Best Thing I've Ever Done

Impact: 5
Support: 5
Fun: 5
Value: 5
Safety: 5

I was fortunate enough to spend January 2017 in India with IVHQ, in particular, the most amazing family and compassionate children at one of the slum school volunteering programs in Faridabad.

Mohit and Chandni, as IVHQ staff and a host family, very quickly became trusted friends and in every regard, my family. When I was feeling isolated and unhappy in my first homestay placement, Mohit and Chandni were incredibly helpful, as staff, when they came to check in. They personally provided the best support and concern for my wellbeing. When I asked, they were happy to move me into their house due to being more familiar with the volunteers already living there, already knowing Mohit as my orientation guide, and knowing that as a more social individual, I would be more comfortable there.

Mohit and Chandni both, along with Raj and Aryan, the 2 guys living with them, undoubtedly provided me with some of my most treasured moments, and loudest laughter during that month. I cannot thank all of them enough for the Bollywood dancing, movie nights, late night discussions, laughter, amazing food (I am still dreaming about puri and poha) and endless helpful advice and answers on the ins and outs of everything India. But most of all I value their friendship, and for welcoming me into their home where I felt the happiest I have been in a long time.

The school was a definite challenge at first. It was something I found I was unable to prepare for. The style of teaching and classroom layout definitely induced some fear in the first few days as I observed what appeared to be complete madness. I questioned if I would be able to give any form of beneficial service to the school. But, I began to build relationships with a few of the students through interaction and discussion, allowing their conversational English to be extended, as well as developing a personal connections, genuine friendships, and sharing of cultures. It was an absolute pleasure to meet such compassionate and eager kids who were willing to include you in afternoon cricket sessions in the nearby park; as well as taking you back to their homes after school to be introduced to their families, and experience their way of life. A unique side of India that would be inaccessible by travelling in any other way.

My time in India I can confidently say was the best and most beneficial experience I have had in my life. Travelling during orientation week was effortless and stress free, and the best way I could imagine to meet genuinely good people, and see so much of New Delhi in such limited time. As well as weekends away with the kind souled volunteers I met, whom I know I will remain in contact with for a lifetime; the kids I built firm relationships with; and the most incredible host family I could ask for. It’s clear to me that I will be back to visit as soon as I possibly can.

After the initial culture shock and adjustment to an alien environment (which truly knocks you off your feet!) all wears off, the magnetism of India remains long after you leave. I could not recommend more highly visiting for yourself and soaking up as much of the culture, beauty and chaos as possible.

Thank you Mohit, Chandni, Raj, Aryan and IVHQ head office for making my stay incredible, and something I miss every single day back home!

Would you recommend this program?
Yes, I would
Year Completed