Making distance not seem distant!

Benefits: 4
Support: 5
Fun: 4
Facilities: 4
Safety: 4

Teaching Nomad placement consultant, Moira, has been nothing but supportive and efficient! With her leave of absence, I thought that my placement might take slightly longer - sure, I was wrong! Not long after her return, Moira had sent out my profile to potential schools and I received interviews, all with good responses! This made me extremely happy! I didn't know which option would be best for me, and that's where Moira had helped me out, again. Teaching Nomad certainly provides you with the BEST consultants who you can rely on for a stress-free process! This is my first job oversees, in China, and I am ecstatic to have this opportunity in such short time. Thank you teaching Nomad - THANK YOU, Moira!!! :)

Would you recommend this program?
Yes, I would
Year Completed