RVF International LLC

Program Reviews

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Yes, I recommend this program

Always There When You Need Them

Harrison and his team are extremely hands-on and always ready to help. I have thrown all different kinds of scenarios at them and they have helped and handled it with ease. They assist you in the process in ways that I have not heard of other programs doing and they always respond quickly. They truly help you ease your transition into Spain. They care about the well-being of their clients. They also are sure to help link you with other members of the group who are in the same area as you so that you can start to build your own sense of community.

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Yes, I recommend this program

RVF International Review

RVF International is the perfect organization to collaborate with if one wants to teach English in Spain. The entire team worked extremely hard to make sure I was comfortable with the process, various appointments and comprehension of every piece of information they presented to me. From translating my documents to following up with me months after I arrived, they are skilled in every facet. The prioritization of team work within the RVF ranks is also extremely admirable and makes the entire process a breeze. If it weren't for RVF, I KNOW my experiences and processes would have been more stressful and taken longer time.

What is your advice to future travelers on this program?
It's okay to be nervous, this is a nerve-racking experience! Taking a leap of faith and committing to working with RVF to move to Spain to teach English was the best thing I've done with my life so far and I cannot stress enough how important an experience like this for mental health, finding oneself and gaining new perspectives about anything and everything.
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Yes, I recommend this program

RVF was key for navigating a daunting process

I knew I wanted to apply to the Ministry aux program but I found the application process overwhelming. Plus, the Ministry only contacts you about acceptance and placement, leaving you to navigate all of the bureaucratic mess in the States and Spain on your own. The thought of that made me pretty nervous since it would be my first time living outside of the States. So finding RVF was a blessing for me. They were there with support and resources every step of the way making all the processes – background checks, visas, TIE, etc – a breeze!

Yes, I recommend this program

RVF International Teaching Experience

It's a great program and I was able to visit some beautiful cities before the lockdowns because of COVID. I'm sure that this experience would be much more amazing if there wasn't COVID restrictions this year but I'm planning on doing another year and hopefully it will the full adventurous experience that it normally is. The one negative you should know about this job is that the pay is not high, so you won't be making much money. However, the costs of living and the food costs are pretty low so you can make some money and if you travel often you will probably come out even or maybe lose some depending on where you travel. So it is best to save some money before coming. There are many benefits however, such as having lots of time and days off to travel to so many cities and countries close by.

What is your advice to future travelers on this program?
My advice is to come with a friend or two if you can so that there are more people to share the experience with and some people you can always speak English with (unless you are trying to learn Spanish). Also, make sure you have saved up some money before coming since the beginning part of getting your house, food, and other money related things figured out and it will cost more money in the beginning. Also, travel as much as you can and try to learn Spanish as much as you can before and during your time in Spain!
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Yes, I recommend this program

A great program which fosters an amazing teaching and living aboard experience!

This was my first time traveling and living abroad. RVF International has been super helpful during the whole process, especially during such an uncertain and stressful time with the Coronavirus pandemic. They are very knowledgeable and supportive when you need them the most. I am so glad that I decided to participate in the North American Language and Cultural Assistants program with the Spanish Ministry of Education, and that I chose RVF International to support me. I've only been in Madrid for 3 months but I've enjoyed it immensely even with Covid restrictions...I'm very happy and have no regrets!

What was the most nerve-racking moment and how did you overcome it?
I was anxious in the beginning to speak Spanish but I prepared with Duolingo and then used my Google Translate app if need be. The more I tried the less nerve-racking it became.
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Yes, I recommend this program

More than enough help!

I came to Spain during a very hard time, during COVID-19 in the year 2020. It would have been impossible if I didn’t have the support of RVF. Helping not only with the government processing, but also with the emotional toll that moving abroad during such a time takes by being available for a call when I needed and providing mental health services made the transition very easy.

I will be leaving with new friends, experiences, and an open door to this country down the road if I so choose to take it.

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Yes, I recommend this program

Smooth, simple, and worth every penny!

I had the chance to work with Harrison from beginning to end during the complicated process of obtaining work and a visa. The process was daunting given the pandemic but I was given every bit of information needed so that I never felt I was on my own in this process. Harrison was also more than willing to answer any and every question I had which was helpful during the uncertainty of the pandemic.

What's nice about RVF too is that we have the chance to easily connect with other Auxiliares that signed up through RVF so even when you get to Spain you have plenty of other people to meet with so you're not alone in a new country! 10/10 experience!

What is your advice to future travelers on this program?
Sign up as early as possible! You only have a limited amount of choices in which community you work in so the sooner you apply, the better chance you have of working in the city you actually want to work in!
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Yes, I recommend this program

Take the stress out of moving country

I am so glad I went through RVF to do the auxiliares program in Spain. RVF makes the entire experience less stressful and easier on you. Especially with added uncertainty of Covid and travel shutting down, I was so relieved to have RVF behind me. The owner, Harrison, is very quick to respond via email and really knows his stuff. Paying RVF gets you help for not only the application process of the auxiliar program but also with all visa paperwork, help with housing search, setting up wifi or a cellphone, what to pack, and much more. Harrison helped me even to look into prescription medications and getting them in Spain. RVF goes above and beyond and are worth every penny.
Also I love being an auxiliar and I’ve already mentioned to Harrison about staying another year.
I 100% recommend being an aux and paying RVF to help you with all the complicated Spanish government and visa stuff.
Harrison also helped connect other auxiliares in the community together and I’ve had a lovely time meeting other Americans who are going through the same thing as me and also used RVF.

What is your advice to future travelers on this program?
Take advantage of RVF and all the help they can give you! Any questions you have ask! Also when you get to your school try to take advantage of the schools resources and work on relationships with the teachers and director of the school as they can really help you with anything; info about the area, private tutoring lessons, a ride to go hiking, or an intercambio!
Yes, I recommend this program


I think RVF is really well informed and they made the process of applying very easy. They were always available to answer questions and provided more information than what I expected. If you’re wanting to work and travel in Spain, RVF makes the process super easy!

I had worked abroad before but this was my first time going to Europe. I was always intimidated to apply because there are so many bureaucratic things I never understood in terms of the application process.

Honestly, it was thanks to RVF that I was able to come here and achieve one of my lifetime goals! Thank you!

What is your advice to future travelers on this program?
My advice is to be prepared for what may happen but also keep an open mind as things change all the time. Most of all, enjoy the process and have fun!
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Yes, I recommend this program

Rvf international

When I first signed up, I had no idea what to expect. Covid had just set upon the world, and I was in the midst of looking for something life changing. Not the absolute best time to change up your life, but it’s been the best decision I’ve made so far as an adult. Rvf has helped make this not only the easiest transition, but has gone above and beyond their duties with helping me get here in Madrid. I had a few problems early on, and Harrison was always there every step of the way to help make sure I wasn’t unattended, and also helped me to feel comfortable through out the entire process. I am currently writing this in Spain, and not only had made lifelong new friends, but lifetime memories and it’s only been a month. I can’t wait to look forward to the next 8 months of my time here, regardless of covid. I’m having the time of my life!

What was your funniest moment?
My funniest moment was by far trying to figure out the transportation system in Madrid. I live in sol, and my work is 45 minute commute north. I had to hope on a tram and bus to get there. So I scan my card and it works on the tram, so I assume it’ll work on the bus. Yeah that’s a no go! I got on the bus on the way to school and it wouldn’t work, and not only would it not scan, but they don’t take debit cards on most buses. Euros only. So the bus driver is yelling at me in Spanish, and I’m freaking out saying I don’t understand what he’s saying (I speak hardly any Spanish). Well luckily a nice woman overheard the yelling, and gave him 2 euros for me to continue to ride the bus and make it to work on time.