Multiple Locations +2
  • Guatemala
  • Costa Rica
4 - 12 weeks
Need-based funding, General grants/scholarships, Payment plans
Health & Safety

Program Details

City Exploring Scuba Diving Trekking
Fall Spring
Guesthouse Host Family Hostel Tent
Primary Language
Age Min.
Age Max


Starting Price
Price Details
Fall 2024: $15,900

Spring 2025: $15,900

Program tuition includes all food, accommodations, scheduled program activities, and international travel insurance for the duration of the program. International airfare and spending money are extra. International airfare estimated at $1,200 - $1,500.
What's Included
Accommodation Activities Airport Transfers Meals Transportation Travel Insurance
What's Not Included
Airfare Some Equipment
May 30, 2024
May 02, 2023
79 travelers are looking at this program

About Program

Venture through Guatemala and Costa Rica, exploring lush tropical rainforests, towering volcanoes, steep-sided mountains, and extended coastlines. Embrace the spirit of pura vida and learn from the unique crossover of individuals who call these nations home. Living alongside Indigenous communities and their contemporaries, delve into opportunities to explore social justice, sustainability, and the influence of colonization.

From the Sierra Madre mountains of interior Guatemala, to the sea turtle havens on the coast; from the tranquility and splendor of Lago Atitlán and her surrounding volcanoes, to the breathtaking coral reefs offshore, Carpe Diem Education explores the merging complexities of socio-political realities with the hope of a more sustainable future. Cap your new knowledge with improved Spanish, honed during your homestay experience, and outdoor skills learned from the many treks, hikes, and adventure activities available in the region.

Video and Photos

Diversity & Inclusion

BIPOC Support

We recognize that we are a long way from the diversity we aim for within our students, staff, and partners. We want and need more diversity to truly become the organization we would like to be. We recognize that this will not happen overnight or without dedicating time, attention, and resources. To that end, we have created a strategic plan to address our current shortfalls and to make significant improvements, which you can see on our Diversity & Inclusion page.

LGBTQIA+ Support

Neurodivergent Support

At Carpe Diem, each applicant reads through our extensive Essential Eligibility Criteria prior to enrollment. This criteria allows applicants to determine if the organization is an appropriate fit for their gap semester/year goals and their individual needs. During the interview and application process, we have honest and direct conversations with students and families about the support that our staff is able to provide throughout the program experience. We are committed to creating a culture of acceptance and support. To that end, our Overseas Educators and local leaders are selected for their skill in group facilitation and promoting inclusive group dynamics.

Accessibility Support

At Carpe Diem, each applicant reads through our extensive Essential Eligibility Criteria prior to enrollment. This criteria allows applicants to determine if the organization is an appropriate fit for their gap semester/year goals and their individual needs. We have honest and open conversations with applicants about our ability to support individual needs on each program, with the ultimate goal of a healthy and successful experience for all students. In the past, we have worked with students with severe allergies, diabetes, chronic injuries, and mental health diagnoses. We know each student's journey is individual and we work with families to support these individual needs where possible to help determine if the program is a good fit for their gap semester goals.



We are committed to maximizing the net positive impact while minimizing the carbon footprint of every program. In our office, on our programs, and through our carbon offset match, our programs are geared toward environmental education to empower future leaders to move their communities to take action. During our programs, students learn more about their impact as individuals and a travel community - then take a solution-oriented lens to tackling key issues. We also contribute to and amplify the voices of organizations and partners who focus on permaculture, natural building, and sustainable solutions.

Ethical Impact

Our programs are designed to connect to our local communities and provide reciprocal exchange and engagement. Through engaging in experiential education, community engagement, and intercultural exchange, our students develop enhanced perspectives, deeper cultural understanding, and a profound sense of self-discovery and personal growth. We work with vetted local providers to build their businesses as they provide value to our students and programming. With our homestay families, we ensure we minimize our footprint by regularly rotating the communities we work with and evaluating our social impact alongside their community leaders.

Program Highlights

  • Support sustainability efforts: Work with a small NGO on environmental justice, tree planting, and bringing back native species
  • Improve your Spanish: Engage in immersive Spanish classes and put your knowledge to the test during homestays within the community
  • Adventure outdoors: Hike, raft, trek, and even earn your Scuba Certification while exploring the natural beauty of the region
  • Live and learn: Stay on a family farm in Costa Rica, learning from your hosts about permaculture and traditional chocolate
  • Build it yourself: In a community-directed project, work with natural builders to support their efforts to construct with recycled materials

Program Dates

Application Deadline
Program Dates

Program Reviews

4.88 Rating
based on 33 reviews
  • 5 rating 87.88%
  • 4 rating 12.12%
  • 3 rating 0%
  • 2 rating 0%
  • 1 rating 0%
  • Housing 4.6
  • Support 4.85
  • Fun 4.85
  • Value 4.8
  • Safety 4.75
Showing 9 - 16 of 33 reviews
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Yes, I recommend this program

Great experience!

This was a well-organized trip and I loved our Oversees Educators Ryan and Soumya! They were super fun to be around but also facilitated lots of important discussions. They always encouraged us to learn more about the community and place we were in, and on that front I think Carpe did very very well. I do wish Carpe was a bit more transparent with the way budgeting works and where our money goes.

Sometimes the program felt super busy and I wish I had had more time in the day to make sure I always had time to reflect take time for myself but also make the most out of the opportunities we had.

I would recommend going on this trip if you’ve read about it and genuinely want to go. Don’t go because your parents want you to or any other reason. It‘a really a great opportunity, but whether your experience is positive or not is mostly dependent on if your goals align with the programs goals, and how much you make out of it.

What the program offers you that is unique from traveling alone is this - a group of students (hopefully a community), two supportive and knowledgeable adults, a pre-planned and researched itinerary (I think Carpe also tries to ensure that the places we support are as environmentally and socially responsible as possible), a guarantee that you won’t ever have a day with nothing to do, more built in learning opportunities, security.

I’d recommend checking out the blog page on the carpe website for more info! Also students are mostly 18-19 years old, at least on my trip.

73 people found this review helpful.
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Yes, I recommend this program

The best out of the best

Omgggg literally life changing. The people the leaders the program structure everything about it was amazing.

At first it was scary. It was an unexpecting experience to take as a Muslimah but one that I’ll never forget. I found myself even more going on this trip. The food was amazing. The adventures were incomparable to the ones previously experienced prior to carpe.

I highly recommend this program to anyone. Great way to feel challenged (in a positive way of course), and develop growth in many levels

111 people found this review helpful.
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Yes, I recommend this program

An amazingly fun trip, and an important part of my personal growth

Carpe Diem really has their stuff together as an organization.
My trip leaders were real pros and really amazing people, my group-mates were hilarious and fun, every place we stayed had a lot to teach us, and the food was for real fantastic. You definitely won't regret going on a Carpe trip.
I've been on a program or two, and I know what a bad program looks like. Carpe Diem staff are really on the ball, they know how to care for students, and my two months in Costa Rica gave me a better outlook at life.

What was the most unfamiliar thing you ate?
Probably a soursop. It was tasty, but quite snotty.
119 people found this review helpful.
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Yes, I recommend this program

Carpe Diem Alumn 2011

Almost ten years later and not a week goes by that I don't recall memories from this program. I could write an essay sharing all of the incredible experiences: scuba diving, surfing in Costa Rica, walking bioluminescent beaches at night in search of leatherback turtles...the food, the friends, the education. It affects me every day.

Carpe Diem does an incredible job of organizing an experience that will change your life forever and set you on a path for self-discovery and global understanding.

85 people found this review helpful.
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Yes, I recommend this program

Incredible, immersive experience!

Deciding to participate in a Carpe program during my gap year was probably one of the best decisions of my life. It was so amazing to travel in a country by truly getting to know the people who live there and the culture. An authentic, immersive experience is something Carpe prioritizes and everything we did felt very intentional. The home stays were a wonderful experience that helped me improve my Spanish and it was great to get to know locals on a personal level. There was a really well balanced mix of hiking, Spanish school, team-building, exploring, and independent time. Our Overseas Educators were incredibly supportive and helped create a positive, safe environment which I appreciated. I wouldn't trade the weeks I had with Carpe for anything--I gained new perspectives, met amazing people, and developed a greater sense of self confidence. I think that everyone would benefit from a gap year, and especially with a Carpe program!

What was the most unfamiliar thing you ate?
This isn't necessarily an unfamiliar food, but I had never had it before going to Guatemala...platános fritos!! They have turned out to be one of my new favorite foods--I'm obsessed! The best one I had was from a street vendor in Xela and it was one large deep-fried platáno topped with crema and cinnamon...mmm!
83 people found this review helpful.
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Yes, I recommend this program

Do it do it dooo ittt!!!!

If I could give this program an 11/10 I would. I've grown as a student, an independent traveler, and a person because of this experience. It's amazing how fast you can pick up a language when you're surrounded by it 24/7, and how fast you become friends with people you've never met when your traveling and living together. I learned so much Spanish and so much about sustainability, but also about the food, culture and history of Guatemala and my own privilege as someone with an American passport.
I only got to experience 5 weeks of my spring CA trip because of the Covid19 pandemic, but I still made friends (Carpe students, my OEs, and locals) and had experiences that I will treasure for the rest of my life. If anything my trip getting cut short made me value my time in Guatemala even more. The team at headquarters and my wonderful OEs handled the stressful and heartbreaking task of getting us on a flight out the country before the borders closed with grace and professionalism. I never felt unsafe and I'm so grateful for them.

What is your advice to future travelers on this program?
It's all in the name; seize the day! And pack shower shoes and lots of sunscreen!
80 people found this review helpful.
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Yes, I recommend this program

Central America: An amazing 4 month

It is hard to think it has been ten years since my Carpe Diem semester in Central America because I still remember it so vividly. I went into the program as a second semester freshman in college because I wanted to try something new and I wanted to challenge myself with a different experience. My semester changed my life. I learned a lot about myself and what I was truly capable of. I learned that I liked to be a leader and that is was okay to be uncomfortable in new situations, I learned that my homestays were one of the most unique experiences that I would ever get. At the end of my four months I had friends and experiences that would help me in any situation. The ability to receive college credit was extremely beneficial and was one of my deciding factors. This was one of the most rewarding experiences and I wish I could do it again.

What would you improve about this program?
I would not change anything about the program, I felt that Carpe Diem did an appropriate job preparing students and helping them thrive.
75 people found this review helpful.
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Yes, I recommend this program

Carpe Diem Central America: Best Decision Ever

Carpe Diem was incredible!! It was exactly what I needed after graduating high school and being tired of the traditional educational model. I went on the Central America program and I learned so much and had a fantastic time. I loved the home stays, the Spanish lessons, the trek, my instructors and my group. Each came with a few challenges but only the healthy kind and by the end of the trip I wasn’t ready to go home. Being home afterwards I am filled with a sense of gratitude that I got to go and of wonder because I really feel that I became a different, better, braver version of myself during the program. I bonded well with my group and connected to the curriculum and to the places we stayed. I am a little surprised to say that I am a big fan of the no cell phones policy because I felt that it gave me fewer opportunities to be homesick and more opportunities to connect with my group mates. Before the trip I considered myself an introvert and I was worried that I might not get enough time to myself. By the end I didn’t want to be alone because I loved my group so much: best possible outcome. I would highly recommend Carpe Diem to students who are interested in alternative education and in learning about other cultures. I would definitely recommend the Central America program to anyone who is interested in polishing their Spanish if you feel that your high school Spanish classes aren’t doing you justice. Choosing Carpe Diem is one of the best decisions I have ever made and I hope that if you choose Carpe that you’ll feel the same.

What would you improve about this program?
I think I would spent less time in Guatemala and more time in a different country, not more time in Costa Rica because it's very Americanized but more equal distribution of time throughout countries I think. It didn't matter that much, because I had a great time.
78 people found this review helpful.

Questions & Answers

Hi Annalisa, Thank you for your question! Our Essential Eligibility Criteria says that all applicants must "have a high level of English language fluency and comprehension." We welcome students of all nationalities and backgrounds on our programs but international students are responsible for obtaining any necessary visas to travel with us. Please email me directly if you have any other questions...

That's a great question, and one I definitely asked myself before signing up with Carpe Diem Education. But after going on the trip and learning more about Carpe, I don't believe there is any typical student. I could pick a few defining characteristics of the students that go on Carpe Diem adventures. These would be a sense of adventure, a drive to explore new places, and a passion to learn not...