Advanced Studies in England

Program Reviews

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Yes, I recommend this program

Best program out there!

ASE is a great program. Hands down, one of the best decisions I've ever made. I loved the trip to Stratford-upon-Avon the most - being able to see three Royal Shakespeare Company shows was life-changing. I formed a lot of close friendships while also gaining a lot of confidence, whether that be academically, socially, or personally. Bath is an absolutely beautiful city that is small enough that you can really get to know every single part of it and feel like a real resident, but big enough that there's still always something to do.

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Yes, I recommend this program

An Extraordinary Opportunity

I was part of this program for a full academic year, and the decision to apply was the best I've made in quite some time. Living in Bath is a uniquely special experience. It's a place where rich history lives alongside a hub of bustling tourism, meaning there's always something to do if you look for it. ASE puts a lot of effort into ensuring its students have as many opportunities as they want to take advantage of; your level of involvement in the community is almost completely customizable to your comfort level, but you have to take initiative. There are mandatory study trips to Stratford-upon-Avon, Oxford, and Stonehenge, as well as course-specific class trips (for example, to nearby Glastonbury), which means that every student will experience life beyond Bath to some degree. The three-day weekends also allow students an abundance of travel time, as the importance of fully integrating into and exploring the country is stressed early on in the program. In terms of academics, the workload is rigorous but not impossibly difficult, and the smaller class sizes allow for a more personalized learning experience. Every tutor I had was enthusiastic and incredibly knowledgeable about their subject of choice, and the way classes and essays were structured meant that I developed further as an academic. Equally dedicated and personable were the ASE staff members, who were genuinely friendly and supportive, and I found it hard to leave them behind come the end of my second semester. Altogether, this program offers a perfect blend between schoolwork, social activity, and cultural exploration, and I know that the lessons I learned (both academically and personally) and the friends I made will stick with me for a long time.

What would you improve about this program?
To be honest, there isn't much I would change about this program. While I would have liked more opportunities for involvement with the nearby universities, I'm also aware that this isn't a shortcoming that solely reflects on ASE, as the universities themselves must be open to communication. The student helpers went a long way towards bridging this gap, however, especially in the second semester.
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Yes, I recommend this program

A Fantastic Summer in a Beautiful City

I am so glad I made the decision to participate in ASE Summer School 2015. I enjoyed two challenging yet not overwhelming history classes that explored the city and used our location to enhance our learning (Romans in Britain and Domestic Soldiers). I lived in a beautiful 19th-century villa with 7 other housemates and we enjoyed living in a regular neighborhood of Bath, rather than a dormitory. The entire ASE staff was incredibly welcoming and supportive, from giving recommendations on the best pubs, to advice on good day trips, to figuring out the British grocery store. The ASE staff also organized fantastic social excursions for us to Cornwall, London, Oxford, Stonehenge, and Glastonbury--these trips are what make ASE stand out from other study abroad programs.
I will always happily remember my time in Bath.

What would you improve about this program?
I think Summer School should be longer, at least 7-8 weeks--since we are completing semester length courses, this way we'd be completing a semester-length course in half the time rather than a third of the time. Also, it took a week or two to get settled and by that time it was almost time to leave! I would have liked to stay longer.
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Yes, I recommend this program


It's very hard for me to believe that it has been just slightly over a year since I was last across the pond and taking part in this wonderful program.

What I believe to be most difficult, especially upon my return, was trying to describe the program and all that had taken place in just the short five weeks. The only word I seem to keep coming back to is "perfect."

Advanced Studies in England (ASE) have put together one of the greatest overall experiences I've ever been a part of. The program sends students to some of the most incredible places that leaves you feeling as though you've seen the variety that's across England. In addition to some seriously astounding views that would even make the most pristine Instagram account blush. The staff is incredible from tutors Rob, Laura, and Bill to the office crew of Emma, Lindsay, Lucy, and Sue. Seriously some of the kindest people I've ever met.

If you choose to explore, make the most of your time, and put in the necessary work, you will be more than rewarded for the effort and will be forever changed for it.

Read my full story
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Yes, I recommend this program

Unforgettable Experience

Summer 2014 in Bath is something I will never, ever forget. I learned so much and made wonderful, true friends. It's been one year and my Linley Housemates and I still talk pretty regularly! I honestly think that I came out of my ASE experience a better version of myself because of all of the support I had from faculty and classmates, the beauty and history of the city and other travel destinations, and of course, all of the laughs and smiles. I wish my school schedule had worked out so that I could do a semester or even a year with ASE, but I am so grateful for my couple of months. I wouldn't trade my experience for the world!

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Yes, I recommend this program

ASE is Amazing

ASE's program was incredible. Bath is a beautiful city and by spending a semester there and involved with ASE you really get to the city. Everything that ASE does, from the housing to the trips to the activities to the staff's friendliness, creates a home away from home. I felt so comfortable living in Bath because of what ASE provided for me in the program. The academics were hard, but I thoroughly enjoyed my classes and the tutors are absolutely brilliant. They know literally everything about what they're teaching, and then some. It was so great to get to know them and to know their subjects so in-depth. The workload can feel overwhelming at times, but I came out of the semester knowing so much more than I did and inspired by everything that I learned. The program also takes you to Oxford for a week and to Stratford-upon-Avon for a few days and both of these trips are great. I was so grateful that ASE took us there, showed us the ins and outs of the towns and then gave us plenty of free reign to roam and explore. It's hard to encompass everything I did and learned and felt during my time abroad with ASE, but it was simply amazing.

What would you improve about this program?
I would have liked the Stratford-Upon-Avon trip to be earlier in the semester, because with it so close to the end it felt like we were squeezing it in and I had to remind myself to enjoy it and forgot about everything I had to do before flying back to the US. I also became closer to other students in the program during that trip because we have random roommates for those few days, so having those friendships earlier would have been nice.
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Yes, I recommend this program

Great Life Experience

Honestly, this program was incredible. It did a fantastic job of both educating and introducing us as students to the country. In the day to day life, I got to eat fantastic foods at great little restaurants throughout the city, enjoy the fantastic sights, and immerse myself in the city.

Students also got to go on these awe-inspiring trips over the course of the summer semester. Each trip was very well planned and coordinated. The trips, despite being meticulously planned, were still absolute blasts. I can honestly say I have never personally had as much fun anywhere else.

Overall, I will always cherish the memories this program left me and I hope to revisit Bath again sometime in the near future.

What would you improve about this program?
Teach students about the appliances when they move in. Some of us had difficulty transitioning to the new showers, washing machines, and other household utilities that because of the vast difference between Bath's utilities and American ones.
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Yes, I recommend this program

Best Decision I Could Have Made

Studying with ASE was the best decision I could have made. The immersion in the community- to go to the market, become familiar with local pubs and shopkeepers, memorize different running and hiking routes, and explore the city in general- was exactly what I wanted. The professors were so knowledgeable and passionate, I never resented having to go to class. The entire faculty and staff were so helpful as we got settled and continued to be actively involved in different events and outings. The city is STUNNING; it's the perfect combination of busy and fun while also being quaint and local. I found that the program did an incredible job matching students for housing; my housemates and I got along almost perfectly and had the best time traveling both in and out of England together (and we're still in touch back in the States!). I never wanted to leave and cannot wait to go back.

What would you improve about this program?
While I enjoyed all of the trips we took as a program, I would have loved to stay one more week so that we had an extra weekend to ourselves for travelling but didn't have to miss anything the program organizes!
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Yes, I recommend this program

Life Changing Experience

As a technical theatre student, I never really got on stage. The tutors were fantastic in helping my stage fright and get up on stage and be in the spotlight for once. I was the least skilled in acting, but the group of students never let me feel left out when I didn't know what I was doing. The tutors and the students all worked with me on any questions I had.
At Advanced Studies, they take their academics very seriously. There is always attendance being taken and you have reading every night along with papers, shows, and projects to work on in the evening. Mash that in with the built in 10 or so Theatrical Productions you go to see as part of the programme, you don't have a ton of time to relax. Don't go to this expecting a vacation or a summer camp. I'm not saying that you don't get any time to have fun. We spent a weekend in Stratford on Avon and London and had day trips to Stonehendge, Glastonbury, and Oxford. And you get 2 weekends off to do whatever you want!
In class, you have a ton of fun. We learned Shakespearean acting, Restoration Acting, Contemporary British Acting, and we made our own devised piece. We got to learn how to do a real British accent from a real British Tutor. We got the chance to dress up in period restoration costumes. With the small class size we were able to go on group field trips around Bath and experience it as an actor. We learned British Theatre History from a real British Theatre Historian who played games with us to get down the time periods and told us amazing stories.
Let's see, I think that's it. If you're seriously considering this, go, it will change your life and impact you in ways you wouldn't even imagine. You'll learn about theatre and see theatre and meet amazing people.

What would you improve about this program?
Make the Summer School longer, 6 weeks isn't enough to fully immerse yourself into Bath. There are so many things I didn't get the chance to do.
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Yes, I recommend this program

Great program, great opportunities!

ASE was everything I wanted in a study abroad experience! The academics are more demanding than most programs, but with the right balance the classes can be really rewarding. The city is beautiful and feels surprisingly safe, and the ASE staff are all friendly and helpful. Definitely don't overlook the internship programme--my placement (at Mr B's) was one of the highlights of my semester!