Impact: 5
Support: 5
Fun: 5
Value: 5
Safety: 5

I discovered IVHQ over 2 years ago online! After watching a video on youtube of a girl who had volunteered with IVHQ in India I knew I had to experience this program! After two years of planning I flew to Delhi and was planning on doing 4 weeks of volunteering and one week of orientation! Orientation was by far the best decision that I made to start this trip! I has such an amazing time and met some of the most amazing people that are now some of my best friends! Our host family was so amazing and now feels like my home here in India! I was assigned to volunteer at the all girls orphanage which has been the most amazing experience of my life! We are the only volunteers that live at our placement which I actually prefer as we spend 24/7 with the girls. My 4 weeks are coming to an end and its so heartbreaking knowing I have to leave all the magical little faces I met during this experience! I wish when I signed up for this experience that I would have signed up to stay longer especially in my placement! I has such a life changing experience that I plan to come back to India in a few years and stay at this orphanage for a few months! Over all this experience was much more then I could have ever asked for! The staff was incredible, my placement was so amazing and the beautiful culture of India will always hold a special place in my heart!

Would you recommend this program?
Yes, I would
Year Completed