
Program Reviews

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Yes, I recommend this program

Unforgettable experience in Northern Italy

Joinki offers a taste of Italian life in the North of Italy, a beautiful region rich with culture and housing a lot to offer to any of its visitors. Not only is the program based in such an amazing area, but Joinki also provides a good foundation to any of its volunteers by making them feel comfortable with adapting to life and any responsibilities they have as they participate in Joinki. In addition to providing a really good tutoring and interning experience with the most welcoming of families and schools in the area, the program also provides its volunteers with extra perks that allow them to have full access to what the Trentino region has to offer. The program directors provide a substantial amount of support to all of their participants on both sides to make sure everyone is satisfied throughout the entire process, from the placement process, to the tutor’s time in Trento, to after the tutor has left Italy. I couldn’t have asked for a more satisfying volunteer experience abroad, and I have Joinki to thank for providing that to me.

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Yes, I recommend this program

Two Amazing Months in Val di Non

Yes, this amazing organization really deserves every full score I can give them on this website.
I came here for two months in Oktober 2018 in pretty short notice and with basically no Italian vocabulary other than “Ciao” and “Bello”. To be fair, those have defintely been the two words I have used the most (the country with its mountains, cities, villages, restaurants - its everything basically - is beyond beautiful) but after spending two months with great and thorough support from the organization I can now proudly say that I know way more than those two words!
I have seen so much of the north of Italy in this short time, trying to squeeze as much sight seeing and hiking and enjoyment as possible into every week.
My host family was also great, we lived in Mechel (Trentino) and did a lot of the activities together.
The rest of my time was spent at a middle school in Fondo, being a language tutor for German and English.
Seriously everything about this experience was amazing, except for the part where I had to say good bye.
Thank you Joinki for your wonderful initiative and support!

Yes, I recommend this program

Joinki! A once in a life time experience!

Joinki is set up in a way that prioritizes community experiences and new friendships.
I was a language tutor that lived with a lovely family in the small town of Tregiovo, Trento. Joinki had made sure that the family and I were compatible and prioritized everyone’s safety and comfort. I cherish deeply the memories I made while with Joinki and I’ve formed friendships that will last a life time! I couldn’t be more grateful for Joinki and Sabrina (head coordinator), who is one of the hardest working, most passionate people I’ve ever met.

What would you improve about this program?
I genuinely do not know how they could make this program more beautiful than it already is.
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Yes, I recommend this program

My Italian experience!

My experience with Joinki was the kind that you get only once in a lifetime! From the moment I arrived I could not have felt more welcomed or happy! I had never done an experience like this, but now I can’t wait to try something like this again! Not only did I become a part of the community and engage in their culture but I was also able to learn the Italian language and communicate with the locals! With Joinki I not only made friends with the locals but also with the fellow tutors who came from around the world to partake in this amazing exchange! It gave me the opportunity to truly be immersed in a way that was organic and I got to see a side of Italy that you don’t get to experience while you’re only there as a tourist! Italy is now my home, it stole my heart and I cannot wait to return and reunite with all the friends I made!

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Yes, I recommend this program

Lernen statt Lehren

Ich bin als Tutorin nach Italien gefahren, aber ich habe so viel von meiner Gastfamilie über Familie, Italien, Wandern, usw gelernt, dass ich mich eher als Lehrling betrachte. Die Familie war für mich perfekt, sie ist eine große Familie, die ich auch habe, ich habe mich so als zu Hause gefühlt. Also, die Familie würde für mich gut ausgewählt, Joinki hat eine gute Arbeit gemacht.
Ich bin sehr dankbar, weil ich in diesem Projekt teilnehmen konnte.

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Yes, I recommend this program

Kind people+unique culture+Italian language = memories for life!

Initially, i didn’t really know what to expect. This was my first such experience and it was for 4 weeks in a country I have never been to before. But all these thoughts disappeared once I met Sabrina, a manager of the program. She really cared that I have the best experience there could be and she made sure to explain to me all the details of the program. And then later on, I met more people from JOINKI who weren’t any less enthusiastic to show what northern Italy has to offer. It truly has been the time of my life! I met so many people from around the world with their own stories to tell, I taught English to an Italian family who also were really happy to show me all the unique places in the region as much as they could. JOINKI Program constantly checked up on my well-being and my experience, which showed me that people did care about their participants. Choosing JOINKI program was definitely a right decision and I wouldn’t have spent my summer anywhere else!

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Yes, I recommend this program

A home away from home and an unforgettable experience!

The Joinki program was such a fantastic experience and I am so grateful to have had the opportunity to participate in it! Right from the beginning Sabrina the coordinator made me feel welcome and definitely showed me a glimpse of the friendly people I was yet to meet. I loved being able to explore the Trentino region of northern Italy due to its breathtaking beauty and wonderful culture. The best way to learn a language and get to know a different culture is to immerse yourself in it! Having the opportunity to live with a host family was one of the best parts because they were just the most wonderful people. I really appreciated Sabrina's commitment to making sure that the tutor and the family were truly a good match, it definitely made me feel much more comfortable knowing that she was making sure the experience went as smoothly as possible and that she was always there to help! I also really appreciated the Guest Card I was given which allowed me to travel in the entire region for free and access all the museums and attractions for free! It definitely allowed me to take full advantage of my stay there and really experience the area firsthand. I will always the thankful for the opportunity Joinki has given me and encourage everyone to take part! Grazie Joinki per l'esperienza indimenticabile!

Yes, I recommend this program

Tutoring in Trentino

As a slightly (!) older participant, I was less interested in the social events organised by the team, but that is not to say that they weren't fun! The program is well-organised and the staff ensure that all participants are well integrated. The family I was with was perfect and I really enjoyed my time with them. My student was able to practise and improve her English and I got the chance to practise my Italian (and learn more!)

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Yes, I recommend this program

One of the best experiences of my life

JOINKI is a wonderful opportunity to share your own culture and to get to know the beautiful Italian culture. I loved my host family, the billage that i lived in for six weeks and the people who worked with me within the frames of the program. The free transportation and museum passes provided by Joinki made my stay extra special. I cannot be any more greatful for this amazing experience and to the organizers for all the help and support!

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Yes, I recommend this program

An Authentic Way to Experience Northern Italy

I will never forget my incredible time with Joinki! Living with a host family provides an authentic way to experience the culture of the Trentino region. Sabrina is an amazing coordinator and was attentive and helpful throughout my entire journey. I spent time with the other tutors in the program and got to go on excursions in the area. I wanted to learn Italian cooking and spent time with my host mother in the kitchen. I had time to read and reflect in the beautiful nature. I learned what it is like to teach English and learned some Italian as well. I absolutely would recommend this program to anyone who wants an authentic taste of Northern Italy! I am so thankful to Joinki for this amazing opportunity.