
Serve the City Madrid

Why choose Serve the City Madrid?

Serve the City aims to create a sense of community through serving the city, by organizing and facilitating volunteer projects to help the underprivileged in our society.We aim for Serve The City Madrid to be a movement that is truly accepting, open, and welcoming of all people, without exception and that those people will not be asked or expected to agree or confirm to the beliefs of anyone else.
Serve the City hopes to achieve these goals by:
* organizing and promoting volunteer projects
* seeking and maintaining contact with local humanitarian/ social work organization
* offering help to those in need, regardless of race, religion or social status
* teamwork among individuals and uniting their individual strengths so that they can collectively help the society in which they live
* stimulating individual initiatives and helping to develop such initiatives
* providing a starting point for people who would like to do “volunteer work” – expressed in the broadest sense of the term


Yes, I recommend this program

Internship with Serve The City

Internship with Serve the City in Madrid, Spain was one of the most enriching experiences of my life. Everything about the experience was gratifying and unforgettable. Everything, from working at the office to spending time with the wonderful people at the house was great. It was an experience of a lifetime where I got a chance to work and interact with volunteers and interns from all over the world. I got a chance to work on several projects of my interest. Everything at the house was very well organized and streamlined and coordinators were always available to help.
Spain is a beautiful country and I got a chance to experience its rich culture through this internship. I really enjoyed my time in Spain and I am glad that I chose to do this internship.

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Yes, I recommend this program

Amazing volunteer experience with STC Madrid

I've been volunteering with Serve the City Madrid (STC) for 5 months. It was in one word amazing. I've learned a lot about the working structure of the NGO and I got great responsibility and the feeling that my work mattered. Besides that, the staff of STC is so nice and helpful and made me feel comfortable right away.

Madrid as a city is great to live in. It is safe, clear and a very beautiful city. In Madrid, you can never be bored. There are so many attractions for sight seeing, but what I also loved to do, is go outside of the city and hike in the mountains. Madrid has great nature in the north.

Over all, this was a life-changing experience. I've learned so much and improved both my level of Spanish and English. I will never forget the warm hearted people in Madrid and the open arms they received me with.

What would you improve about this program?
This program is really amazing. The staff has great experience and they guide you very well. The only thing that's important to be aware of, is that Spaniards speak very few English. So for the projects it's useful to have a basic vocabulary in Spanish.
Read my full story
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Yes, I recommend this program

Wonderful Global Internship Experience

Working with Serve the City Madrid has hands down been my favorite internship. From the beginning, the staff worked with me to learn about my goals of the internship and what I wanted to learn and accomplish, and helped me become acclimated with the Madrid area. It was a great opportunity to learn about the operations of an NGO, especially with the international component and learning about Spanish culture, and I cannot stress how wonderful, approachable and fun the staff is.

Yes, I recommend this program

Serve the City

I had an internship with serve the city for about 2 months and had an incredible experience. The team was very up beat and friendly and we quickly became a family. If I could go back and experience it all over again I would in a heart beat. I came into Madrid with a group of girls I hardly knew and my best friend from home and I can definitely say having at least one person you know helps a lot with homesickness however going by yourself could be a ton of fun too. Working with serve the city we got to go out into the city and volunteer our time fixing up a safe home for individuals who did not have one. I have always been the volunteer type but volunteering in a different country was a new experience for me and one I will never forget. Another project we got to do as a team was put on a fundraiser and I have to say this was a huge success after raising over 1000€!!!! It was a great accomplishment!

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Yes, I recommend this program


Internship with Serve the City Madrid was one of the most fulfilling experiences of my life.
Although it seems quite intimidating to live in a new country with no knowledge of language or culture, but with STC Madrid, I felt at home from the very first day.

STC Madrid office was managed very professionally. Warren really made an effort to understand what you wanted to achieve out of the internship. He made sure that time spent with STC resulted in something meaningful. He paid attention to all the interns individually and chalked out tasks that matched their working style. The entire team of STC Madrid is really dedicated and focussed. STC Madrid is connected to about 40 local NGOs and is part of Serve the City Organisation which is spread across the globe.

We were living in a shared accommodation and the house had all the basic necessities one could ask. The public transportation in madrid is very well organised and the bus stop is right next to the house. The House Coordinators brief you the moment you arrive and provide amazing support throughout the programme. All the meals were served on the weekdays and Melody, would prepare food separately if you had any dietary restrictions (No Gluten, No Lactose, Vegan etc). Since you live with peers from all around the globe, you learn a lot. Trust me, there was never a dull moment at the house and you will end up making a lot of friends.

Madrid has a vibrant nightlife and people throughout the city are really helpful. If you know Spanish, its an advantage and even if you don't, Spanish lessons can be arranged.
I would certainly recommend this program. Amazing memories for life!


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Alumni Interviews

These are in-depth Q&A sessions with verified alumni.

Why did you choose this program?

In Spain, it is not super easy to find an English-spoken internship. I wanted to gain more experiences with NGO's and Serve the City (STC) seemed to me as a valuable spot to bring my theoretical knowledge into practice. From the first interview onwards, they were very transparent and clear in the communication.

Pretty quick it turned out to be a match from both sides: STC was willing to offer me an internship place for where I could get study credits and be helpful for the NGO as well.

What did your program provider assist you with, and what did you have to organize on your own?

STC Madrid offered me a house and meals, a Spanish sim-card and public transportcard. I got guidance in the whole preparation process and they were always willing to answer my questions.

What I had to organize on my own was my health insurance, criminal background and the administrative part of my Erasmus Scholarship (however, STC also supported me in this).

What is one piece of advice you'd give to someone going on your program?

Living and interning abroad for 7 months has been a life-changing opportunity for me. It sounds cliché, but you really get to know yourself when you're living abroad for a longer period of time. It has been really worth it to get to know new people and learn to work in a professional setting in a different socio-cultural context.

STC Madrid has been an amazing internship place for me to learn how the NGO world works and to feel what it means to make a difference to the lives of others in need. The advantage from working both on the project side and on the background from the office is that you get a lot of experience in how the organization runs, how projects are managed and how they are done in practice.

What does an average day/week look like as a participant of this program?

An average day at the office means that you work from 10 AM to 5 PM with the members of the core team. This team exists out of 5 people, who are always super willing to help you. One person will be main responsible as your internship mentor and guide you as much as needed.

On a day at the office, you'll bring your laptop and work on whatever tasks are in your area of interest (or depending on your study program). This can be for instance finance, administrational tasks, grant researches, social researches or project planning. On projects, you'll help in the executive process. For me, the combination was really fun, because I like to use my skills and intelligence in researches and thinking processes, but I also enjoyed the practical side of carrying out the project activities a lot.

Going into your experience abroad, what was your biggest fear, and how did you overcome it? How did your views on the issue change?

Actually I'm a pretty easy-going person who doesn't get feared easily. I came to Spain with a really open mind and no expectations, and I think that this really helps to find your way and meet new friends.

However, of course, over the 7 months I've been in Spain, I've experienced feelings of being homesick every now and then. The most important thing for this, is to know that you have many people around you who are also away from home or who are nice and willing to support you. Thanks to the great people I met, my homesickness never lasted long.

Why is Madrid such an amazing place to live in?

Before this internship, I had been in Madrid one time before and from then on I loved the city. However, living in a city is very different of visiting it as a tourist. From the day I was a resident of Madrid, I started loving the city more and more. The people are so open and helpful, and it is really easy to make friends. The vibe is relaxed and with respect. Everyone can be him/herself in Madrid, there's freedom for everyone. Besides that it's the safest big city in Europe. As a girl, I was never afraid to walk home by myself in the middle of the night. There's low criminality and people are really helpful to you.

To wrap it up... Madrid is just an amazing city and I recommend everyone to go experience it!

Staff Interviews

These are in-depth Q&A sessions with program leaders.

Romina Fetta

Job Title
Program Coordinator

Romina got lots of valuable experience in Education, managing groups, and helping NGOs. If you feel eager to help with very easy tasks or even challenging ones, her organization will be very pleased to hear from you!

What is your favorite travel memory?

My favorite travel memory is in Asia. I was backpacking in Vietnam and got immersed in a totally different culture, language, food, and landscape. It was super interesting interacting with not only Vietnamese but also tourists from all around the world. Getting to be understood and understanding them by using gestures rather than words was at the same time the hardest and most gratifying experience so far.

How have you changed/grown since working for your current company?

Being part of Serve the City has been a once in a lifetime experience. I’m getting immersed in the amazing NGO world, discovering new ways to interact and help the community where I am currently living. It's a very rewarding and challenging job as every day is different. You need to be very flexible and be able to think quickly when an issue arises. I'm very glad to have been given the opportunity to be part of such a proactive organization!

What is the best story you've heard from a return student?

Most of the students' feedback is positive as they feel that they not only grew spiritually but that they also turned into better people and more responsible human beings who are eager to help others no matter the nationality, skin color, accent, or mother tongue.

It is very rewarding hearing from them after their placement time is over. They come to us to tell funny stories and let us know how this experience has changed their way to see the world. They feel wiser and grateful.

If you could go on any program that your company offers, which one would you choose and why?

Well, this is such a complex question. Every program destination has its own uniqueness as the projects are adapted to the cities’ needs and special requirements from the NGOs. However, if I had to choose, I'll definitely go for the cosmopolitan sunny Madrid – because where else can you find the sun shining 365 days a year?

What makes your company unique? When were you especially proud of your team?

We are a movement of people aiming to create a sense of community through serving the city by helping the underprivileged society. We are the nexus in between people willing to help and NGOs willing to be helped. Connecting human beings is our specialty, and I'm proud to be part of such an epic journey!

What do you believe to be the biggest factor in being a successful company?

We are proud to say that our volunteer programs and internships were created to make things simple for our participants. We have everything prepared beforehand so we can offer the best ever lifetime experience abroad. It's the right combination in between feeling helpful and wandering around amazing cities full of history and cultural events ready for the volunteers to discover and enjoy.