A memory of a lifetime

Impact: 5
Support: 5
Fun: 5
Value: 5
Safety: 5

I had contemplated on going to Africa to teach for quite a few years. Until one day I finally realized that it wasn't going to happen unless I got the ball rolling. That is when I found African Impact. The entire process could not have run more smoothly. It was stress free and I felt very comfortable with entrusting them with everything in regards to my trip.

Once I arrived to the lovely town of Moshi, from day one I was welcomed and felt right at home. The entire staff was amazing and everyone is just a big family. We eat together, hang out together after school gets out, go to town together, and on the weekends sometimes go on excursions with one another. I could not wait to go and meet the kids either! You literally fall in love with them immediately. You really do form special bonds with some of the children as well; which makes it even harder to leave them everyday when school is out!

I cannot wait for their to be a point in my life where I can go back to Moshi and see everyone again. I miss it everyday.

Would you recommend this program?
Yes, I would
Year Completed