Eye opening trip

Impact: 4
Support: 5
Fun: 4
Value: 4
Safety: 5

I led a corporate volunteer team that worked at El Pueblito orphanage. I have supported charitable work before with dollars, but never with my time. It was an eye opening experience, we prepared lots in advance, but as the CCS staff advised, as helpful as the preparation was, the thing we needed was the willingness to abandon plans and go with the flow, the children and the institution staff really guided our activities and directed us to what was needed. Despite their difficult circumstances the children were, in some ways, like any children anywhere, adorable, difficult, attentive and rebellious in turns. We were a curiousity at first, and by the end of the week, a part of their routine. Saying goodbye was hard. CCS does a great job advising, guiding, organizing and providing cultural education.

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Year Completed