Program Reviews

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Yes, I recommend this program

Great Value For an Informative Course!

I initially signed up for this TEFL certificate after arriving to Taiwan and interviewing for several positions, and finding out that most schools I visited were asking me for a TEFL ceriticate if I had no experience teaching English already. I had heard it was easy to find a job in the East if you come from a native English-speaking country, and so I assumed it would be easy for me without anything. I had no experience, so I figured I should suck it up and just take the most affordable course I could find. I didn't expect to learn anything, I just wanted the piece of paper...

Turns out I was wrong! Not only was I wrong about easily getting a job with no experience, but I was wrong about not learning anything from the TEFL course. After getting through the whole thing in just two months, I was really surprised of how unprepared I would have been if I actually did get a job without having first taken this TEFL course. It ended up teaching me a lot about teaching that I never expected to learn.

Therefore, I totally recommend this course before you think you can try what I did and just jump into a job without at least the knowledge this course gives you.

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Yes, I recommend this program


At first, I wasn't sure I wanted to do a TEFL certificate. I read a lot about how many online TEFL courses aren't what they promise to be, so I had my doubts about even doing it. Then I found out about

My cousin completed the 120 hour course on their site and got a job a month later in Thailand. She was very happy with the amount she learned for such an affordable price, and told me that it is TOTALLY worth it. So I took her advice...

Two months later I contacted their friendly support staff and my free personal tutor (James) helped send my resume to a few schools in the countries I wanted to go to. Two weeks later I had an offer for a job in China and they even offered to pay for my flight over...I couldn't believe it!

Once I started teaching in an actual classroom, I was even more grateful I took their course. A lot goes into teaching English as a foreign language!

Most people, I think, underestimate the real benefits of a good TEFL course. Maybe because others do not have the same type of information. With the myTEFL course, I was amazed with how much they broke down everything and made teaching complicated concepts easy to understand.

The only times I contacted them (aside from the time at the end for a job), their friendly tutors got back to me right away with a detailed explanation. That surprised me! I thought for sure I would get some automated Robot response...NOPE! - great service.

If I had to go back in time and choose which TEFL course to take again, I would choose 9 times out of 10!

Great course content, great price, great customer service! Thank you!

What would you improve about this program?
I realized after I started teaching in the classroom, that that is where I learned the most important lessons about being a teacher. So, if I could change one part, I would have liked to have some training/practice in an actual classroom. But those types of classes take too much time and cost too much money (for me at least)!