Alumni Spotlight: Haley Daignault

Why did you decide to study abroad with Panrimo in France?

Haley: I work as a study abroad student adviser at SVSU and have quite a bit of knowledge about each of the companies I had to choose from. I had talked to Panrimo various times about my program opportunities and they were always very friendly and willing to answer even the simplest questions that I had. I had been on an itinerary based program before and I wasn't looking for that again. I really wanted the opportunity to explore on my own and grow as an individual while still knowing that Panrimo was there if something were to go wrong. I appreciated their expertise and quickly responses and from there, the rest is history.

The Louvre, world famous art museum in Paris

What made studying in France a unique and special experience?

Haley: My grandparents are French and have always encouraged all the grandchildren to travel and take French. So when I began my Freshman year of high school I begin classes. I continued to grow and progress with the language and finally decided that I needed to just go and see for myself what it is really like. I also am an International Business major and this program offered the opportunity for me to take International Business Electives to satisfy my degree requirement. I have always wanted to experience France and feel so grateful I finally got that opportunity.

Overlooking the city of Paris

How did this experience impact your academic development?

Haley: This experience has opened my eyes to the world around me. I like to think that I have always been a global thinker and a travel enthusiast. However, this experience taught me a great deal about the differences between American business and European Business. It gave me more insight into the different viewpoints of people and why they think the way they do. I like to think that I am more culturally sensitive and a globally aware citizen. Finally, my experience has taught me the importance of being aware of more than just what is effecting you directly. I have learned to submerse myself in a foreign culture and adapt with success. How many people can say that?