The Experiment in International Living

Program Reviews

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Yes, I recommend this program

Fun trip!

You will really get the chance to taste Italy. We had tons of pizza, pasta and gelato. We were able to make many authentic dishes during the culinary training. Italy is such a beautiful country, we were able to see all sides of it. Venice, Rome, Asti, Cortona, Cozensa, all absolutely stunning in their own ways. Everything about the trip was great, the leaders, the group, the food, and the adventures. Without a doubt I would recommend this trip. You will have the opportunity to learn Italian in the lessons. Personally, I loved the homestay. You will have the opportunity to be part of another family and learn their culture, customs and way of life. This is something fun to do and spend your summer out in another country. Overall, the trip was so great!

What would you improve about this program?
I wouldn't improve anything. It is a great program.
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Yes, I recommend this program

An Unforgettable Summer!

Japan was absoutely gorgeous! We travelled to many different cities to meet all kinds of people! We interacted with college students by hanging out at the huge top-notch mall-and-train station in Sapporo and celebrated with the Farewell party with our host families! The Experiment did a fantastic job of making small yet personalized groups with other high-schoolers with various backgrounds! I had fun time with my group and my favorite moments are the water-gun fights during the ferry boat ride to Kyoto and going to the Odaiba onsen in Tokyo. The only bad thing that I have to say is that I wish the program extend much longer to over a month!! Thay way, I do not have to say goodbye to my new friends and families sooner. I absolutely cherish all of them. Thank you to the Experiment for giving me once-in-a-lifetime opportunity!

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Yes, I recommend this program

Without a doubt the best month of my life.

During my time in Spain I was deeply immersed in a culture which held little in common with what I had been living my whole life. This allowed to both my mind and my heart to open in ways that could not be possible by staying in the United States forever. The country itself was almost as beautiful as the people living within it who opened their arms to me without a second thought. I was overwhelmed by the mesmerizing scenery, the fascinating history, and the intricate language which filled every street. My group leaders never once failed to give me and the rest of my group anything less than an awesome experience. The in-country partners were just as organized and intelligent, enabling me and my group to receive education and inclusion way beyond what we would ever get as simple tourists. My host family were incredibly kind, caring, and funny, and my time with them flew by. Never did I have doubts or feel unsafe during this trip. Every single aspect and every single detail allowed me to grow and form new appreciation for the world and for life. Because of this trip I now feel as though I have a second home and a second family, neither of which I will ever forget.

What is your advice to future travelers on this program?
GO FOR IT! Take chances whenever you can. Try everything and talk to everyone. The more people you meet and connect with the more you grow and learn and become better. Also; don't be afraid to pack some cute clothes because I didn't and I regretted it big time.
Read my full story
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Yes, I recommend this program

Becoming One With The Culture

My experience was unique because I learned how to live in the moment and let myself be a part of the culture instead of only observing it from a distance. Because I let myself be emersed into Spanish culture it allowed for me to have a stronger bond with my host family. I began adapting to their household norms and behavioral norms such as the cheek to cheek kiss greeting. If I were to give any advice to any newcomers to the program would be to stay away from your phone as much as you can. You will see beautiful views but sometimes it's better to just observe the scene through fresh eyes instead of through a camera lens or phone screen. I also recommend giving yourself time every day to reflect on your journey and journal about it. I found that writing down what I did each day very helpful because I have a horrible memory and it will be something you can always look back on in the future. Applying for this program was one of the best things I could have done for myself so I highly recommend traveling with The Experiment of International Living.

What would you improve about this program?
If I were to improve one thing about this program it would be the social scene within the group. I think that frequent changes within groups that break off for dinner and such would be more beneficial for the social aspect of the trip because the students get to become closer with the entire group instead of just a few people. I think this would prevent anyone from feeling excluded and isolated from the rest of the group.
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Yes, I recommend this program

Had a Blast

A very fun experience when I went to Ecuador. I experienced things that I normally wouldn’t be able to experience here in Missouri, to snorkeling with penguins and sharks to being at high altitudes. Everything was enjoyable, even the small moments like being with the group members, who I can call some of them really close friends. Everything was extremely fun, except sea sickness. I still enjoyed every moment that I had in Ecuador and if I had the chance I would absolutely go back. It was extremely fun to see the wildlife and the indigenous people living in the Amazon, also seeing the different type of wildlife that does not compare to what I am used to here in Missouri. I would really recommend this program for anyone that would love to travel.

What was your funniest moment?
Spending time with the group members and their jokes.
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Yes, I recommend this program

South Africa!

I thought that my homestay experience was so unique and amazing. I had a great time getting to know my family and the community, and it was undoubtedly my favorite part of the entire trip. I not only had fun, but I also grew so much as a person. I had no idea how much I would learn from the members of the township that we stayed in going into this trip. Volunteering at the local school, doing community service, and just getting to know all the teens my age in the neighborhood... Everything was a learning and growing experience. I feel like this trip has completely changed the way I view the world and the way I want to live the rest of my life. I would definitely recommend this to anyone who is up for an adventure and open to new experiences!

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Yes, I recommend this program

Life changing

Japan was such a beautiful place and the group I was paired up with was even more breathtaking. I’m so glad that we were able to connect the way we did. And the food was amazingly delicious, curry is obviously my new favorite dish. Then the locals and college students who we met along the way were one of the sweetest most kindest people I’ve ever had the pleasure of meeting. And don not even get me started on the fashion. It was everything I could have ever dream of. They were so adorable and stylish and I probably spent way more money than I’d like to admit. But all and all I loved all the memories and friendships I made this summer and I am so grateful I was able to do this. It will probably be one of the best things I did in my life. Thank you!

What would you improve about this program?
One thing that feel as though should be done is updating the supply list.
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Yes, I recommend this program

An Unforgettable Exeperience

When I first found out about the Experiment in International Living, I was surprised I didn't hear about it from my school or family but from a friend miles way for another program I attended in D.C. last summer.She told me about a trip she took to Morocco through her school, all the lifelong bonds she developed, and the memories she made along the way, and I just knew I had to find out what this program was all about. Originally, I was a little wary to apply because everyone I talked to in my community said they've never heard of EIL before. When I researched, I found a plethora of programs catered towards high school students my age who seemed to be making the most of their time abroad. When I received my acceptance for the Thailand program I was extremely overjoyed. I never left the country before, but when the day for departure arrived, I felt confident for the journey ahead. While in Thailand, I met some of the most amazing people. My host family was phenomenal! The people were so welcoming and warm. The food was exceptional, street markets so lively, the history of Chiang Mai and Bangkok were so rich, and the moments I shared with those around me were unforgettable. If I could do rewind time, I would do it all over again. But I think the greatest gift from this experience was this newfound desire to become a world traveler. There were ups and downs with the group and with the itinerary, but overall, I wouldn't have traded my moment in Thailand for anything.

What would you improve about this program?
I would improve the structure of the itinerary. There were times when we couldn't participate in activities centered around Thai culture because EIL didn't approve of them beforehand. There could also be a greater emphasis on the international living part than the tourism part. Having a more detailed list of what to bring on the trip could also help because I brought a few items that I did not need the whole trip, and I ended up having to get rid of some things (pro-tip: buy things in Thailand).
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Yes, I recommend this program

Summer '19 Tanzania

My first choice to study abroad in was Argentina however I'm so glad that I didn't get it and got Tanzania instead. The group I went with was so diverse, every ethnic background and twelve different states combined. I loved this trip because every time I travel I like to visit rural areas and considering I'm pretty low maintenance and like to go with the flow this trip was perfect. I would say you have to be pretty rugged to endure this trip. There will be times where you feel uncomfortable about something but once you cross that line you will have more fun than you ever did. This trip was a perfect balance of learning about culture and having outdoor fun. Things I will never forget are the skies painted in stars and postcard beaches. Also I feel like the reason my trip was so fun was because of the people I went with, everyone's personality and contribution was amazing, I couldn't have asked for a better group. The fun was meeting new people and sharing stories, I wouldn't have traded this opportunity for anything else.

What would you improve about this program?
More Tanzanian food and free time in the city. We got a lot of free time in isolated places with nothing to do, we did bond a lot though. Just wished we could wander around the city more and have more Tanzanian food than American food.
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Yes, I recommend this program


I went to Argentina the summer of 2019 with The Experiment in International Living. I had a great time during the homestay, community service, and adventures we did individually and as a group. I learned a lot about the culture and language and broadened my view of the world. The homestay especially allowed me to be immersed in the culture and change my perspective. Would definitely recommend this program!
There are some things I would have liked to know before I went, though. Firstly, don't worry if you don't speak Spanish fluently. Everyone was able to find ways to communicate, even if we occasionally resorted to pantomime. Some advice: you will enjoy your homestay more if you go in with an open mind, not expecting it to be like your life at home.

What was your funniest moment?
At one of the hotels, the toilet flooded. The girl who went to the front desk to get help didn't speak Spanish very well, and difinitely didn't know how to say "the toilet is leaking." So she said "Baño! foosh! Agua!" [toilet! foosh! water!]. We got the toilet fixed and had a good laugh.