Amazing Experience

Impact: 5
Support: 5
Fun: 5
Value: 5
Safety: 5

I have done 3 African Impact volunteering trips and found the Tanzania education program in Moshi to be the best run and planned for those interested in teaching. I loved the variety of activities that were still clearly scheduled- work with adult English education in the early morning, nursery students in the late morning, and the elderly in the afternoon. There were also opportunities to work with a women's group or teach English to the elderly. A real cross section of the population!

I also really appreciated how helpful and understanding the people at the project were about my other travels. I was able to get a discounted rate to climb Mt. Kilimanjaro for volunteering, and later was able to take a day off of work to travel to the Serengeti for the weekend, again at a discount, with one of their travel partners. My flight for that trip had to be canceled and rescheduled and the staff was super understanding and helped me with everything. It allowed me to accomplish some major life travel goals along with having the experience of living and working in Moshi. There are also options to travel on day trips and safaris on the weekends once you get there. I recommend Lake Chala- super cheap and easy. The photos I took there of the scenery were some of my favorite of the trip.

The way the program was set up allowed for consistency and continuity so I never felt like my help was for nothing. You are part of a system that has existed before you arrive and will exist after you leave so all of the people you work with and teach will continue to grow even after you leave. You also get to work in a room with a staff member- this is so nice. I teach for a living and having someone else in the room who knew the people I was working with made it such an easy transition. It felt like fun, not work.

Finally, I have been in contact with the program even though I have left. I love keeping up with the people I met and with the group itself on facebook. There is such a community of volunteers and it is clear how much the experience meant to everyone who was there.

Would you recommend this program?
Yes, I would
Year Completed