IVHQ Tanzania - Teaching

Impact: 5
Support: 5
Fun: 5
Value: 5
Safety: 5

For long time i have seen images of Africa on television and always asked myself if i would ever be able to go there one day and help their community somehow.
Through IVHQ i had the opportunity to live a real volunteer experience in Arusha, in Tanzania for 9 weeks this year.
I worked in an orphanage called Women's Christian where i had an unforgettable time teaching basic english to 20 lovely kids aged 2 to 14 years old. I was there every morning to teach them and I ended up learning from them as well. We had a lot of good and fun moments together, the only sad time was saying goodbye in my last day.
In these 9 weeks I stayed in one of the volunteers houses in Arusha which had nice and big rooms, good food, a helpful staff, and was perfect to make new friends. I culturally grew up a lot by living with people from all of the world during this time. It was nice to have met so many people and be involved in different projects with them.
I have no words to describe how much this program changed my life, my acts, and my thoughts. It is not always easy, each day was a new challenge and at the end of all i feel completely blessed for have lived all that.

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Year Completed