Barcelona Study Abroad Experience (SAE)

Program Reviews

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Yes, I recommend this program

Truly an Unforgettable, Life-changing experiece

Before embarking on my study abroad experience, I had no idea what to expect. I had never been so far away from home before for such an elongated period of time, so I knew that it was not going to be easy, but I was excited to travel and discover a renewed sense of independence and appreciation for the world around me. My experience was unique because I had the opportunity to live with a host family, who welcomed me in immediately as one of their own children. I was able to truly get a sense of the Spanish culture, and had a home to come back to everyday (which helped with the homesickness!). I was also able to join a gym in the city, which may seem like a minuscule thing, but it really gave me the opportunity to share my passion for fitness with people from around the world, and interact with them on that level. Finally, I loved being able to travel somewhere new every weekend, and experience a completely different culture. This aspect, while it was extremely exciting each time, gave me a much deeper appreciation for different cultures, and I was able to connect with different people throughout my entire experience. I made so many new friends during my semester that I got to travel and enjoy Barcelona with, which really added to my experience in a big way. We were in the city during a period of political unrest, and while this should have frightened me, I was simply fascinated to learn AND experience history being made. Barcelona striving for independence is something that future generations are going to learn about in their history classes, and I was blessed enough to be a part of the action, and see the unwavering determination in the people of the city, despite the brutal retaliation. When I returned to the United States, I was a much more independent and confident individual because I had to conquer so many challenges, create my own daily schedule, and travel around Europe by myself. In terms of any tips that I can offer future travelers, I would say to not be afraid to take everything in. The entire experience seems so intimidating at first, but the sooner you start going to events, traveling, and experiencing what your host city has to offer, all of your fears will simply melt away. You will surely discover interest that you never knew you had, and learn so much more about yourself than you think. Be brave, and don’t let the distance from home hold you back in any way!

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Yes, I recommend this program

Amazing Semester Abroad!

I had the amazing opportunity to study abroad in Barcelona for a semester. It was a unique experience because Barcelona SAE was there every step of the way to help the students transition into the Spanish lifestyle. This included day/weekend trips to surrounding towns, tours of each barrio (neighborhoods), and activities such as flamenco dancing, cooking classes, and intercambios with the locals. Without help from the program, I wouldn't be able to fully make the most of my time in Barcelona.
The highlights of the program were definitely the trips we took outside of Barcelona. We went to Zaragoza, Bilbao, San Sebastian, Guernica, and numerous other towns. It was a great way to experience how other Spaniards lived and know what each town was famous for.
Besides the trips, Barcelona SAE also helped with our transition within Barcelona. This included our homestays/apartments, transportation, and classes.
Overall, it was an amazing experience that I would highly recommend to anyone who is thinking about or planning on studying abroad in Spain.

What would you improve about this program?
If I could improve on one thing, it would be the duration of the activities that Barcelona SAE planned for us. Many of the activities were for one night and with no followup for interested students. If they offered more opportunities for students to get involved apart from the program, Barcelona SAE would be unstoppable!
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Yes, I recommend this program

Fantastic program!

I am a semester-long student with this program, and I am so happy with my choice of program. The directors are so helpful and friendly, they're always open to any questions/concerns and even helped me get a package delivered from the US that was stuck in customs. There are so many additional activities and trips included in the program-tours of the neighborhoods, a cooking class, a day trip hiking on Montserrat, a full weekend trip to the Basque country-that I really feel like I'm getting the most out of my experience here and exploring all corners of Barcelona.

What would you improve about this program?
There are very interesting classes offered, but I signed up for classes all in Spanish, and I was not told until about a month before I left that they couldn't offer those classes in Spanish because there wasn't enough interest. I would have liked to have more options to take classes in Spanish (which I need for my major) or at least to have known a little earlier that that wasn't possible.