
TEFL Training College

Why choose TEFL Training College?

The TEFL Training College offers the Advanced Certificate in TEFL/TESOL course (300 HOURS) at A highly competitive rate. The TEFL Training College is fully accredited by the International TEFL Accreditation Council (ITEFLAC). All courses include full tutor support and employment guidance.



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Yes, I recommend this program

The best TEFL course out there!

It was my first experience studying online and although I did not know what to expect I was happily surprised to see how easy it was to follow the materials and that my tutor was there for me every step of the way. I never felt isolated or left to my own devices during the duration of my course. The materials were very clear and I also had the option to go through their library for extra materials if I needed. The information was extremely helpful and I learned much more than I could anticipate. That course changed my life and I never looked back! I definitely recommend TEFL Training College to anyone who wants to have a great course that is fully supported by a tutor 24/7 and great guidance on finding a position. Thank you TEFL Training College for everything. I enjoyed every minute of it!


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Staff Interviews

These are in-depth Q&A sessions with program leaders.

Elizabeth Regina Vaz Pereira

Job Title
Head Tutor

Elizabeth has a degree in Public Relations. She is a TEFL qualified teacher and has been Head Tutor for the College for over eight years. She has traveled to many countries acquiring different experiences and soaking up in diverse cultures and customs to better serve the students of the company.

What is your favorite travel memory?

My favorite travel memory was traveling all around Jordan and seeing many wonders – from the most unbelievable Roman ruins to the remarkable city of Petra. A highlight was spending a day swimming in the Dead Sea and going to the desert to see amazing natural rock formations and Bedouin life. Fascinating!

How have you changed/grown since working for your current company?

TEFL Training College has welcomed me with open arms and encouraged me to not only grow as a tutor but also gave me the opportunity to take risks and embrace the challenges that come with being an online tutor. Its fair and warm treatment towards the staff makes all the difference when you consider your duties and responsibilities.

What is the best story you've heard from a return student?

One of our students had to pause his studies when his region began a civil war. He spent many months without electricity or proper supplies, however, he persevered and told us that he wanted to graduate one day and have a better life. Once peace was restored, he resumed his studies; he is now teaching abroad and providing for a much better and peaceful life for himself and his family.

If you could go on any program that your company offers, which one would you choose and why?

The Master Diploma course would be an obvious choice. It's the most comprehensive option as you graduate with sufficient knowledge of different areas of EFL, enabling you to choose from different paths within the English Teaching Spectrum. You can focus on young learners, for instance, or Business English, if you wish.

What makes your company unique? When were you especially proud of your team?

Our company offers two online courses of the highest caliber, and the support that the students receive is outstanding – 365 days of the year. I am always proud of my team as we always do our very best to help our students, the best we can, 24/7. Students always receive the best guidance and advice we can provide.

What do you believe to be the biggest factor in being a successful company?

We provide a high quality service and product. You need to offer a great product but it can only be a success if the service behind it is of the greatest standard possible where the customer can definitely see why it was worth it coming to be part of our community. Looking after the students and offering support every step of the way is what makes a successful company.