
Program Reviews

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Yes, I recommend this program

Feel Like Google, But Abroad

Every week is a new adventure here in iXperience. You learn an unbelievable amount during the week and then take a breathtaking exploration every weekend. For example, last Sunday I took a trip with three friends to Cape of Good Hope (the south-western most point in Africa). From there, I witnessed the most unbelievable scenery, from old rock formations to the meeting point of two grand oceans. It was at that moment that the difference between an experience and a photo hit me. You can see the most beautiful picture ever taken, but nothing can compare to the feeling of actually being there.
From there we traveled to boulders beach where we got to run around chasing penguins and jump into the clear ocean blue to try to keep up with these adorable creatures.

Let me remind you this was just one weekend. Every weekend is filled with this type of exploration which makes coming here so worth it. From shark cage diving, to sandborading, to surfing, to chasing penguins, the exploration you can do here is unbelievable. (and this is on top of all the extraordinary learning you receive during the week).

What would you improve about this program?
Some of the housing facilities could be improved.
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Yes, I recommend this program

Creating iOS apps in cape town

I had an amazing time learning and working in Cape Town. My class on iOS development was challenging and engaging and I learned how to code in Swift from scratch. The teaching staff was so helpful that I even learned how to code Ruby on Rails on the side to build a server for my final project. I would recommend this program to anyone who is excited about learning to code. Cape Town is also an incredibly beautiful city. Table Mountain on one side, the ocean on the other. Hiking is so convenient and incredibly fun, as is surfing and many other exciting activities.

Yes, I recommend this program

Coding in Cape Town

I first heard about iXperience through my cousin, Mikenzie, who was a student here the first summer it was offered. Since then, she has raved about what an incredible experience it was and has urged me to take advantage of the opportunity to come to South Africa to both explore and learn. However, although she had sold me on the trip, I was extremely intimidated by the fact that I was about to fly half way around the world to take a web development course without any prior knowledge of coding. I would have never thought that in just four short weeks, I would have learned the foundation of programming and gained the essential skills needed to build a comprehensive, user-friendly website. Although the learning process is long and difficult, I have come to appreciate the process and the hard work it takes; I have come to look forward to the feeling I get when my code finally is correct after spending hours trying to figure out what is wrong. iXperience has helped me realize what I want out of a future career and has helped me find new passions along the way, including coding and design.

In addition to the curriculum, living in Cape Town, South Africa is incredible and nothing can compare to it. I have had the opportunity to hike famous mountains, visit interesting museums, learn about the local culture, and discover new things about myself and about this city. As my final week in Cape Town approaches, I am filled with regret that I did not sign up to stay for more than four weeks. Yes, I am excited to go home and see my friends and family, but I am going to miss waking up every morning to the view of Table Mountain, our Saturday morning trips to the Old Biscuit Mill Market, and laughing with my new friends and iX family. It was truly a life changing experience and something I will always remember.

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Yes, I recommend this program

The best summer of my life got me a job in Investment Banking

My summer with iXperience was hands down the best summer of my life. From skydiving and surfing to learning finance both in the classroom and at a local company, the iXperience program prepared me for landing my current summer internship while also having the time of my life. This summer, I will be working for Wells Fargo Securities in San Francisco in their Technology Investment Banking Division, and I have iXperience to thank. While in Cape Town, I learned the essentials of financial analysis and modeling in Excel and then applied those skills in an internship with a local venture capital firm. Following this uniquely designed program, I had a leg up when interviewing for summer jobs as well as an amazing summer experience to share. Overall, iXperience was the best summer of my life and it got me a job in Investment Banking.

What would you improve about this program?
If there were one thing to change, I would want all of the iXperience students to be living in one single place. The students were split between two campuses and I know it has been part of their goal to expand to a bigger housing space. I hope that they can achieve this goal.
Yes, I recommend this program

I wish I could do it again!

Spending 8 weeks in Cape Town with iXperience was one of the best decisions I made as a college student. As a history major going into my senior year, I had only interned at law firms previously and thought that law school after graduation was my only option. iXperience changed that- after the 4 week consulting course and 4 week internship I had access to a world of prospects for postgrad work! Entering a new field after being committed to another can be daunting, but with the help of the immersive course I felt confident in my internship and was able to really hone my consulting skills and sharpen my business acumen. Of course, Cape Town is also an incredibly beautiful place. When we weren't working hard in the classroom or at our internships, we made the most of what the city had to offer! From shark cage diving to safari adventures, Cape Town and iXperience did not disappoint. I only wish I could do it again!

What would you improve about this program?
It would have been nice to live in housing with only iX students, rather than sharing a hostel with other visitors to Cape Town.
Yes, I recommend this program

A Truly Holistic Experience

Ixperience is the perfect study abroad program for someone who lives the "work hard, play hard" lifestyle. When it comes to learning, expect small classrooms filled with vocal students eager to master class material together. However, what you do outside the Classroom while on Ixperience separates the program from any other high intensity professional bootcamp...

About the Instructors and Staff: The instructors and TA's are world-class and teach a fast-paced, yet well-organized curriculum. To illustrate how amazing the staff at Ixperience was, let me describe Erica Du. Erica, one of the 2015 web development TA's, is an MIT bachelors and masters graduate who graduated with a perfect GPA in computer science. Apart from being a genius, Erica is also one of the most outgoing people I have ever met. She was always with us on daytime excursions and was definitely a part of our nightlife experience as well. Erica was not what I was expecting from a TA at a young professional boot camp start-up. She was always there when we needed help with course work, but also took time to assimilate into our session’s culture. Every member of the Ixperience staff is like Erica. These people work extremely hard behind the scenes while simultaneously making time to hang out with the students. This family feel that Ixperience creates is ensures success inside and out of the classroom.

About Everything Else: Ixperience is far more than just a regular professional boot camp. On Ixperience, you have the once in a lifetime ability to explore Cape Town, SA. Before Ixperience, I knew nothing about Cape Town. The city had little to do with my summer decision. After spending two months in Cape Town, I realize it is one of the most underappreciated cities in the world. Cape Town is a tropical paradise filled with so much to do and the Ix staff is always looking for ways to make your unique experience in Cape Town fun and memorable. If you want to go on a safari, sky-diving, bungee-jumping, shark cage diving, surfing, sand-boarding, etc. (yes we did all of these things), the staff will make it happen. Other than exciting excursions, the city has an incredible nightlife, which is comparable to any big city in the United States. There are lots of bars and clubs to choose from, and you can make this a big part of your experience if you want. The food in Cape Town is also incredible. There are so many new and trendy restaurants to choose from it can be overwhelming at times. As a student, you get to experience all of this without a guilty conscious. Why? Most global currencies across the world are strong against the rand (South African currency). So this means that you can eat, explore, drink and live like a king for a very low cost while in South Africa.

If you study abroad at Ixperience, you will come out a more interesting person. You will acquire a valuable skillset, develop a network of great friends and brilliant minds, and be pushed to go beyond your previously perceived boundaries. If you have any more questions about my experience, please feel free to reach out!

What would you improve about this program?
I honestly have no comments for improvement. I am confident in the Ix staff and their constant goal to improve the flexible program.
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Yes, I recommend this program

Do Something You've Never Done

One of my favorite, unexpected days was the morning I woke up at 6am and went to a silent disco at the top of this skyscraper. About thirty other people and I danced around like idiots as we watched the sun rise over Cape Town, and it was one of the happiest moments I've had in my entire life. Afterwords I went for breakfast at the number one coffee shop in the world (literally), Truth Coffee, and had a fanastic egg, toast, avocado breakfast - they put "avo" on everything; one of the many reasons why Cape Town is awesome.

That day was just a snapshot of all the outrageous, fun things there were to do on this trip. And the program coordinators helped organize it all. Whether it was surfing or sky diving or going out on the town, they handled everything and made it really easy and enjoyable.

What would you improve about this program?
It's still a young program, so they have some logistics to work out. For example it's hard to find fulfilling internships for all 150 students in such a short span, all in the same city. But they are doing good a great job, and I have full confidence that as they continue to grow they will continue to improve.
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Yes, I recommend this program

The Perfect Summer

iXperience challenged me academically in completely new ways. I learned an insane amount in the four week course and even changed my major to computer science as a result. I did real work at the internship and made some great friends along the way. The best parts were the weekend excursions. I went great white shark cage diving, wine tasting, hiking, and so much more that I still can't believe I did. The fun wasn't just on the weekends either - we watched the sunset by the beach, biked around the city under full moons, and had an incredibly amazing summer.

What would you improve about this program?
I wish I could have stayed longer! The main area for improvement is how connections are maintained after the trip ends among alumni.
Response from iXperience

Allie, thank you so much for your reflection on iXperience! You and others in our 2014 cohort are the foundation of what iXperience has become today. Thank you for your continued support and feedback as we constantly work to improve. You are dearly missed in the Mother City. :)