Medical volunteer

Impact: 5
Support: 5
Fun: 5
Value: 5
Safety: 5

I absolutely loved the month I spent in Zambia with AI. I was on the medical project and the home-based care which we did most mornings was really interesting, and getting to see people in their homes was definitely a highlight. When we revisited people we were able to see an improvement as a result of the advice, medication and clinic referrals that we gave so it was very rewarding. The afternoon projects were varied and fun - I go to have a go at teaching, farming, sports and after-school games all of which I really enjoyed! The staff team are amazingly enthusiastic and friendly, and they make sure that everything runs smoothly. Livingstone is also a great place to be in terms of the free weekends we had - I got to go on safari, go to Victoria Falls, go on a walk to find rhinos, camp on a boat overnight, feed elephants at the Elephant Cafe and lots more! I made some great friends and was amazed at how much we were able to genuinely help in the communities around Livingstone - I would 100% recommend this project to anyone!

Would you recommend this program?
Yes, I would
Year Completed