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UWC España

Why choose UWC España?

The UWC (United World Colleges) movement has already contributed to educate more than 40,000 youngsters from over 180 nationalities in its first 50 years of existence.

All academic programmes, summer programmes, and short courses delivered by the UWC in the five continents share the same goal: to prove that it is possible to change the world, conveying enthusiasm and the realization that, together, we can make the dream of peace, solidarity and sustainability a viable reality.

UWC provides the keys for any inquisitive young person to become a social entrepreneur.



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Yes, I recommend this program

Unique opportunity

Action x Change was a unique opportunity for me to learn and grow. It's a very challenging experience that will help and encourage you to create your own projects to make the world a bit better. The awesome facilitators will give you key tools for teamwork, entrepreneurship, brainstorming, and many more. The programme is very intense, but it's also really fun, you will make friends for life from all over the world.

What would you improve about this program?
It could last longer.
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Yes, I recommend this program

Open minded and unforgettable

Translated Review:
Axc has given me many things, including great friends for life, an unparalleled experience, to develop many skills, understand the world around me from different points of view and the opportunity to improve my English with people from different countries.

Being an international you learn about different cultures and different opinions on the same subject. And invited people from different areas come to talk to us about what they do and how the world has changed.

One thing that I liked a lot was that a group of boys and girls did like a "club", in which we said every day a word and for the next day we had to prepare something with that word, some made poems, stories or just opinions about it.

It was a great opportunity to discover myself and to recognize what I really wanted to do in my life.

For all this, if you are a person interested in improving the world and trying to change it, in knowing new cultures and ideas, and to squeeze all your potential, this is your opportunity.

Thank you Axc for this opportunity that you offer to young people.

Original Review:
Axc me ha regalado muchas cosas, entre ellas grandes amigos para toda la vida, una experiencia inigualable, poder desarrollar muchas capacidades, entender el mundo que me rodea desde diferentes puntos de vista y la oportunidad de mejorar mi inglés con personas de diferentes países.

Al ser internacional aprendes sobre diferentes culturas y diversas opiniones sobre un mismo tema. Y encima vienen personas invitadas de diferentes ámbitos para hablarnos sobre lo que hacen y como han cambiado el mundo.

Una cosa que me gusto mucho es que un grupo de chicos y chicas hicimos como un "club", en el que decíamos cada día una palabra y para el día siguiente teníamos que prepararnos algo con esa palabra, unos hacían poemas, cuentos o simplemente opiniones sobre eso.

Fue una gran oportunidad de descubrirme a mi misma y de reconocer que era lo que verdaderamente quería hacer en mi vida.

Por todo esto, si eres una persona interesada en mejorar el mundo e intentar cambiarlo, en conocer nuevas culturas e ideas, y de exprimir todo tu potencial, esta es tu oportunidad.

Gracias Axc por esta oportunidad que brindáis a los jóvenes.

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Yes, I recommend this program

A fantastic experience

Last summer I went to Uwc in Toledo. I knew it was going to be a wonderful experience but it completely exceeded my expectations. I learned thinks that I would have never learned otherwise in school. I made friends form all around the world with who I am still in contact and I had a fantastic time. It was two weeks that changed my perspective on the world, where I learned how to be a social entrepreneur next to beautiful people inside and out. We had a lot of activities and debates which were very interesting. Tolerance, solidarity and dialogue were extremely important words we learned.
I thoroughly encourage everyone wanting a life changing experience to apply to this short course in such the beautiful city that is Toledo!

What would you improve about this program?
Honestly it should be longer because even though they are two intense weeks, they are so captivating and stimulating that two weeks seem nothing.
Yes, I recommend this program

A life Changing Experience

It’s my first time in forever being out of the country of my residence. Yet I’m sure it will be the best .. at first I was so afraid , like getting to meet new strange people and open my mind to new ideas , but I was astonished how those people become my second family , I loved them a lot and felt like I know them since 100 years ..
I learned lots of amazing stuff like social entrepreneurship and how to tackle problems in my community with proper programs ...
I liked also the diversity of this environment and how to respect the other with good spirit and intentions.
Really this experience changed my life towards the better and I really hope from my heart to repeat it again 💜💜

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Yes, I recommend this program

An unforgettable summer!

If you are thinking on applying to this program I would tell you what are you doing! Don't even think it, it's the best go and apply and then keep on reading. These course changed my perspective about problem solving when you are young. I meet the best people ever who are know my closest friends. And also I enjoyed every session which where all incredibly interesting. Also you will get to know people from all around the world and understand their cultures. The best part about it all is the community you create, you won't feel like you can't be yourself because there is so much trust. And definitely good vibes!!

What would you improve about this program?
If you could stay there forever! Because you won't want to leave.


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