IFSA (Institute for Study Abroad)

Program Reviews

Yes, I recommend this program

Environmentalist at IFSA-Otago Partnership

I spent Spring 2018 abroad at the University of Otago in Dunedin. I am an environmental studies major and I grew up in Hawaii. I loved my classes because two of them were environmentally focused and the other two were focused on Polynesian/Maori culture. I spent almost every weekend outdoors, either hiking or sailing. New Zealand is such an incredible county to explore! IFSA was a great program because it gave me the freedom to choose my own classes and do my own thing, but also always had activities and meet ups that I could attend if I wanted to. It was nice to have the support of IFSA, which many students who directly enrolled at the University of Otago didn't really have. I especially loved the trip to Orokonui Ecosanctuary, which is a bird sanctuary where we volunteered one day.

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Yes, I recommend this program

Great semester in Melb!

Melbourne was an incredible city, packed with things to do and people to meet. I lived in the center of the city, with the campus being about a 20 minute walk away. The tram system was great--super fast and easy, making transportation quite affordable and useful. I reccommend taking a day trip to Phillip Island, a short hour and a half public bus ride or rental car away. Here you can get the true Aussie experience--pet a kangaroo and see koala, as well as watch the famous penguin parade. I joined some clubs, including the University of Melbourne Wake-boarding Club and Mountaineering Club, where I go to go camping, hiking, skiing, kayaking, you name it. Through these clubs and through my classes I met so many new people from all over the world! Melbourne was an incredible city to live in (voted most livable city for numerous years in a row!) and I loved my experience there!

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Yes, I recommend this program

I Learned More Than I Thought I Could

Studying abroad in Shanghai offered me an amazingly well-rounded experience. I had well-known and knowledgeable professors that offered me the opportunity to delve into the Chinese public healthcare system, the basics of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Environmental Health in China, and begin learning Chinese which I ended up loving. On top of my classes, I made meaningful connections with my Chinese roommate and her friends and had a personal tour guide around Shanghai. In the short time I was there, I learned so much about the history, food, and culture while simultaneously having an incredibly fun time. Shanghai is a very fun city! Additionally, the IFSA staff were very supportive and worked hard to make sure our experience there was both smooth and meaningful. I would recommend this program to anyone.

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Yes, I recommend this program

IFSA Butler: University College Dublin

I had an amazing experience studying abroad at the University College Dublin in Ireland. Everyone I had the pleasure of meeting was so friendly and helpful, especially my advisers both at UCD and through my IFSA program. I always felt like I had somewhere to go for help if I ever needed anything, which was extremely comforting while adjusting to life on my own in a place so far away from home. The activities and events that were planned by the IFSA program were also a lot of fun, and they made it so easy to explore new parts of the country that I may not have considered going to otherwise. The campus community at UCD was also excellent, and I was even able to join the swim team and a number of different clubs while I was there. The academics were great, as well, and there were many different options for classes in just about any subject area. I even had the opportunity to work directly with a professor of ecology and one of her graduate students to design my own independent research project that included both scientific field and lab work. Overall, I truly felt like I was immersed in the Irish culture while I was there, which was one of my main goals for my study abroad experience. Between travelling across the country, exploring other places in Europe, or just simply hanging out with the friends I made through the swim team, clubs, and classes, my time abroad allowed me to grow and learn in so many valuable ways. I am extremely grateful for the incredible opportunity I had to study abroad in Dublin, and I would recommend both the IFSA program and the University College Dublin to anyone considering studying abroad in Ireland!

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Yes, I recommend this program

Best Semester in AUS!

I had an amazing time abroad in Sydney and was set up perfectly by IFSA-Butler. They gave me all of the materials to be successful and were very helpful anytime I needed anything. The staff was extremely fun and took us on several adventures to show us around. My accommodations were better than anything I could've hoped for and we were extremely safe. The academics were enjoyable at the University of Sydney and overall I felt very supported throughout my time there. Thanks to IFSA-Butler for truly my most memorable semester!

What would you improve about this program?
N/A it is run extremely well!
Yes, I recommend this program

Devastatingly Good

I got better at research paper writing. I was taught how to use quantitative and qualitative research methods. This is a great experience to have. Also, I got to interact with people from many cultures, which was amazing. Academically I learned a lot; however, I had plenty of spare time to travel around Europe, explore London, and go out with friends. UCL is one of the best universities in the world, and the people that you meet there are absolutely amazing. London is one of the most fun cities I have ever been to. IFSA makes the whole experience absolutely amazing by complementing your trip with a lot of fun activities that allow you to meet people. Moreover, you always feel that someone is taking care of you. IFSA + UCL = perfection

What would you improve about this program?
it's amazing
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Yes, I recommend this program

Review of University of Otago, New Zealand

When people say they had the time of their lives, it's never possibly for anyone to really understand what that means. Mine was encapsulated with hiking, camping, surfing, and meeting some of the best friends I have ever made. I found my true passion in life, and I felt like I had everything I could dream of within my grasp. When I describe my experience, it say it as a utopia - and that would even be an understatement. The only problem I have, looking back, is that I didn't do enough, even though I did everything and beyond.

What would you improve about this program?
Honestly, nothing. IFSA did a remarkable job bringing a group of 50+ students who didn't know a thing about each other into a new country and making them a family. I wouldn't change a single thing.
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Yes, I recommend this program

Study abroad with IFSA in Wellington!

I would highly recommend studying abroad with IFSA Butler in Wellington, New Zealand. The IFSA staff is incredibly supportive. Wellington is a fun, lively city surrounded by beautiful places to visit/hike/camp. I lived in international student housing with a girl from South Korea and a girl from Italy, right next door to some of my best friends from the IFSA program, which was great. Overall, I had a fantastic time abroad in New Zealand!

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Yes, I recommend this program

Best 5 Months of my Life

If you're questioning whether or not to study abroad, the answer is DO IT. From the moment I arrived in New Zealand, I was in love. The nature was absolutely incredible, from the unbelievably clear, blue water in the lakes and oceans to the jagged, glacier-ridden mountain peaks, to the endless, green rolling hills covered in sheep! University of Otago was the perfect location to explore South Island, as there were endless amazing hikes and landscapes within four hours drive away. I spent almost every weekend going on backpacking trips around the island, and over the mid-semester break, some friends and I took a 10 day roadtrip all over South Island. There was also a ton to do in Dunedin itself. Living in North Dunedin, there were amazing hikes within half an hour's walk away, and downtown, filled with bars and restaurants, was only a fifteen minute walk away. There were always parties going on nearby, but unless the party was in your flat, the flats themselves were pretty sheltered from the noise. My flat was a bit cramped and damp, but hey, I didn't go to New Zealand for the housing. My flatmates were cool and it worked out fine! Compared to the amount of schoolwork I'm used to doing at my school in the US, classes at University of Otago felt like a breeze... until finals period. Most of your grade is based on final projects or tests given at the end of the semester, which meant that I ended up cramming a semester's worth of information into my brain in the span of 2 weeks. This worked out GREAT for having time to get out and explore New Zealand, but it put more pressure on me to make sure that I knew and understood what I needed to. The IFSA-Butler team was always there if you had a question or needed support, and they provided many fun and interesting activities as part of the program, such as exploring a castle or taking an overnight boat trip! I met a ton of amazing people through my program, and we still keep in touch! I grew so much in so many different areas of my life, and gained valuable life skills that will help me in my future endeavors. Studying abroad even changed my life plans to include more time abroad, and I feel more confident in myself to be able to do what I want to do because of my experience in New Zealand. It was the best time of my life, and I miss it so much that I'm applying to study abroad with IFSA again next year! Studying abroad was one of the best decisions I have ever made, and I hope you make the same decision too!

What would you improve about this program?
The pre-departure information was a bit unclear, and I was a little worried that I had neglected some important steps to get abroad. I also wasn't completely sure what I was getting myself into, but I put faith in the program and everything worked out great!
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Yes, I recommend this program

Te Aotearoa Wairua: The New Zealand Spirit February 04, 2018

I learned so much from this experience abroad. I learned about myself as well as New Zealand and the States. I learned about the New Zealand night sky as well as quite a bit about the political system (perks of being there during the election season!) I learned about myself and my values since I needed to be aware of so much more than normal. I learned about New Zealand culture as well as other cultures such as those in European countries. More than just conventional New Zealand (or pākeha) culture, I also learned a lot about Māori culture, language, history, myths, and so much more! So yes, it was most definitely worthwhile!