Impact Your World

Impact: 5
Support: 5
Fun: 5
Value: 5
Safety: 5

I'm about to get real right now. Everything I'm going to say will sound cliché, but you have to trust me that this isn't just any travel program. I've been on travel programs. This is so much more.

I have never felt so at peace with myself and my surrounding environment as I did during this trip. At no point did I feel like what I was doing was work. Sure, it was tedious carrying wheelbarrows of concrete up and down hills to construct a sidewalk. Yes, it was difficult at times to shovel five tons of pungent fertilizer into the back of a truck. Regardless of the strenuous jobs we completed, though, I spent every second of every day feeling like I belonged there, like I was doing something so meaningful that happiness was the only emotion available to experience.

ISV's slogan is "Impact Your World." I thought this meant I was impacting the world through my work with ISV. While this is very much true, I now realize that ISV impacted my world as well.

Here's a joke for you: an American, an Englishman, a Manx, a Scot, and a Canadian travel to a foreign country and realize that borders are invisible, we're all human and we can and should work together for the benefit of our planet. Alright, so it isn't a joke; this describes my ISV trip. I now have true friends all over the world because I spent one month alongside them laughing, crying, thinking, reflecting, and learning. I truly wish every person on Earth could experience what I did. I know that anyone who travels with ISV will.

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