My job hardly feels like work

Benefits: 5
Support: 5
Fun: 5
Facilities: 5
Safety: 5

I am about to begin the ninth month of my year long contract in Korea. This experience has been more than I thought it could be. Being recruited through Canadian Connection gave me confidence in the fact that my contract and living situations would be looked after and that I had the support of many people if anything (positive or negative) were to happen. I currently teach in two different elementary schools and a high school. While this situation is slightly more stressful than the average, I always feel as though I am well taken care of in terms of resources.
I was warned before I came to Korea that culturally many things would be different. To be honest, almost everything is different than in my home city in southern Ontario, Canada. Sometimes that can lead to frustrations, i.e., people talking around you instead of to you or hearing comments about your physical appearance, but the majority of time the cultural differences have been a learning experience for me and the foreigner community gets together to laugh it off.
I live in a mid-sized town in the southern province of Jeollanamdo. My apartment is the perfect size for myself and the puppy that I adopted from a shelter here. I have seen apartments of various sizes but nothing I couldn't live in, or of which I am extremely jealous. As per Canadian Connection's contract, my school takes care of my apartment rent and I am responsible for my bills. Including gas, hydro, cable, internet, my smart phone and a building maintenance fee, I pay a little over $150 a month in bills. The rest of my salary is mine to spend or save! My schools are all a bus ride away. I am thankful for the bus experience every time I make plans with friends to meet somewhere or go out.
The two best things about my job are the kids and the places I have been able to visit. Foreigners are a kind of celebrity in Korea and everyone still shows the utmost interest in me even eight months later. I say "hello" about one hundred times a day. In the evenings and on the weekends I travel a lot. There are so many beautiful places to see in this province. The week-long orientation that I attended with other Canadian Connection recruits allowed me to make many new friends, who then went all over the province to teach. Now when I travel, there is usually someone in each city that I know to visit. Transportation is so accessible here that I can easily make a day trip to almost anywhere in the country without issue. During my vacation time I have already been able to visit Thailand and Japan.
I feel like a year is not enough to experience everything here so I have decided to renew my contract for another year. I will transfer schools and cities (always looking for new experiences) but I will stay in Jeollanamdo.

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