A None Stop Buzz On Happiness

Impact: 5
Support: 5
Fun: 5
Value: 5
Safety: 5

From the moment i arrived i felt welcome in the community. After introductions i was shown a presentation that outlined the things African Impact had already achieved and their future aims. Its safe to say after this presentation i was absolutely BUZZING to get to project.

First stop was teaching the Masai to read and write in Swahili you will never meet a more friendly group of people. Their main concern is making sure your welcome and they are so eager to learn its brilliant to see and to be apart of.

Second Stop was teaching the young children shapes and colours. Lots of singing, dancing and smiley faces, an excellent way to finish the morning.

After lunch it was off to the Wazee or now i would say off to visit my 15 adopted grand parents. They truly were the highlight of my volunteering experience. Hearing how the Wazee was before African Impact arrived and how the wazee is now this really does show how much of a positive impact the project is having on the local community.

On a Friday i attended a woman's group and if your interested in learning about the African culture in depth and learning about what their opinion is on what can sometimes be difficult subjects this is an excellent way to learn. I learnt many things about the African Culture during the group discussions that i never would have learned without attending this project. Its an excellent opportunity to ask questions relating to the subject being discussed and expand your knowledge base.

The house has an excellent atmosphere. The event nights are always good fun and a great way to get to know who you living with. The staff cook excellent food and your constantly looked after. Gill, Aoife & Alex make sure your welcome and are always there to give a helping hand if needed.

I cant recommend this volunteering experience enough. It's the best thing i've ever done and i'm so delighted i've been able to help out. I helped for 2 weeks but even in that 2 weeks i saw what a difference i made its such a rewarding experience. So if your worried your not going to make much of a difference in 2 weeks honestly you'll be amazed at how much of a difference you can make i certainly was.

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