Program Reviews

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Yes, I recommend this program

Hacker Exchange HEX Sprint

Overall, I was very impressed with the quality of experience we were able to create on the weeklong sprint with HEX, especially given that we were fully remote.

The staff were supportive and offered valuable feedback. We were introduced to a plethora of powerful tools and got a rapid education in entrepreneurial thinking and strategy. The content from guest speakers was good overall, and some of the guest speakers were very good. The networking opportunities are fantastic.

If I had to order the most value elements of the program, they would be:
introduction to awesome resources
excellent networking opportunities
good general entrepreneurial education

What would you improve about this program?
There should be more coordination in the lead-up to the Sprint - groups were created seemingly at random, but I think groups should be chosen intentionally, and there should be more thought devoted to developing a great idea from the start.
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Yes, I recommend this program


Well coordinated and organised. Fell in love with the content provided. Learnt a lot from this program and met amazing brains from around the world. Looking forward to attending more such programs from the organisation. Also, if there is an opportunity in future to join the organising team, would love to put my efforts from the team as it was amazing how smooth the program was carried out. Non technical issues whatsoever. Also, this helped me make new.connections on linkedin and helped me broaden my connections

What is your advice to future travelers on this program?
Take as much as you can from this program as this will help you in every aspect of your life.
Read my full story
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Yes, I recommend this program

Be There Ready, Because Inspiration Is

Joining the Hacker Exchange Virtual 5.0 program is a direction-changing experience. Without knowing where to get started, I was invited to join the program to assist my curiosity about entrepreneur and social changes. What I have learned out of the program is how to develop a more mature being of myself and to take initiative and be focus on your values. A piece of advice I want to let future participants know is to be ready, to be inspired, fired up, and excited. You will meet others with personalities whom you won't be able to meet daily, you get to share and improve on your ideas with forwarding thinkers in the alumni group and you spend precious moments together.

What was your funniest moment?
The funniest part of the program has to be the continuous creation of memes... and never JUMP TO CONCLUSION because you will not know what the surprise will be...
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Yes, I recommend this program

The best entrepreneurship program I have ever done!

The HEX 5.0 Virtual Innovation program was an experience that I will never forget! Over the course of the program, I grew as an entrepreneur and business owner learning new techniques and ways of approaching problems due to the masterclass speakers that were brought in.

Apart from the top tier speakers the actual cohort and organisers made the program spectacular. I didn't expect us to all bond as much as we did given that it was all online but the team building at the start really helped us all band together to complete all of our individual goals.

I also want to point out the organisation was flawless and at no point was I unsure of what was to come next as the itinerary was all set out from the start.

Overall the experience was phenomenal a definite 10/10 from start to finish and I would recommend it to anyone that wants to broaden their horizons.

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Yes, I recommend this program

Great Experience

During the Hacker Exchange Global Innovation Program (Virtual 5.0), the most valuable part is the people you meet and the connections you make to industry. They prep you from knowing nothing to knowing everything you need to know to run off with your idea. Would recommend it especially if your a student or employed/employer and would like to upskill, learn something related or unrelated to your course can really give you perspective and enlighten you on worlds of knowledge you've never known. From market validation to the people you meet, 5/5 experience

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Yes, I recommend this program

10/10 The Hacker Exchange program is the best of the best!

I have had the opportunity of participating in different accelerators and entrepreneurship courses around the world, but this is the best one I have attended.

Now I understand why The Hacker Exchange is part of the top global cohorts of entrepreneurship and project growth.

The team is so friendly and supportive, also the guests are world top-level seniors from big companies around the world. In my program, I had the chance of interacting with top directors of Google, Amazon, Zendesk and many many other global leaders in USA, Europe, Asia and Australia.

If you did this all over again, what's one thing you would change?
Nothing, I would love to do it again. The experience was amazing, and I feel very lucky for attending this program.

If you have the chance of attending the program, please take the most out of it and block those days in your calendar.
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Yes, I recommend this program

HEX was fun

The whole HEX team are all-round great people and rays of sunshine! They were really great at delivering the content in new and exciting ways, while pushing you to think from different angles. It’ll definitely help us all to continue growing and teaching.

It was great meeting all the fellow HEXies from around the globe too and interesting to explore their startup ideas and projects. By far, my favourite thing is always the sense of community that is built alongside the program and the people you get to meet along the way.

What was your funniest moment?
When Jeanette accidentally became the figurehead of "Wakanda Forever" on a frozen Zoom call.
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Yes, I recommend this program

Best thing I did in quarantine

When I applied for this programme I didn't expect it to be that insightful in how people actually form a startup, what to consider, the processes they go through just to get to the final pitch and doing that just within 5 days seemed impossible to me at first. But we actually did it! It was a lot of hard work but it was a great experience and I enjoyed it so much. My team was absolutely amazing and the HEX members were really supportive. I loved the talks and how the stories spoke to us. At first, I thought I'd be overwhelmed by the task at hand but they gave us great guidance on how to approach everything but still leaving us a lot of things to figure out on our own so we could work independently. I grew a lot through this experience and made lovely friends down under.

What would you improve about this program?
The only problem was that I missed some key zoom calls because they were mainly scheduled for the Australians. But we figure it out as a team and made things work.
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Yes, I recommend this program

Truly empowering and amazing experience

Such an amazing opportunity to learn so many skills from home. Made many friends and learnt so much from industry experts and wisdom from the team at the Hacker Exchange.

The program was jam-packed, in depth and fast paced over the week and was a unique experience. The mentors were helpful, inspiring and genuinely cared.

The project was impactful in terms of innovation, making a difference during the current pandemic, while learning so many applicable skills in the process!

A big thanks to the team and congratulations on such a successful project!

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Yes, I recommend this program

A Valuable Experience

The Great Global Challenge was both engaging and incredibly rewarding. The experience I gained was invaluable and all those working for the Hacker Exchange were on hand on to help. I got to meet people from all over the world, hear talk from experts and built an app alongside my team in just 5 days! The speed of the programme fuelled everyone's passion and excitement. It was truly an exhilarating an experience that will helped develop skills I know will be useful in future career pursits. I encourage everybody to apply.