IVHQ India Dehli, Slum teaching

Impact: 5
Support: 5
Fun: 5
Value: 5
Safety: 5

I thoroughly enjoyed everyday in the 4 weeks I spent in India. The children were a delight to teach and they were always happy and eager to learn. I was able to see them progress over the time I was there and it is rewarding to see how capable they are. Every day their excitement and enthusiasm put a smile on my face. I met volunteers from all over the world including America, Australia, Canada, Spain, Switzerland, Hong Kong and the UK. We had a great time at our placement and travelling together in our free time. Our weekends were filled with activities and we were kept busy all the time. Orientation week was a great start to my experience and I got to see many sights in Delhi. It was a great opportunity to meet people and make friends. The hindi lessons were very beneficial especially when it comes to teaching the young children. My homestay was within walking distance of the placement. I couldn't have asked for a better family to share my experience with. They provide a fun, relaxed environment for volunteers and were always willing to help with any problems I had. They made me feel welcome when I first arrived and I feel very lucky to have been placed here especially when the food is so good. I have never experienced anything like what I have in the last month. Working in the slums opened my eyes to the lifestyle some of these people in India lead and having the chance to help although it was for a short time has been wonderful. IVHQ have been very supportive from the start. I have had no issues or problems since I arrived here and I know that they are always here to help if I need them. In my opinion 4 weeks was not long enough. I hope to come back someday and volunteer with IVHQ again for longer. I came to India to help change people's lives and I ended up changing my own.

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