Teaching English in South Korea

Benefits: 5
Support: 5
Fun: 5
Facilities: 5
Safety: 5

Teaching English in Korea is an experience I would recommend to anyone who is open-minded, motivated, and looking for a little adventure and foreign experience. Coming here through Canadian Connection was an easy, smooth process throughout which I received guidance at every step. Even with careful research and preparation ahead of time, it is impossible to really know what to expect; having friendly, experienced people to give you small tips and anecdotes from their own stay is truly invaluable.
While I wouldn't say that everyone can do it, teaching in Korea, especially in an elementary school, is not particularly difficult. The curriculum is all set out, the lesson planning is minimal and you always have plenty of materials and the support of your co-teacher to rely on. Even the discipline aspect is handled by your co-teacher so really all you have to do is...teach!
Moving to a new country away from family and friends can no doubt be a daunting step, and a bit lonely at times, but the friends you make here and the many many things to do and see quickly make you condsider extending your stay for another year.

Would you recommend this program?
Yes, I would