Program Reviews

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Yes, I recommend this program

My month in Shanghai

My internship was for a month in Shanghai with CRCC Asia. As this was my first time traveling on a plane, and going outside of Canada, I was quite nervous. However, the thing that I was dreading the most was when the plane landed in China. At that moment I would be alone in a foreign country, in which I did not know anyone or the language. This is what I dreaded for the weeks leading up to my trip, and when I got to China, after a not stop flight, this is what I found. I was lost, confused, and sick from my flight, and just when I was feeling sad from the fact that there was no family or friends waiting for me at the arrival gate. I saw a CRCC representative waiting for me with her flag and smiling face. She offered me assurance and water, and then took me to me to the other lost interns who just got off their flights too. As we were being driven to our place of residence, we bonded over our mutual concerns, relief and amazement of the city we were being driven past. This set the course for the rest of the weekend, CRCC getting everyone together so we can get to know each other and the beautiful city we were living in.
CRCC afforded me the confidence to go forward with getting to know the other interns and the city. All the interns lived in the same hotel/apartment blocks, we were roommates and neighbours. While the accommodations were not the highest of quality, they were large and conveniently located. These close living situations brought the twenty interns that month tightly together. We did everything together, explored the city, ate at restaurants, enjoyed the vigorous night life, even just buying groceries at TESCOS was a group activity. It was such a great time, with everyday being a new adventure, one made better by the people who I was sharing it with.
Shanghai was such a great city to explore! It is a big city that has such a cheap and convenient public transportation network, in which everything is written, and announced, in both Mandarin and English. This made it easy for me to get around for work and recreation. CRCC made it even easier by giving us a guide book with key phrases, and they also included weekly mandarin lessons to help with the integration into Chinese society.
My work placement was an excellent introduction into my chosen career path, and has led me to further interest in that work. Everyone in my office was friendly, and the work was interesting. I learned a lot and gained valuable experience. Along with my work life, my social life was vastly improved by the other wonderful interns visiting that month.
This internship was one of the best experiences I could imagine for a first time traveler, like myself. Everything is planned and taken care of, and while it is a little pricey, if you are able to afford the fee, it is worth it. This was such a fantastic time, and has made quite an improvement in my ability to stand out amongst the crowd of other graduates. It was the best of times, and I would do it all the same again, but maybe for a little bit longer next time (a month was difficult to get everything in!).

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Yes, I recommend this program

Internship in Beijing

What the CRCC Asia program offers is a unique opportunity to explore the cultural dynamism China has to offer, but in a structured environment for those who want to take advantage of it. My time spent in Beijing has been an absolute highlight and it is something I would highly recommend anyone to do. Rather than arriving alone in a foreign county, where English speaking locals are often sparse, you’ll find yourself greeted by CRCC Asia staff and this is only where their process of gradually integrating you into the Beijing way of life begins.

As you’ll be in Beijing with a variety of other interns from across the world, all sharing the same like-minded attitude of being successful self-motivated individuals, you’ll begin to understand the importance of networking, meeting contacts and developing Guanxi. I would highly recommend any intern on this program to really take advantage of your time in China, attend as many networking events as possible and attend any events being organised by your work place. In Chinese culture maintaining good social relationships with your fellow colleagues is extremely important, you may even notice the quality of your work load and other opportunities improve.

I was in Beijing initially on a two-month China Internship Program with the largest social networking company in China. I was regularly challenged within my placement, from days spent interviewing potential job applicants, to working on marketing integration campaigns with companies such as Nike and Dell, each day presented something new and different. Fortunately I had a conscientious English-speaking supervisor who was always available if I had any troubles. As we would have lunch each day he would also introduce me to some of the more ‘local’ local dishes! And while these were quite challenging for my taste buds it was definitely something he respected me doing, the same applies for using the language. Even if you have never spoken the language before, try to use it as often as possible, it might not sound correct, or you may say the wrong thing, but that will come in time and with confidence. Importantly though the Chinese people will really appreciate that you’re taking the time to integrate with their culture, language and way of life.

After my internship placement was finished I had been well and truly bitten by the “Beijing Bug” which seems to be what keeps hundreds of thousands of expats happy in the capital! With the CRCC Asia program you’ll receive two hours of Mandarin lessons each week, provided through ‘That’s Mandarin’. Having spent two months with the company I knew they provided an exemplary teaching service with teachers who were incredibly motivational and genuinely eager to see you improve, teaching each lesson appropriately. It was because of this that I had no concerns whatsoever about extending my time with CRCC Asia for an additional month and joined the Intensive Chinese Language Program.

It was an incredibly worthwhile decision, and within days of having intensive lessons tailored towards your learning progress you’ll begin to notice the dramatic improvements immediately. Of course the work only begins in the classroom, I’d recommend you get out onto the streets, chat to people in the exercise parks, order your meals in Chinese and taxi drivers love nothing more than to talk to foreigners Beijing so give it a try!

Take advantage of each and every minute. Talk to whoever you can, explore off the beaten track and find your favourites parts of Beijing which haven’t been seen by the travel books. I’ve left China for now with a bunch of job offers, useful contacts and a good level of Mandarin, but intend to return as soon as possible. Choosing CRCC Asia was an incredible decision and one I’d recommend to everyone, if you get the chance to join this program I recommend you do it!

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Yes, I recommend this program

CRCC Asia Beijing

CRCC Asia not only enhanced my business skills but also helped round me as a more adept and cultural individual. Spending my days in the office was a pleasure, I was surrounded by proffesionals that took me with open hands. The work was interesting and the environment as warm and friendly as could be. I couldn't have enjoyed my leasure time more, hanging with other interns from across the globe. We kicked back together at nights and went sight seeing to the most magnificant places during the days. CRCC Asia will with out a doubt be an experience you will never forget.

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Yes, I recommend this program

Fun Program

In regards to the CRCC Asia internship program I would recommend it. The company is very legitimate and I had a life changing experience while in China. I would recommend any student considering this avenue go for the two month program. This is what I did and some of the other interns that I met who only were there for a month didn't get nearly as much out of it as I did. The first month you are settling in with your company, so the second month is where you really begin to form professional relationships with your colleagues. Another option to throw out there, which I think would really benefit the interns is to participate in the intensive mandarin classes the first month, then go to work the second. By doing this, the interns will be able to settle in quicker because the language barrier will not be as difficult. However, each intern is assigned an English speaking supervisor, so the intern will always be able to communicate with someone in the company.

I really enjoyed my company, but some of the other interns has mixed reviews. Some felt that they weren't utilized as much as they had hoped, but I really think you have to go into it with an open mind, and try and make the best out of each situation. Some companies are better than others, just like here in the states. Also, CRCC does an excellent job if you are not satisfied with your company, helping you find another to finish out your internship.

Overall, I do recommend going with CRCC although it is more costly then going on your own because they do a lot for you. It was nice to be picked up from the airport, and taken to the accommodations. I was assigned roommates that were also starting internships, so I instantly had friends. Also, they place all the interns in the same hotel, so it is very easy to make friends and have people to travel around with. The program also hosts dinners and events with all of the interns to help break the ice while in China. Networking events are also made available each week so that interns can network with other young professionals in China. In addition they are there at anytime of the day if you need a translator, or directions, or help planning trips such as to the Great Wall, etc. Your first day they also host an orientation which briefs you on Chinese culture and they get you set up with the subway and public transportation system as well.

I say anyone with an open mind and ability to adapt to an entirely different culture would really enjoy it. I know I certainly did, and will be going back to China very soon! In addition, since I have been home I have been contacted by several Chinese companies via linked in, interested in employing me, and I received a really great recommendation and it really helped buff up my resume. That I think in itself is a great intangible asset that I obtained from this internship.

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Yes, I recommend this program

The CRCC Asia Program is an incredibly enriching program from a social and professional standpoint

When thinking about my future I felt it's important to have exposure to the real world. In contemporary times, experience in the real world is gaining international exposure and creating great networks. This is something that the CRCC Asia program offers in abundance. A typical day at work involved me contacting CEO's of publicly listed companies to arrange buyout capital. A typical day on the weekend involved partying in Xintiandi in the same clubs as Will.I.Am and with my fellow interns. The social scene in Shanghai is brilliant and there are also plenty of networking opportunities to mix pleasure with business. I would never of had such a good quality experience without CRCC Asia.

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Yes, I recommend this program

CRCC provides a great starting platform but can be taken much further by your own perseverence.

I spent two months out in Shanghai, the first month having one on one lessons in Business Mandarin. During this month I also realised that my internship was not actually in an area I wanted to gain experience in. Through personal contacts via the Shanghai staff at CRCC, I was not only able to change my internship but interviewed and won a position in a top Chinese Private Equity Firm- I was the first foreigner to work there and recieved invaluable experience in a real Chinese business environment.

Having already lived in China previously, I know the difficultis involved with finding flats, meeting people and getting to know a city by yourself. Whilst CRCC may seem a little expensive it is deffinately value for money as everything including getting a sim card is organised for you- extremley cushy.

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Yes, I recommend this program

Short period....

It was a really nice experience! I was very lucky to work in a big agency were I've learned a lot a could make new contacts.

Very sad it was a short period of time.

Life in Shanghai was really easy CRCC helped us with everything i can't complain of anything. Sometimes I forgot that i was living in China cause the city is full of expats and is very modern.

Choosing SH to live was the right decision! I saw some interns living in Beijing and it wasn't my style at all very messy and complicated.

Made good friends and had time to think were i wanted to focus my career.

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Yes, I recommend this program

Great time in Shanghai

I worked in the British Chamber of Commerce in Shanghai, the executive director said to me it was up to me what I wanted to get involved in so you really have to throw yourself into it and be proactive and get involved in all of their events/projects going on.

I was involved in copy writing for the website for example articles about events, as well as attending and helping to run events and business development.

The office is very small made up mostly of chinese staff who are all nice,and a great way to learn more abotu Chinese culture

I went to lots of events and at first felt a bit out of your comfort zone as business etiquette is very different to ours! lots of job opportunities and networking events where people ram their business cards into your hand and want to see what they can get out of you!

You get out of your internship what you put in so be proactive and engage and everything they do.. lots of post work chamber events which I pretty much went to all of them and got involved in the running of the event

Be approachable and offer help, you'll only get something out of it if you put the effort in.

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Yes, I recommend this program

CRCC gives you exactly what is promised in the contract

CRCC was invaluable as a means to enter into China for a working-holiday. I had heard that this was one of the most expensive internship programs one could find, but they do the work of finding your job for you and the companies they place you with are very reputable. CRCC provides exactly what is in their contract with you, no more and no less. I found the living accommodations extremely agreeable, we had a new apartment with new furniture and ample space for 2 other flatmates.

On your first day of work, they take you directly to your office via hired van. Watch out, because they do not provide you with transportation to get home from your first day of work, so you feel as if you've been dropped in some random location in China and you have to become a homing pigeon to find your way home. I would recommend taking a taxi home that first day, it is not worth getting lost.

The staff at CRCC are very helpful and they love their jobs. A lot of their plans are communicated through email format, you must check your email daily to keep up with the ever changing plans. They tend to switch locales of events often, so to stay informed I kept in contact with the fellow interns to keep updated when internet was unreliable.

The Mandarin classes offered use a very quick technique of teaching! If you are attentive and take advantage of every class offered, you will learn enough Mandarin to have short conversations and survive in general in one quick month. Note that the Mandarin classes are held in an office that is "off the beaten trail" from the main streets, and I was slightly nervous walking to and from that location at night alone. It is better to meet up with a friend at the subway platform or a specific subway exit and walk together.

I would recommend this to a friend if he/she:
- has never been to Beijing/China/Asia
- does not know the language
- is travelling alone
- is willing to work hard at their internship, as it is not a vacation
- likes Chinese food
- has done other overseas travelling before

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Yes, I recommend this program

Beijing in August

I Loved my experience with CRCC Asia and the city of Beijing. There were many opportunities to supplement your internship with extra edifying cultural experiences i.e. learning the language or visiting rich cultural sites such as the Great Wall of China. CRCC is very accommodating, if you weren’t satisfied with your internship you could be placed with an alternative option. Support from CRCC Asia could have been a little better, when first learning how to access phone usages or similar small activities could have a better experience. Overall, I had a really great time. Met a lot of interesting people and gained a few great friends across the world!

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