My time/Experience with TEFL Academy

Instruction: 5
Support: 4
Value: 5
Academic Rigor: 3
Job Assistance: 4

My experience at the TEFL Academy was great because of their top-notch training, staff and resources. They provided detailed and up-to-date information on teaching English as a foreign language that I could immediately use in the classroom. Additionally, their online platform was easy to navigate and learn through, allowing for convenient learning at my own pace. The instructors did a great job of providing helpful feedback and guidance throughout the course so I could feel confident in my teaching skills. They also offered a unique employment support program that helped find potential teaching positions in my area. This made the job hunting process less stressful and gave me the resources and confidence needed to land a teaching job. The staff was always available to help answer any questions and provide needed guidance. The resources, teaching techniques and job support make the TEFL Academy one of the top TEFL courses around and it has made my experience amazing. They are doing an outstanding job providing quality education as well as job preparation and support.

Would you recommend this program?
Yes, I would
Year Completed