Nepal on My Mind !

Impact: 5
Support: 5
Fun: 4
Value: 5
Safety: 5

I had the chance to start my 2014 year in Nepal doing good!

It was my first experience in volunteering abroad, the children were amazing, our host house was perfect. The orphanage was chocking at first but we managed to spend time with the children trying to create some activities and help them out with their homework. The accommodation was very clean and very well equipped to host volunteers from different places n the world. Tt was extremely cold though, temperature was sometimes 0C at night.

overall it was a great experience getting to know local people and help as much as possible. I was fascinated with the level of spirituality in the country, people are so zen and helpful. My girlfriends and I were so happy with this holistic experience.

To volunteer; is to contribute your goodness and works to humanity unselfishly, without seeking any rewards. It was worth spending the holidays with these angels.

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Yes, I would
Year Completed