TFT - Teach Abroad

Program Reviews

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Yes, I recommend this program

First-time teacher

If you are not sure whether to go for a year of teaching because you think itā€™s gonna be hard to do it alone, you should just go for it. Advice coming from a first-time teacher. I saw a post on Instagram and decided to write up my profile while watching a crime show or was it cricket? At each stage, there was someone there to help no matter what, and even after getting to South Korea, they are still there checking in. If you have any issues while applying or after arriving itā€™s easier to sort them out with the help of this amazing team working for this company. Also, at the school I ended up at Iā€™ve become close to the teachers and even went with them on a hiking workshop ā€“ half an hour walk šŸ˜‚.

  • Someone is always there to assist you if have any issues
  • Get to experience living in another country
  • Make friends from around the world
  • If you work at a Hagwon then youā€™ve only got the weekend as the older classes donā€™t get days off
  • Working the 2-10 shift means a lot of places are closed so if you want to do something itā€™s best to do it before your shift
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Yes, I recommend this program

A challenging yet incredibly worthwhile experience.

Deciding to move to Thailand was the scariest decision of my life. Having had no experience teaching or travelling, I didn't know what to expect. I was very worried that I was jumping in too deep and wouldn't be able to cope.
HOWEVER. Wow. I've been back in the UK for three days and I'm already itching to return! (Vietnam in a few months!!) It was without a doubt the best experience of my life. Every day presented something new and unexpected - be it a school festival or a flash flood - and gave my life a sense of excitement I didn't realise was lacking.
Yes, there are challenges. The language barrier is significant, but being willing to learn some Thai makes things much easier (it's not as hard as you'd think!). The lack of facilities at the school and lack of prior warning was also a challenge - we had no projector, the internet was very intermittent and it was sometimes difficult to access a printer. The general organisation of school events also made things difficult in terms of planning lessons, we were often told that there would be no classes at very short notice. Also, you are given basically no training before you are let loose on the students, it takes a good few weeks before find your feet. The first 4-5 weeks are particularly difficult; trying to get to grips with lesson plans, coming up with teaching topics, creating handouts etc., and it feels like you are constantly behind. It was extremely stressful.
But... things always work out :-) thankfully, no one really checked what you were doing at any point, so you can always stick a film on with English subs, or just chat to the students about their weekends or hobbies or football or music or whatever - it was very laidback and I think the students appreciated the genuine conversation.
The students were unforgettable. I didn't think I'd cry on the last day, but when Email (yes, 'Email') approached me at the end of the final lesson and said 'Teacher, have... a nice... day' I lost it. These are actual real people that you can't help but form real connections with, and are also a massive source of emotional support, motivation and encouragement. It would have been incredibly difficult without them and I do honestly miss them a lot. The culture in Thailand is very different than the UK, I didn't witness any bullying and the students were very happy and free to be themselves, it was personally very heartwarming. They were happy to chat to you in the corridor and were always very friendly, if at times a little cheeky lol. anyway...
I was located in Chaiyaphum, kinda in the middle of nowhere, about a 6 hour bus ride from Bangkok. I think 4 months is a good amount of time to spend there, there's enough nearby to keep you entertained - provided you get a bike (an absolute essential if you want to fully experience Thailand, and something that only requires a passport) - including lotus fields, hikes, waterfalls, a shopping mall, bars, clubs, restaurants. Getting overnight buses was fairly straightforward if you wanted to travel somewhere during a long weekend also.
Speaking of, there aren't really any half terms. But you get a few long weekends. I would recommend making the most of the time you have off, because the workload can be quite heavy and if you're wanting to travel during the semester, that's gonna be your only real opportunity.
There is a good community of teachers in Chaiyaphum, given that there are a few schools in the area, and most of the teachers live in the same building so it's pretty easy to build connections with people there. I met a bunch of really cool people from all over the world and we had a fairly solid lil squad for evening drinks and card games! There were two other teachers at my school and we shared an office. Thankfully, we got on very well and are still in touch now! However, I have heard of a few people who were unhappy with their locations or colleagues, and either moved to a different province or went home entirely. I suppose that's just the luck of the draw, but something to be aware of.
Money-wise, you get paid a decent salary given the cost of living in Thailand. I was getting about 32000 baht per month, which goes a long way. If you live fairly frugally, which I would recommend, then it's possible to save a decent amount for if you're wanting to travel afterwards. I personally spent about 2 months going around the whole country, experiencing the mountains and temples of Chiang Rai, the hippies in Pai, the beautiful islands of Ko Tao and Ko Samui, and the things that cannot be named in Bangkok. Stuff that I never thought I'd ever have the opportunity to do. Also, flights to other countries are short and cheap. I know people who have travelled to Indonesia and even Australia after teaching. Asia is a very beautiful part of the world and I reckon you may as well see as much as possible while there. Given how little travelling I'd done in the past, I'm surprised by how confident I now feel when booking transport and accomodation in a city I've never been to before. Often times, I'd be booking a hostel while on a bus/train to the location, which is fun!
I could write more, so much happened, every day was different and I feel like I've lived so much in a relatively short space of time. Coming home is bizarre, I'm over it already ahaha, get me back there asap!
Overall, highly recommend, it'll be amazing, just do it, you've got nothing to lose and so much to gain, also, like, what else are ya gonna do!? I'm so glad I took the plunge, and I've already got a flight booked for Vietnam next year! Looking forward to doing it all again :-) good luck!

PS just reading this back and didn't even mention how helpful TFT were!!! Answer: very helpful. Jaemi was always just a message away, was around to reassure my nerves beforehand via video call and provided expert guidance when it came to applying for visas and getting stuff legalised etc. Very helpful, owe a lot of this experience to his help! Thank you TFT!!

  • Lots of new experiences
  • Meeting new people and making new friends!
  • Laidback lifestyle
  • Would've liked more info about school facilities please
  • More warning about school events
  • Thai pizza is naaaasty
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Yes, I recommend this program

TFT Thailand is unreal

TFT team have been so helpful from start to finish, by providing checklists and guides to prep for moving to Thailand, as well as emotional advice before and after arriving in Thailand! The team respond to any questions so quickly, and do everything they can wherever they are to help you out! My school and town are very welcoming, full of culture and good food/weather, and all the other TFT teachers are lovely and have similar interests to me! If you are thinking about going, 100% do it as I feel so lucky and grateful to be given the opportunity to work in a Thai school, get submerged in their culture, whilst being able to get paid and travel :)

  • TFT reply times are really good
  • Good practical and emotional support throughout your time
  • What you want out of this experience is considered
  • Slightly overwhelming but worth it
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Yes, I recommend this program

Vietnam 2022

The Fewer Things made the whole process of moving to Vietnam stress free. Jaemi was so supportive. We were always given guidance when needed - from deciding on a city to legalising documents and booking flights. We knew what to expect at every step and I felt well prepared, both for the move and for working as an esl teacher for the first time. The social aspect of moving to HCMC wouldnā€™t have been the same without The Fewer things who introduced us to other applicants flying out together. I would highly recommend The Fewer Things to anyone wanting to teach in Vietnam.

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Yes, I recommend this program

Vietnam 2022

I have been in HCMC for 3 months now and have really been enjoying my experience. The city is very lovely and so much fun! and the teaching is also very enjoyable. Iā€™ve had an amazing time and TFT has really helped to make this experience be as stress free as possible. They offer excellent support and step by step guidance throughout the whole process. It will make moving abroad so much easier, having their support along the way! I would definitely recommend them if your looking to teach abroad :)

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Yes, I recommend this program

Working in Hanoi

The Fewer Things could not have been more helpful along the way, especially Jaemi. He was always happy to help, very friendly, replied in decent time, and let us know when he wouldn't be reachable. The programme itself is exactly what it's packaged as, which is nice. No fine print or misleading processes.

It has been a very exciting time. Everything is so different to what I was used to before coming out here, so brace yourself. The expat community here is very strong, particularly in Tay ho, and event plans are made relatively spontaneously so you can do something at any time. Also, the city really comes alive at night, which has been one of the biggest differences to home, but one of the best things so far. Although it's a bit more conservative than the west, there's been no issues being out here and living with my girlfriend.

Working hours are strange for primary schools - 8am to 4pm, but there's a 3 hour lunch which is typically from 11am to 2pm. It does allow for a good amount work to get done in the middle of the day so you can keep your weekends free for whatever you want to do. If you're coming here for travelling all of the time, this isn't the programme for you as the teaching hours in the week won't permit this, but if you're good at squeezing in plans on the weekend then it's great for you. There are also super long summer holidays, so there's plenty of time to travel there.

There's plenty of good and cheap food everywhere, and if you don't want to eat Vietnamese, there's enough Western options as well. Cooking for yourself may be a bit more expensive than eating in some cases as ingredients will cost more due to import tax, so be careful there.

For those coming here for the culture, it's great.

To get around, taxis are relatively cheap, but I would highly recommend getting a bike. It will save you anywhere between 1-5 million dong per month. The roads can take some getting used to though so don't feel forced into it.

  • Good night life
  • Food is cheap and tasty
  • Plenty of time to do your own stuff
  • Unpredictable weather and high humidity
  • Scary roads
  • Cockroaches
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Yes, I recommend this program

Very helpful

I found Jaemi very helpful in my journey to moving abroad and he was happy to answer the many questions that I had and gave me reassurance if I was unsure about anything. I was told everything I had to do and when I had to do it by and we had recommendations given to us for various things such as who to go for when verifying our documents ect.
My experience in Vietnam has been everything I hoped it would be and more. The company I work for have a good reputation and have been good at helping me settle in.
Overall I would 100% recommend the programme if you are thinking about moving abroad.

  • New culture
  • Good pay
  • New job
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Yes, I recommend this program

Best decision Iā€™ve made

Moving abroad can be a daunting experience, The Fewer Things will make the process smooth and stress-free. The Fewer Things are very knowledgable and always willing to help. You are guided every step of the way from the application process to settling in once you arrive. The Fewer Things have also continued to show their support by checking in post-arrival.

My time in Vietnam has been amazing so far and I couldnā€™t have had a smoother transition thanks to The Fewer Things!

The support you receive from The Fewer Things is unmatched. I highly recommend starting your next adventure with them.

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Yes, I recommend this program

Great experience

Excellent experience with The Fewer Things. Coordinators are friendly, professional and offer great support both before and after the placement. The education company that TFT are partnered with are also top quality. Itā€™s a good salary, decent resources/professional support and the city is lovely and fun. The teacher group sent out by TFT are great people and thanks to TFTā€™s stellar communication it was easy to get off on the right foot. Really enjoying my placement so far and canā€™t see that changing any time soon. Would highly recommend this program if youā€™re interested in teaching/travel abroad.

  • Smooth transition into job placement
  • Expectations managed very well
  • Good salary and living/working conditions
  • A few teething issues with the education partner due to the country opening up after covid but nothing major
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Yes, I recommend this program

Teaching in Vietnam

I have been teaching in Vietnam for a month now and I am really enjoying the experience. Itā€™s a great option for anyone looking for a more adventurous job opportunity to live and work in Vietnam. Jaemi from The Fewer Things is extremely nice and helpful throughout the entire process, and they will walk you through it step by step. They create a group chat of people in the same program so by the time you make it to Vietnam you already have friends to meet up with. I highly recommend this program!

  • Living and working in another country
  • Great support from The Fewer Things staff
  • Group chat of other people in the same program
  • Didnā€™t realize we wouldnā€™t get paid until a couple months after arriving