Alumni Spotlight: Anna Spence

Anna Spence, from Auckland, New Zealand, is currently studying a Bachelor of Veterinary Technology in Palmerston North, New Zealand. She is 19 years old and enjoys a good adventure, animals and hiking. She has recently traveled with ISV to South Africa this past year.

Woman with a cheetah

Why did you decide to volunteer with ISV in South Africa?

Anna: I chose ISV because they came to my university and gave a brief outline to what the trip entailed. Then I further chose South Africa out of the options as I have always wanted to visit and I love animals, which the country is abundant with.

Describe your day to day activities as a volunteer.

Anna: Each day volunteering was different but overall we arrived at 7 am to the centre and feed the cheetahs and other animals at the centre. Then the afternoon comprised of clearing out enclosures for animals, cleaning and general things to help around the centre. We also were so lucky to interact and play with some of the cheetahs that need to be friendly with humans and safe, so we always ended the day interacting with them.

How has this experience impacted your future?

Anna: This experience has impacted my future greatly, making me want to work in South Africa with my degree, Bachelor of Veterinary Technology, and has definitely encouraged me to think more towards conservation work. Overall has really made me want to help South Africa in their communities and for their amazing animals.