An Amazing Experience

Impact: 5
Support: 5
Fun: 5
Value: 5
Safety: 5

I had to opportunity to intern abroad in San Carlos, Costa Rica and it was the most amazing experience in my life. As an Intern, you have the chance to earn school credit and travel to a foreign country to gain hands on experience in your profession of choice. What could be better than that!! When I first arrived, the staff promptly and properly greeted me at the airport. A plus!! The staff was very organized and friendly. (They spoke English but would practice Spanish with you if you wanted). A Plus!! Also, food was ready for me to eat!!! A Plus. Being an intern is different then just being a volunteer. As an intern, there are goals that you must meet with your professor as well as goals to meet with CCS. A staff member would meet with me one on one and help me discuss what I wanted to benefit from this experience. We came up with a list of goals that I had to accomplish each week and activities that I had to do each week as well. So not only do you volunteer at your placements but you also have the chance to immerse yourself in the community.
This was a daily schedule for me.
Wake up and get ready (includes eating)- 7-8
Volunteer placement- 8-11:30
Lunch- 12-1
Tuesday and Thursday cultural activities- visit a dairy farm, visit a cocoa plantation, Volcano etc
Monday, Wednesday- 3-4 Spanish Classes *for those that know Spanish they had free time or plan a trip for that day
Free time- After 4 (gym, stores, dance classes, etc)
Weekends- Surfing in Jaco, La Fortuna etc.
I loved the flexibility of this program. They never forced us to do anything and they were open to suggestions and ideas for trips.

Back to Interning, the staff does not just place you in a volunteer setting and you have to fend for yourself. They stay with you until you are comfortable. They introduce you and help them get to know you (especially if you don’t speak Spanish). Being an intern sets you apart from just volunteering, it becomes a second home to you. *If you are not comfortable with your placement, the staff will help you, no biggie. I interned at a nursing home and special education school. I was going to school to be a physical therapist. They allowed me build rapport with the patients so they listened to what I had to say. I loved it. The freedom to help patients hands on that speak a completely different language than me!! It was a thrill. The food is amazing, the staff is friendly and organized, and the placements helped me figure out what I wanted to do in life. This experience has given me a different perspective on life and how I have the ability to help people in the U.S and even in San Carlos one day. I would not trade this experience for the world.

Would you recommend this program?
Yes, I would