Incredible experience!

Impact: 5
Support: 5
Fun: 5
Value: 5
Safety: 5

I arrived in Delhi on the 17th of July, and will be leaving on the 13th of August 2016. This whole month has flown past and been an incredible experience! It has been so rewarding, challenging, and inspiring to work with all of the kids in the school - from kindergarten to 16 years old. My entire time here has been filled with wonder, laughter, and happiness. There have also been difficult times, but those times have only served to spur me on, and looking back at this month my dominant feeling is one of joy, and sadness that I could not stay longer! The host family I have stayed with have been wonderful, truly supportive and loving in a way that makes you feel right at home even when you are missing your home country. Thank you, IVHQ!

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Yes, I would
Year Completed