Global Routes

Program Reviews

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Yes, I recommend this program

My most memorable experience

Before going to College I knew that I wanted to take a year off and travel abroad. I looked at several different programs and wasn't satisfied with any of them until Global Routes. They are reasonably priced, assure your safety, and offer support for you for wherever you go. They also make sure that at least one other person involved in the program is close to you for even more support. They were extremely helpful and informative in the applying process and the overall experience abroad. I met so many wonderful people on my adventure and learned a great deal about another culture helping to respect and understand mine better. I found myself while there and learned so many life lessons that I have applied to my everyday life now. I loved being able to teach in a school and work with children everyday along with helping to renovate it and bring smiles to the communities faces. The village was extremely accepting, friendly, and caring towards my partner and I and I will always have a place for them in my heart. I still plan on hopefully returning there after college to visit because it was one of the most beautiful places I have ever been and I felt completely safe and secure being there. I strongly recommend this program to anyone who is looking for a break from school, a desire to help others, or an adventure.

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Yes, I recommend this program

Summer to remember...

I'll never forget my experience in Tanzania--both because it was incredible, exciting, and inspiring, but also challenging physically, emotionally, and mentally.

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Yes, I recommend this program

Best Experience of My Life

I would definitely recommend this program to anyone! The home-stay and the trip to the beach at the end of the trip were by far my favorite. During the home-stay I stayed with an amazing family who I still talk to on Facebook. None of the families in the community spoke English which helped me improve on my Spanish tremendously. It was so sad to leave the families at the end of the week, but when we finished building the medical outpost for them we felt so accomplished. The end of the trip was so much fun at the beach which is where our group really bonded. I have made life long friends that I still keep in touch with. Overall, I loved the structure of the trip and I would go again in a heart beat!

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Yes, I recommend this program

I've used 3 different programs to go all over the world, and Global Routes is the best

Overall, I had a great time in Tanzania. For reference, the previous summer I went to Ecuador with Global Works and the summer before that I went to Peru with Windsor Mountain International. Specifically I thought there were 2 elements that set this company apart from the other two I participated in:
a) the leaders;the leaders of my trip were very very nice, knowledgeable, well trained, reasonable and generally fun to hang out with. They followed the rules of the program but were always trying their hardest to make it so the students had as much fun as possible. We also had a Tanzanian staff member, named Mohamed who was the single nicest man I have ever met in my entire life. I know people tend to get way hyperbolic in these reviews but in all seriousness, he was an amazing human being. I still maintain contact with him via facebook just to check in every once in a while and make sure hes doing ok.
b) the quality of the service; we worked hard for 3 weeks to construct a bathroom for girls at a school that previously only had one bathroom. It felt like the construction we did in our village of Ilkindinga had way more impact than the other 2 programs I participated in. We actually 100% finished the bathroom, which was impressive (to the leaders as well) and it really seemed like we were doing something to benefit the community, not just our consciences. Global Routes balanced and rotated the different worksite jobs so you were never dreading work. We all worked hard, but never so hard that it really became painful, as there were always some less intense jobs to be done if you really got tired. (Preparing lunch, painting murals etc.)

Also as an animal lover, this trip really held something special for me. The trip begins right away with a 5 day safari trip. I was worried it wouldn't be enough safari time but it turned out to be the perfect amount. The safari was amazing, we saw tons of animals and the drivers and guides were all really nice, fun guys. I remember we did one night of camping in Ngorongoro and I woke up in the middle of the night and peered out my tent to see a water buffalo just munching on some grass 20 feet away, it was unreal.

The final trip in Zanzibar was unreal and as close to paradise as it gets. Its 5 straight days of nonstop fun and relaxation. We got plenty of time on the most beautiful beach I had ever seen in my life and we also got a chance to snorkel, visit some really interesting island (which included more beach time), and eat incredible seafood. As Zazibar is a Muslim enclave in the religiously divided country of Tanzania, it was just so incredibly different from anywhere else I have visited.

My homestay experience was really perfect as well. It might be because I already had practice but I had a particularly strong bond with my homestay family. It was so much fun to be in a family of 10 odd people as there was always someone to hang out with. I had my 3 little guys, Lolu, Nickson and Musa who were respectively 4, 5 and 6 years old, my loving mama and baba, Cuthbert, a teenage boy like myself among many other family members. All of them were so sweet and so hospitable, they really did everything they could to make me feel comfortable, to the point where I felt a little uncomfortable for inconveniencing them so much. We had a rudimentary (bucket showers and hole-in-the-ground toilets) but huge, comfortable and clean house. I honestly did not even feel like I was "roughing it" during the homestay. Another note: Global Routes will tell you that no one in your homestay will speak English, this is false, usually at least one person does, if not more.

Except for Zanzibar, I am not the biggest fan of East African food. Its not that it tastes bad, it just doesn't have any variety or too much flavor.

Because we were such outsiders and couldn't speak Swahili, our "free time" was pretty limited. If you want to party, there are other programs out there.

Because Global Routes is responsible for your safety, the leaders will sometimes be forced to kind of "baby" you as they really can't mess around

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Yes, I recommend this program

Once in a lifetime

One is able to go on many adventures in a lifetime, even if it's not to another country, but your first adventure will be the most impactful and you will change no matter what, for the better. You may think you've already been completely exposed to different cultures and customs, but this trip will give you a perspective that you will have for the rest of your life. This program makes it possible to immerse yourself in a way that makes you understand both your place in the country your visiting, and the country where you live. When you get back home, initially you feel out of place. This will go away, but you will never lose the perspective gained and you will find you have new thoughts, new ideas and new discoveries every day. I am still in contact with my host parents and all of the friends I made on the trip kith Dominican and American. The best times are the ones after you realize the community is your home too.

Read my full story
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Yes, I recommend this program

A great summer in Peru

Global Routes is a really great organization, this was probably my best summer. It all started in the airport in New York, I was greeted by some great staff, and was able to meet the group. Meeting the group is always the hardest part because you are meeting all new people and it can be a little intimating, although I think that the staff does a really great job of helping us interact at first. The group that you meet really become great friends during the trip and even after the trip, they become family. The trip is designed in a way so that we can all get really close. The trip started with a 3 day trek in the Peruvian Andes, and although you are at high altitude and it does get harder to breath at time, we do take our time to let everyone enjoy the trek. these 3 days of trek are a great way to start the trip because you get to talk and have fun with all the other trip members, I had lots of great time during that trek, goofing around or having conversations. We had arrived on the 4th day after one hour by train at Machu Pichu, and seeing it in front of you, I don't think there are any words to describe it, it is truly mind-blowing. The next day we started the home-stay, we arrived in our village and met our new families. The homestay is the best part of the trip as you get to get close to your homestay family, I still keep in touch mine. The villagers are all so great and you really get to experience a place that is totally different from where you're from.Working on the community service project is a lot of fun as you get learn so much stuff. Even though you work all day, it doesn't feel like work, we constantly play play music and laugh all together. After nearly 3 weeks of homestay, we all had to say our goodbyes and we were off for a couple of days of fun in Cuzco (what a nice city!) before going to the lake Titicaca.We kayaked on the lake and visited villages, it was a great way to end a great trip! I guess what I'm trying to say is that I would absolutely recommend this trip. It really was the best summer I ever spent and if I could I would do it all over again!

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Yes, I recommend this program

Best Decision of My Life

I would totally recommend Global Routes to a friend because the experience abroad is life changing. I am so glad that I made the bold move to go to Ecuador. I experienced things that I have never experienced before and probably will not experience them again, such as eating guinea pig and teaching english in the local school. Our days started off in the field, where we constructed bleachers and a bathroom at the communal soccer field. Some of us would then help at the school or help out at home, allowing us all to have different experiences. This trip to Ecuador honestly changed the way I view the world, and I am very thankful for that.