Time of your life

Impact: 5
Support: 5
Fun: 5
Value: 5
Safety: 5

When I decided to make this trip to Africa, I had no idea what to expect. Where do I start!!! I did the education and community project. The African lmpact people are so friendly, with an amazing attitude and passion for what they do.The projects were great as it was equipping the community with the skills the require through everyday life. The Maasai are amazing people with the ergerness to learn English . They are so lovely and have such a generous spirit. And the wazee(elderly)!!!! I will miss them dearly. And the little ones!! They run to you calling you name the minute you walk through the school gates.

I got a good balance between work an play as Africa has loads to to in your down time. I did an amazing safari while I was there and when climbed the Kilimanjaro to base camp. All organised through AI and their counterparts. One of the highlights was actually getting my hair done by the Maasai guys while I was there. It was soo cool.

And the food!!!! Oh boy!!! That was amazing!!!!
Now words cannot express how good a month I had in Moshi with African Impact. The only way for you to find out Is to jump up and get yourself on this journey of a lifetime . I hope to get back again soon and hope to see you all there!!!!

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Year Completed