
Program Reviews

No, I don't recommend this program

In country staff are fantastic but london are unhelpful.

I have volunteered twice with Frontier, once on the adventure project in Madagascar as my first big trip after school and once in Tanzania on the dive project. In both trips I undoubtedly learned a lot and made many good friends with those on camp but I couldn't help get the feeling that someone was 'off'. The more time I spent with the organisation, the more I learned that generally the staff in field are great but London seemed not only unhelpful but also inept.

In both places but particularly in Tanzania the accommodation was basic, makuti (woven palm leaf) structures with open doors, termites and spiders as roommates. There were two temperamental solar panels on camp and the kitchen was made of makuti. Considering that the project has been situated there for at least 5 years, numerous people have requested improvements -- and given that volunteers pay for these experiences -- I am still shocked that the accommodation has not improved.

Undoubtedly I learned a lot from my experiences, as someone now involved with other international developments and NGOs most of what I took away was what I kind of organisation I never wanted to be involved in. My review may seem biased but a quick google search will tell you a lot.

I did enjoy my time on projects, but 100% this was due to the hard work and attentiveness of in-country staff, as an organisation I would now not touch them with a barge poll. I would not recommend them to any individual as there are hundreds of more useful ways to benefit communities in other parts of the world. If i did have to give advice to anyone looking to volunteer in the future it would be to consider WHY you are volunteering. If it is to travel and meet cool people. 100% go with Frontier, but if you want to benefit a community in a supported environment do not. Have a look at the Sustainable Development Goals set out by the UN and judge for yourself whether this organisation really has something useful to offer to the community within which it operates.

Yes, I recommend this program

Whales, Dolphins, Sea and Sun

When I first arrived in Tenerife I was so nervous to meet everyone and to be in a new place on my own, but as soon as I met the volunteers here I felt at home, everyone was so friendly and I knew I would love it here. To start of with I went kayaking for the first time, and it was one of the best experiences I've ever had, Whilst me and another volunteer were kayaking a Bottlenose Dolphin swam right under our kayak and spy hoped right beside it, It was breathtaking to be so close to these magnificent animals, and the best thing was I got it all on video! We stayed with the dolphins for around 30 minutes just sitting in the kayak watching them and another volunteer managed to get a video of the dolphin swimming under the water.
Over the three weeks i experienced the most amazing things, I climbed mountains and El Teide which was breathtaking, i also tried paddle boarding for the first time and i was really bad at it but would still do it all over again! However the most amazing parts of the project was by far the whales and Dolphins, i had never been on a big boat like the Peter Pan before so i was excited to go on, my first boat was the best because i remember seeing the dolphins and was so hypnotised by them i nearly forgot to do my data!
The Staff in the house were very friendly and helped with any problems we had. We had dinner every night around 8pm and i was surprised at how nice the food and accommodation was.
Over the next two weeks I took part in many other activities that were amazing, we all went to Laurel forest (anaga) and it was so beautiful the views were incredible, I tried my first froyo, which was chocolate ice cream with white chocolate sauce, caramel sauce and oreos on top. I also tried lentils and chickpeas for the first time, had my first burrito at a Mexican
restaurant which I would highly recommended getting to anyone that is joining the Tenerife project. I also saw Bottlenose Dolphins and Pilot Whales for the first time and it was
amazing especially when the dolphins are feeding and you see them dive and do spy hops. After my two weeks i was so sad to be leaving, so i decided to stay another week! and if i had enough money to stay for four weeks i would have. I would recommend this project to everyone that loves marine life and conservation, it was a brilliant experience and one i will not forget. I am now going to be saving like mad to do my next project with Frontier!

What would you improve about this program?
It would be nice for them to hire their own car to take everyone to the ports, but i wouldn't say anything else needed to be improved
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Yes, I recommend this program

Costa Rica Animal Rescue Project

I had very mixed feelings whilst volunteering abroad at the Costa RIca Animal Rescue Centre with Frontier. Overall the experience was mostly adequate, there are a lot of animals you get to interact with, you mostly spend the time cleaning their cages in which if your lucky a monkey or kinkajou may jump on your head! Time is also spent maintaining the gardens, checking the animals have food and water, preparing the food, etc. One of my major problems with this project was the lack of management (this was partially due to the fact that 1 week I was there the volunteer co-ordinator was on holiday and some long-term volunteers were in charge who weren't great, the 2nd week was better but not as good as I've perviously experienced). I don't know if I'd recommend this project to first-time volunteers simply because there isn't anyone holding your hand if that makes sense. There is no one telling you what to do, or how to do the tasks (which is highly problematic in some cases), it's very un-organised therefore I think you need to be a very proactive person who can take their own initiative and work independently. Also whilst I was there, there were A LOT of volunteers so jobs were limited. You actually only really worked 3 hours max in a day if you just did two tasks, therefore as I said being proactive really helps as you need to find things to do to spend your time. Despite the lack of management and organisation, I do think this place is worth volunteering at although I think you should go with helping in mind not just because you want to cuddle a sloth or touch a monkey. They need real help to release these animals and take care of the ones they can't, and I think they have a pretty good chance if they pull themselves together and have some good volunteers to support them.

What would you improve about this program?
Management desperately needs to be improved. There is no-one who knows what to do when it comes to the tasks, just a volunteer whose been there a week learning from a volunteer whose only been there for a week. There's no concrete person over-seeing the tasks which I think is detrimental when interacting with exotic species many people have never interacted with before. I'm not saying someone has to be there all the time but what I personally experiences was that I would volunteer myself for a task and expected just to get on with it. Obviously I was new so had no idea how, so would be forced to go find someone as I didn't want to put myself or the animals in danger. A volunteer would tell me "you sort of just do this, then that.. I think..." not the most helpful. They should make instructions more clear, or a person in charge should go over everything with you when you first start. Or a buddy system could be put in place so a long term volunteer over-sees some new ones for the first few days to explain how you complete tasks and show them what to do, etc.
Response from Frontier

Dear Natalie,

Thank you for taking the time to provide a review and some suggested improvements regarding your time at the Costa Rica Animal Rescue Centre in April.

As a partner project, this is aimed at volunteers with previous volunteering experience or those who have travelled previously, although that does not stop first time volunteers or travellers from being able to join the project. We’re glad that your second week seems to have improved your experience at the centre somewhat as you settled in to life on the project and got used to the running of the centre.

The centre certainly needs more volunteers with your positive attitude and flexibility to be able to fulfil their goal of being able to rehabilitate and release as many animals as possible. They rely solely on the hard work and contributions of their volunteers to be able continue the good work that they are doing. As such, there are times of the year which result in a higher number of volunteers than others and it seems that you were subject to one of those busy periods. This does mean that there are fewer activities to take part in and also that volunteers are required to be more flexible with these activities and ask what else is available - something which we can see that you did.

That being said, it is feedback such as this which helps to shape our volunteer programmes for future volunteers and we will certainly take your comments regarding the structure of the volunteer activities into consideration.

Thank you again for taking the time to provide a review of your project.

All the best,

The Frontier Team

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No, I don't recommend this program

Do not travel with Frontier

-I was the only one on this project most of the time I was there. I was placed in a local family´s house instead on the beach camp as I was promised.

-I had to buy my own food, even though this should be included.

-Did three dives in three weeks, even though this was a marine conservation programme. The camp manager spent most of his time with his girlfriend, so I did basically nothing. Started volunteering at a dog shelter just to do something.

-I did not get any support from Frontier after the trip, not even an excuse.

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Yes, I recommend this program

Whale Watching!

I spent two weeks on the Tenerife whales project. Really enjoyed it! The staff are lovely and although I was only there a short time I really felt like a part of the team, and that my activities were part of something larger. On a typical day you will probably go out on the whale watching boats for half a day. During this we're involved in two main activities - cataloguing the whales and dolphins sighted (there are loads in this part of the world!) and raising awareness on sustainable whale watching.
The volunteer house is a real gem, it's far enough from the city centre that it's peaceful but you can walk to town in 10 or 15 minutes. There's loads of space to socialise, cook, and work on the project initiatives.
I'd like to have stayed longer but I am aiming to go back again in the new year

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Yes, I recommend this program

Costa Rica Frontier Climate Change/ Big Cats, Primates and Turtles Project

My time on the Climate Change project in Costa Rica was the best experience of my life! My only regret is that I didn't stay longer. I was naturally a little nervous about flying across the Atlantic on my own for the first time, but mostly excited. I spent a night in Alajuela Backpackers Hostel, which felt safe, before flying to Puerto Jimenéz with Nature Air (THE best flight ever!!) PJ is an adorable town full of excitement.
As soon as I arrived on camp I felt part of the jungle family. Everyone is like-minded so it's really easy and natural to get along with people. A healthy proportion of camp conversation revolved around food- the American's were intrigued and ever so troubled by the concept of a Yorkshire Pudding.
After the initial shock of humidity and the sheer noise of the jungle I soon fell in love with the Osa Peninsula. Every day was incredible- and unique. Waking up from my hammock at 4am became the norm in order to get to the trails to complete the surveys. The turtle patrols were my favourite surveys as they were so rewarding. Patrolling the beaches involved looking for fresh turtle tracks and relocating the nests if they were laid on part of the beach that is prone to flooding. Hot and sweaty work but seeing the little hatchlings waddle off into the ocean made it all worth it. During my time on the project I was lucky enough to tag an Olive Ridley Turtle which is something I can boast about now and saw two Green Turtles as well as releasing hundreds of hatchlings.
Other surveys we conducted involved birds, primates, Otters, tracks, scatt, and towards the end of my time, Poison Dart frogs, hummingbirds, butterflies and fauna. Working alongside Osa Conservation was inspiring. They work so so hard to protect the turtles and I felt that I adopted their passion whilst I was there. The staff on the project were also brilliant- who become your friends and share their knowledge with you. I learnt a ridiculous amount while I was on the project and that was 10 weeks, so I would encourage you to go for as long as you can- times flies by!
EVERYWHERE you went there was something insane- you look up and there's a group of monkeys swinging above you or Scarlett Macaws displaying their magnificent colours. Looking down you would come across Green Leaf-cutter Ants which I think are absolutely fascinating or the occasional fer-de-lance or Cane toad. We even had the privaledge of being home to a Boa Constrictor at one point, the same day as we hosted for 2 King Vultures and a Three-toed Sloth! The jungle never failed to impress us!
I trekked into Corcovado NP, which was one of the most beautiful places I've ever seen (sadly not the same could be said for my feet which had developing 14 blisters) We saw a Tapir!! Tamandua Anteater, Coatis, glass frogs and so much more.
Food on camp was amazing too- life as a veggie isn't too bad I suppose! Anyway, we took teh Colectivo (local bus equivalent truck type vehicle) into town most weekends where we could buy pizza and burgers, ice cream and even rum for our notorious parties. The culture is vibrant and Agua Luna (bar/club) holds a dear place in my heart- I will be back one day.
Other activities involved kayaking on the lagoon watching the sun set (with the croc), horse riding along the beach and through the jungle to a waterfall, climbing to the highest point at Piro, swimming in the sea, paddle boarding, the list goes on.

Honestly, if you're contemplating whether or not to do this project JUST DO IT. Although be prepared to become addicted to wildlife and Costa Rica in general when you return!

What would you improve about this program?
Some people would say the camp and living standards are basic for the money you pay but I ABSOLUTELY loved the simplicity as its such a contrast to life at home.
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Yes, I recommend this program

Costa Rica Animal Rescue

Very beautiful animal rescue -- it needs some help cleaning out the extra trash areas, but very friendly & animals are a priority
BUT if you are going here BOOK direct. Bring extra cash to go into town to eat often!!

Response from Frontier

Hi Karyn

Of course we recognise that it would be cheaper to go direct with the in-country partner. However, please bear in mind that booking through Frontier offers various advantages that you would not have if you went straight to the partner in Costa Rica.

Initially, the partner does not have the capability to advertise their programs internationally, so the chances are you would never have heard about them otherwise.

Secondly, Frontier has offered you pre-departure support and legal reassurance that would not be provided by a local partner. Our London-based team of volunteer advisors, one of which you had specifically assigned to help you, and all the infrastructure surrounding that, cost significant sums of money to maintain.

Finally, the sanctuary very commonly gets booked up, and you would have no way of knowing this until you turned up in Costa Rica hoping to attend the program.

I'd also like to mention that Frontier is a not-for-profit organisation, so volunteer contributions go towards the running of our worldwide conservation and community initiatives.


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Yes, I recommend this program

Life Changing Experience

My trip to Fiji this summer was life changing. This was my second time traveling with Travel for Teens, but my first community service trip with the company. I made the most incredible memories and met some of my best friends on this trip. Doing something like teaching English and building a toilet for a school in need in a different part of the world is eye opening. I became aware of the world on this trip. One example of this was moment that I will always remember was when I walked into a class room with a few pencils. I didn't think that an average pack of pencils would mean anything, but to these kids, the pencils meant everything. Overall, my experience with Travel for Teens was beyond amazing, and I am looking forward to continue my journeys with Travel for Teens for the next summers to come.

What would you improve about this program?
Honestly, there is nothing major I would change. But, I had the privilege to have CIT's on my trip. I know that not every trip has a CIT, so in the future I think it would be great for every trip to have a CIT.
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Yes, I recommend this program

An Incredible Experience

From the moment I arrived at the main Jungle camp situated in the lush forest at Piro, I knew that this project would be an unforgettable experience. The camp itself is quite simple yet blends in harmoniously with the jungle which gives it a sense of tranquility which quickly struck me as I settled in to camp life. Although I had some knowledge of the wildlife of the area before my arrival, the density and array of creatures that surrounded me during my stay were beyond what I had ever imagined. From playful squirrel monkeys swinging from the canopy to delicate, brightly coloured butterflies and all manner of wildlife in between, I was constantly in awe of this rich tropical forest. The weekends were spent at the nearest town, Puerto Jimenez, located an hour’s drive from the main camp. This was a great opportunity to find out more about the area’s culture and lifestyle as well to enjoy the energetic nightlife alongside new friends and locals. One of the highlights for me was the dolphin tour, where we explored the beautiful Golfo Dulce. Snorkeling in the warm tropical water, exploring a mangrove swamp and driving alongside a pod of dolphins were some of the most memorable experiences of the trip. Overall the project was an invaluable learning experience and I will definitely be returning to Costa Rica...two weeks was not enough!

What would you improve about this program?
I would have stayed longer!
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Yes, I recommend this program

Whale of a time with Frontier :))

Frontier Tenerife Whale and Dolphin Project

Upon my arrival at the volunteer house in Tenerife I was welcomed in straight away by my fellow volunteers and Xiana,my project co-ordinator. Many of the volunteers had been there for a few weeks before. I was the first male on the project and couldn't wait to get started.

My first day consisted of household tasks such as preparing the house, cooking duties and the project briefing. To learn the different species and what I would be observing furthered my excitement even more. Although the project was new,it had already had a very good amount of planning and preparation behind it from the volunteer co-ordinator and Tracey who was a volunteer but was now working as a project assistant to Xiana.

Upon looking at the rota I was very excited to see that I was on four different boat trips throughout the week observing dolphins and pilot whales. The previous year I had undertaken another project with Frontier with the olive ridley sea turtles in Mexico,so my knowledge and CV was being filled with valuable field experience which will help my career into marine biology.

Everyday on the boats was amazing! To have the open ocean in front of you, the sea breeze, amazing crew, fellow volunteers and of course the pilot whales, made me realise that this is living of the highest order. Upon returning to the house,I had to input my data and recording any photographs we had taken. This allowed us to track the different pods, recording individual pod members and hopefully stand for higher conservation methods in the future for these majestic animals of the ocean.

Even though I was only on project for a week I was amazed at how quickly everyone worked together, respected each other's cultures and backgrounds and most importantly shared a passion for marine cetaceans. I have made some lifelong friends and even though we will probably never all be together again, I believe that the best photo graphs are the ones that we create in our memories. I certainly have a bucket load of which I'll never forget.

With smiles and thanks
Damion Vincent

What would you improve about this program?
Wi-fi in the house and cap the number of volunteers in case the house is overcrowded