Multiple Locations +2
  • Indonesia
    • Java
  • China
    • Hong Kong
    • Guangzhou
Program Categories
Cultural Immersion Study Abroad

Program Details

Host Family Hotel
May 08, 2017
Nov 27, 2016
3 travelers are looking at this program

About Program

We offer two unique programs for high school students that both fall under the category of our "Youth Leadership Programs". One of these programs is held in Hong Kong and Guangzhou, China for three weeks over the summer and is open to HS students from the Bay area. This program focuses on innovative solutions to environmental problems while exploring new cultures, ideas, and approaches to global issues.

The second of these programs is held in Yogyakarta, Indonesia for three weeks over the summer and is also open to HS students from the U.S. This program teaches youth how to be active leaders for change in their own communities through exploration of topics such as environmental sustainability and conflict resolution. This program also focuses on gaining a deeper understanding of Indonesian culture and how youth tackle issues within their own cultural contexts.

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Program Reviews

5.00 Rating
based on 4 reviews
  • 5 rating 100%
  • 4 rating 0%
  • 3 rating 0%
  • 2 rating 0%
  • 1 rating 0%
  • Growth 5
  • Support 5
  • Fun 5
  • Housing 4.75
  • Safety 5
Showing 1 - 4 of 4 reviews
Yes, I recommend this program

Amazing Experience

I was an adult participant on the 2014 Indonesia-United States Youth Leadership Program. My experience in the program was enlightening, fun, and life-changing. The staff was professional, helpful, and engaging at every step in the process. They provided a dynamic balance of experiential learning and culturally-informed travel experiences. I would recommend VIA programs to anyone who is looking for a meaningful, insightful, and fun global experience.

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Indonesia Youth Leadership Program

The Youth Leadership Program to Indonesia was the most formative experiences I have had in high school. It is rare to have the ability to travel abroad and be truly immersed within the culture and community of the country you are visiting. It is these experiences that open your eyes to the great diversity and traditions of the world. The VIA staff is what made this possible. I experienced a side of Bali and Jogja that most tourists never see. I learned about the issues people from Indonesia face, and the ways in which they combat these issues. I met people who demonstrated the importance of civic engagement and the acceptance of all people. The staff constantly encouraged us to dive in and take what we learned back home. What we discovered was that while the issues may be different, the work and actions of the citizens are the same.. The VIA staff guided our way to developing our own leadership and communication skills. VIA offers a unique blend of cultural exposure and a concentration on personal growth. I am constantly thinking back to what I learned and experienced in Indonesia. Entering my senior year, I could not be more thankful for the opportunity for intellectual and personal growth the Indonesian Youth Leadership Program offered.

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Hike to Borobudur

4:00 AM we left our homestay in Jogjakarta departing for the Borobudur Temple in an attempt at catching an Instagram worthy picture. At this point we had spent nearly two weeks together and it was towards the end of our first week in Jogja, however previous to this day I really hadn't bought into the whole program. However on this early morning trip followed by a late night reflection everything on this trip seemed to connect and I finally realized how important this trip had been to me and the lasting impact it would have on me. Beyond the picture and beyond the beautiful view from the top of this Buddhist Temple, the impact that the discussion that started on leadership leading to compromise and finished with a reflection of the two weeks will forever stick in my head. Looking back on this one month summer program I can guarantee anyone that is fortunate enough to go on this trip will have countless experiences that will shape them beyond that one month. The leadership skills and peace and conflict skills we learned on this trip were only the beginning of the transformation that will come on this trip. Additionally, the people that you will meet along this one month are connections that will last for long beyond this month, the learning environment they create is unlike anything that can be experienced in a school environment. All in all this trip is one the best experiences I have ever had.

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Yes, I recommend this program

Incredible Learning Experience

This past summer, I had the extraordinary opportunity to travel with Volunteers in Asia (VIA) on a U.S. Department of State sponsored exchange to Indonesia to study conflict resolution, particularly in context of Indonesian society and culture. The knowledgeability and passion of all the staff members was clear throughout the trip; each and every lesson was engaging and, when a particular topic piqued a participant's interest, the staff consistency went above and beyond to answer questions and explore the topic further. Arguably the most notable aspect of the trip, however, was how many activities we were able to participate in that truly immersed us in Indonesian culture. Our group had the privilege of staying at an islamic boarding school for two nights during Ramadan, where we got to experience firsthand fasting and attending muslim prayers. We also each got to live with a host family on Bali for multiple nights, where we were exposed to the day to day lives of real people living in Indonesia. It was clear that VIA went above and beyond trying to find opportunities for the participants that were not typical tourist traps but rather actually worked with local individuals collaboratively so that we could learn about Indonesian society from Indonesian people themselves. My time with VIA was eye opening, educational, and truly an adventure. For anyone who would like to travel in a sustainable way which respects and works with locals in another nation or who wants to have one of a kind experiences that only come with having strong community ties, I could not recommend VIA enough.

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