare for the ultimate adventure of climbing, hiking, and exploring the natural beauty of Thailand and Laos. Discover beautiful waterfalls and keep your eyes out for monkeys and birds as you trek through the dense rainforest outside a hill tribe village. Go on a scavenger hunt by bike to temples, walk across a bamboo bridge, zip line in the forest canopy, and enjoy a swim at the beach, rock climbing, and snorkeling in this jam-packed, adrenaline-filled program.

Student washing elephant

How does it feel to walk with giants, the earth trembling under foot? A grassy, musky smell fills your nose and mouth. And a pair of deep, grey, knowing eyes pierce your heart.
You are a mahout — an elephant trainer. Actually, a junior mahout. It takes a lifetime to become a real mahout. This proud tradition is passed down, generation to generation in Thailand and for a short nine days you will take part in the rich history, traditions, and customs of this world.

Thai village view

Join a service expedition through remote Thailand to disconnect. You’ll have one carry-on-sized bag with a change of clothes, toiletries, medicine, and no more than five personal items (we’ll also give you $50 to buy the rest of what you’ll need during your program). Start in Chiang Mai before continuing into the mountains and jungles of Northern Thailand. Visit three villages for 4 days each and expect beautifully simple living conditions.

Program Reviews

4.96 Rating
based on 103 reviews
  • 5 rating 99.03%
  • 4 rating 0%
  • 3 rating 0%
  • 2 rating 0%
  • 1 rating 0.97%
  • Impact 4.9
  • Support 4.85
  • Fun 4.8
  • Value 4.75
  • Safety 4.9
  • Program Selection 5
  • Pre-departure Help 5
  • In-program Support 5
  • Impact on Student 4
  • Value 5
Showing 49 - 56 of 103 reviews
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Yes, I recommend this program

Thai Elephant Conservation Project

The Thai Elephant Conservation Project was my first program that I had done with Rustic. To be honest, I was very nervous because a few weeks prior to my Rustic program, I had done a different service program with a different company. It was not a good experience to say the least. I won't get into it, but because of my experience with that company, I was very nervous. I was also nervous, because I would be traveling across the world with a group of people that I've never met before. The only other time that I had gone to Asia, I was with my school for an exchange program and had my sister and my friends with me the whole time. Lastly, since I'm deathly allergic to nuts, I was worried that I would have an allergic reaction. But, I was really worried about nothing, because Rustic was so amazing and I had a life-changing experience.

Right when I got to the airport, our flight leader made sure that everyone knew each other's names and played a lot of ice breaker games. I don't know how, but I became friends with the people on my program before we even stepped foot in Thailand. So, my worry about going to the other side of the world with strangers disappeared, because it was like I had known all the students for the longest time.

Rustic was also so helpful and accommodating with my nut allergy. My program leaders already knew that I was allergic to nuts and there was not a single nut in any of the food options. In addition, the program leaders carried med kits with them at all times and there was an epi-pen in the med kits just in case. It was amazing that Rustic went out of their way to make sure that I wouldn't get an allergic reaction and feel safe eating anything.

With my actual time at the elephant sanctuary, it felt like I was in a dream. I was doing things that I never dreamed of doing. Ever got assigned a partner randomly and an elephant with their respective mahouts (elephant handlers). Within the first 10 minutes of meeting our mahouts, they were already joking around with us and teaching us everything about elephants. We got to ride elephants, bathe them in the river twice a day, feed them sugar cane, corn, and potatoes, and, of course, clean up their poop. It was one of the coolest experiences in my life. I will never forget how amazing it was getting up on Red Moon, my elephant, for the first time and seeing the world from so high up.

One of my favorite days was when everyone rode their elephants into the jungle. On the way there, my partner, my mahout, and I were singing at the top of out lungs and having the time of our lives. We got to the jungle and everything was so peaceful. We hiked to a waterfall and swam. We collected bamboo to make cups and plates. We had a huge bonfire where we danced, sang, and played games around the fire. Lastly, we slept under the stars with elephants all around us. I don't think many people can say that and it just shows how in every Rustic program, the students do once in a lifetime experiences.

In addition to just riding the elephants, we got to make paper out of elephant poop. We went to the night markets and mall. Mostly though, we did a lot of conservation work. There were group discussions about the poaching and logging industries and how we can work to end them. We planted grass and sugarcane for the elephants to eat in the future, and spent an afternoon in the elephant hospital to see how the people at the conservation center take care of the elephants and help them if they need it. I loved how we didn't just ride the elephants all day, we did an array of conservation work to make a lasting effect of our time in Thailand.

By the end of the 11 day program, I was an certified amateur mahout, I made some amazing friends that I still keep in touch with to this day, I learned what mahouts dedicate their lives to caring for elephants, and I got to have a connection and bond with an animal I thought I would never have. I could not have asked for a better trip and Rustic has forever changed my life. I would not be where I am as a person without Rustic. I was a leader, a change maker, a person that was heard. I am forever grateful for the opportunity and experience that Rustic gave me.

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Yes, I recommend this program

Life on the Margin!!!

Thailand is named the land of smiles for a reason. My eighteen days on Life on the Margin were filled with laughter, dancing, incredible stories, and debrief sessions. This trip is definitely for people who love to engage in intellectual conversations, have a love for children, and are open to a new lifestyle for the duration of the trip. Over the course of our trip we were able to dissect global issues, our surroundings, and ourselves, while still being silly when dancing in the back of Songthaew's, or sliding around in the mud when playing soccer with local children. We engaged in a mutual exchange of culture with the children we lived with in the base house, children we taught, and children we played with. This trip is for anybody who has an interest in global issues, a love for service, and a desire to explore the roots of Karen culture. Learn to embrace a culture different to anything you have experienced, embrace the dirt, and embrace all the new friendships! I have been on multiple Rustic Pathways trips, and the more service the closer your group with become. Laugh with your new friends as you stuff your face with amazing noodles, slip in the mud, and rock some elephant pants with crazy colored crocs. Get to know the amazing staff as you sit crossed legged around the table eating amazing food, while you are surrounded by the gorgeous rice patty fields. Don't forget your bug spray, water bottle, and a journal to document the amazing trip!

What would you improve about this program?
I wish the program was longer, and that the first week our group was more separate from other Rustic groups.
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Yes, I recommend this program

Life on the Margin

Signing up for the Life on the Margin trip in Thailand was quite possibly the best thing I've ever done for myself. The experiences I had teaching, doing service work, discussing, and getting to know the local Karen people were suprising, enlightening, fun, and educational is every way. I didn't expect to learn so much about myself and how my place in the world connects to those overseas. I left the beautiful country of Thailand with a newfound sense of community and the love of all my friends, despite us being scattered all over the world. I would recommend this program to anyone who is seeking an impactful experience and isn't afraid of a little cement or a few chickens. My biggest piece of advice to anyone going to travel is to just let loose and be open. I have always been afraid of the uncontrollable but I had so much more fun when I was able to throw my hands in the air and sing, share my ideas, and be in the moment. The thing I remember most is the fun times I had with my group. Thankfully we were only 9 and that allowed to all become close quickly. Time flies before your eyes and you may not remember the views of the mountains forever, but you will remember embarrassing yourselves singing Taylor Swift songs in front of a group of Burmese students who are far more talented than you. Mishaps always turn into the best memories and the funniest stories stories to share with friends and family. If I could go back I don't think I would change a single thing about my trip. While this program does involve a hefty dose of discussion based learning I wouldn't trade my experience for anything else.

What would you improve about this program?
Longer!!! The general consensus of our group felt that we could dive deeper into the issues we were learning amount and make more impactful, deeper connections with the locals if we had more time. I would also recommend that the leaders start the "debriefs" earlier in the evening as they often ran until 10:30-11:00 at night.
52 people found this review helpful.
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Yes, I recommend this program

Southeast Asian Adventurer

This summer I went on the trip of a lifetime! Spending time in both Thailand and Laos, I ziplined across waterfalls, belayed down cliff faces, boated down the Mekong, saw river dolphins, and most importantly met the most incredible people. The leaders were all wonderful, each with great stories to share and advice to give, and everyone was so friendly. The trip was excellently organized (like clockwork) and the Base House was amazing!! Definitely pack for two weeks of adventure (bring athletic shorts!!) but do not overpack (I made that mistake). This trip opened my eyes to all the adventure that is out there, and since returning I have been so much more active!! I would 10/10 recommend this program to all adventure and travel lovers.

What would you improve about this program?
Improve the packing list, as it could have been more specific. Other than that nothing!!
48 people found this review helpful.
Yes, I recommend this program

Elephants and Amazing Thailand

Traveling across the world alone is scary. You don't know anybody, you don't know what to expect, you're visiting another country with a different culture, and the food is weird. But what people don't think about is that everybody is thinking the same thing. Nobody knows what is going to happen during the two and a half weeks, and that is what makes it such an adventure.

This past summer, I traveled from New York City to Frankfurt to Singapore to Bangkok to Chaing Mai, with a group of 25 other girls and 1 boy. During those 45 hours of travel, I had no idea that I would meet some of my best friends in the world. Everybody was kind, loving, cared about the environment, cared about all cultures and all people, and genuinely wanted to spend every waking moment living in the present time.

My group spent one whole week living on the Thai Elephant Conservation Center, where we trained to be mahouts. We were each paired with a partner, an elephant, and a professional mahout (or elephant caretaker). My elephant's name was Boon Mee, and my mahout's name was P. Neuk. During those six days, I learned so much from a man who I did not speak one word of the same language as. P. Neuk taught me and my partner to love ourselves, everybody, and everything around us. He taught us to care for our surroundings and be happy ALL THE TIME! We woke up every morning and retrieved our elephants from the jungle and brought them to a nearby body of water where we would give them their baths. Then we would ride them back to the TECC, and spend a day in beautiful Lampang, Thailand, before repeating the bathing schedule during the evening. My time at the TECC was life changing, and I could not be more thankful for P. Neuk and Boon Mee for teaching me how to cherish every moment in life.

For the second week of the trip, my group traveled all around Thailand visiting Buddhist temples, museums, waterfalls, and much more. My favorite moment of the entire two weeks that I was away was the day that we visited a Buddhist Monastery in the mountains. I remember being told that the climb to the monastery was over 500 steps. The whole group groaned and we were all dreading the day that we had to walk up all those stairs. But when we got there and started walking, I noticed that there were signs up against all of the trees that had Buddhist quotes about suffering and sacrifice, making me think about everything differently. The steps were torturous, but reading the quotes made it worth it and so did the destination at the top. When we arrived at the monastery, I remember seeing the hundreds of Buddhas lining the inside of the main area. I remember seeing pictures of renowned monks hanging from all the walls. At the time that we were there, it was a very important Buddhist holiday and all of the Buddhists were visiting the temples and monasteries to pay their respects to Buddha and monks. On this day we got to meditate with a monk at the top of a beautiful mountain in the middle of Thailand. I will never forget how surreal it felt to be meditating with a man who devoted his entire life to following the footsteps of Buddha while sitting in a place so breathtaking and unknown, listening to him speak Thai words and feel like I knew what he was saying even though there was such a barrier between us.

Thailand changed my life, and it will change yours to. I truly cannot say that I disliked any moment of this trip, no matter how hot and humid it was. Please travel to Thailand and experience the same amount of wonder that I did this summer!

What would you improve about this program?
More discussion about the difference between cultural elephant preservation and environmental elephant preservation.
53 people found this review helpful.
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Yes, I recommend this program

Children's Home and Elephant Sanctuary Project

If you're thinking about going on this trip, you should. Going to Thailand was my first time traveling out of the country, and I was hardly nervous. RP staff makes it so easy and comfortable to travel, and upon arrival I felt immediately welcomed. The Children's Home is the most amazing place that I have ever been. The people and staff there are by far the best people I have ever had the opportunity to meet. They love genuinely and are eager to make new friends and build relationships. On one of the first service projects we did, we stayed over night at a school. This night we talked about some of the misconceptions we had about the country. It was amazing to see how many people were warned to "wear their backpacks on the front of their bodies" and "be extra careful of your valuables" because of an inaccurate stereotype of Thai people as untrustworthy. It seems many of us came with the impression that because we had more than someone else, they would undoubtedly want, and try to get whatever we had that they don't. Besides the fact that on this trip I learned that my perceptions of having "more" are very different from others, and that just because I have before seen my life as "better" than those who have less, doesn't mean that is the case, I learned that people are good. From my experience, Thai people seem to be some of the most trustworthy people. Some even leave stores unlocked at night, and invite strangers into their homes with open arms. It's almost as if those who gave us the
"advice" to be extra cautious, actually had no idea what they were talking about. I felt so safe here, and at peace more so than I do back home. Leaving the Children's Home was one of the hardest things I have ever done, I think that it truly may be magical.
Although leaving was hard, the Elephants were worth it. Spending a week learning about and helping care for and understand elephants and their role in Thai culture was amazing. It became clear that though these are still not ideal conditions for the animals, it is the best we can do. Love and learn and protect. The hotel was fantastic, and it was so neat to interact with the Mahouts and learn more about their lifestyle. We also had many other excursions on this trip, such as going to temples, white water rafting, and visiting markets. This trip was the most unique and beneficial learning experience I have ever had the privilege of being a part of, and I fully and whole-heartedly recommend it.

What would you improve about this program?
At the Sanctuary, we were taught about what is and isn't natural for the elephants, and although some sacrifices must be made that are not always the greatest option, rustic students were offered the opportunity to ride the elephants, which I believe ti be extremely unnecessary and also confusing, as we were learning what was best for them. I can say now that what is best for them is not to have kids hop on for a quick photo-shoot, but to have kids understand why we need to treat the animals with respect. However the sanctuary is doing most everything else perfectly to ensure a safe environment for the animals.
52 people found this review helpful.
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Yes, I recommend this program

Come with Nothing, Go Home Rich: Mekong Expedition 2017

At first, this program seemed daunting; coming with only a small carry-on for 25 days halfway around the world? Sounds crazy, especially in a culture where checking a large suitcase for a week's getaway at a resort is the norm. But on this trip I not only used every single item I packed, which was a first for me, but I also came home with so many more experiences than I would have had with a checked suitcase.
One of the highlights of the trip was definitely visiting the local markets, particularly the ones hidden from tourists. Although the stench of the meat sitting out in the sun will never leave me, neither will the feeling of experiencing local life when bargaining to buy towels, t-shirts, and crocs. I felt most like a local in those markets, wandering through the alleyways surrounded by local food. I was able to get all of the necessities at these markets, the first of which I visited on the second day, so anyone concerned about the lack of necessities from home will soon find satisfaction with a whole new bag filled with clothes.
The village life is primarily focused on the service, which consists of two three hour sections each day. Prepare to work with a lot of cement in the sun for hours on end. Despite this description, service days were some of the most memorable because sometimes the local children will come and join you to assist in your service. At one point we had about 40 children in an assembly line bringing sand up a hill.
This program allows you to experience a variety of tourist attractions as well, such as the White Temple, the Black House, night markets, a mountain and waterfall, and wonderful Thai massages. Flexibility is required on this trip however, as the itinerary can change quickly. As you bond with a small group of people you grow accustomed to the exotic fruits, squatty potties, and bucket showers that soon feel normal to you.
I highly recommend this program to adventurous students who enjoy connecting with others, the satisfaction of hard work, and immersing themselves in a completely foreign culture. The rewards I reaped from this program were truly priceless and I would have been unable to experience what I did anywhere else in the world and for that I am grateful.

What would you improve about this program?
Fixing the European packing lists, which were different from the more current US website packing list.
51 people found this review helpful.
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Yes, I recommend this program

Ricefields, Monks, and Smiling Children

The program, overall , was an excellent opportunity. From the first moment I set foot upon the Ricefields base, the staff was wonderful. The programs, the food, the lodgings, and the activities all exceeded expectations.

Be careful about the side trip options, however. Though we were told we would have 5 options on the website, we were presented only two at onsite, which was determined via popular vote. The trip itself was also somewhat poorly managed, with little communication.

However, the trip was fun overall, and provided me with memories that will last a lifetime.

What would you improve about this program?
The side trip could be managed better, with the options actually provided being placed on the website.
52 people found this review helpful.

Questions & Answers

This trip is very safe! Base houses are owned by RP, so it's is completely RP-Staffed. Trips that are not in base houses are still very safe and there will always be RP staff with you. I have never felt unsafe on any of my Rustic Trips.