Incredible slum teaching in India

Impact: 5
Support: 5
Fun: 5
Value: 5
Safety: 5

The time that I've spent in India is indescribable. I've had so many experiences and met so many people that I never had dreamed I would be blessed to experience. I was scared and nervous about my experience as I had never travelled outside of my country before. At the airport I was greeted by a warm and friendly staff member and fellow volunteers who helped me to feel part of a community. The next orientation week was just what I needed to get use to the Indian culture and to make valuable friendships. It was such a good idea to do the main sightseeing in that week so I could focus my remaining time on my volunteer placement. My host family in India was such a blessing! They were so helpful and so funny! I haven't laughed as much as I have in the past five weeks! They were so helpful in giving us their opinion on our volunteering and our extracurricular activities. I was able to create lasting friendships with my host family and fellow volunteers. My volunteer placement was so amazing! I was able to help teach kids in a school within a local slum. It was a challenging yet rewarding opportunity to see these kids learn and grow! I think I will leave with more lessons they taught me than what I taught them. I find it hard to describe just how life changing this experience has been. I truly believe that I am a better person because of the time that I've spent here. I feel as though I am leaving part of my heart here but I know that I am taking so much more with me home!

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Yes, I would
Year Completed