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Victory Gap Year

Why choose Victory Gap Year?

Over the past 20 years, over 800 students have come from around the world to equip themselves, and experience the transformative power of God. Situated in Jeffrey's Bay, the surf capital of South Africa, Victory Gap Year is a unique experience; providing a healthy environment for you to learn about life and leadership within the Kingdom of God. This is the year for you to establish your identity in Christ and build a solid, Biblical foundation into your life while developing your leadership and character. Set yourself up for a life of purpose, destiny, and significance, making an impact on any sphere of society you are called to. Victory Gap Year is a ministry within Victory Church Jeffreys Bay, making a significant impact in the town, the Kouga area, and around the world.



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Yes, I recommend this program

Amazing gap year with great community

Victory Gap Year is a year of personal growth. It’s a year of giving and receiving. Going out into the community and helping out where we can. At the same time attending lectures where you can work on yourself but also on the skills of the specific stream you will be choosing. It was definitely life changing for me! You meet people from all around the world and when I go to different places in the world I will always have friends to stay with. You have enough free time to explore Jeffreys Bay and it’s surrounding areas with your friends.

What was the most surprising thing you saw or did?
A kingdom based community where people look out for each other
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Yes, I recommend this program

Life changing gap year!

Victory Gap Year is such an intentional year of growth, adventure, making friends and personal development. It is also loads of fun and based in a beautiful area.

I did the media stream and fell in love with the media world. I never really knew what I wanted to study, but Victory Gap Year helped me realize that I want to enter the creative industry. I will now be studying Visual Arts in 2021.

I am thankful for this amazing year. I have made memories and great friends that I'll cherish forever!

What is your advice to future travelers on this program?
Make the most of the year! There are so many opportunities to grow and experience new things. Go on adventures, meet new people and experience church life to its fullest.
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Yes, I recommend this program

Great experience

Great choice for anyone local or international that is unsure about their future career plans or if you just want to find yourself and learn valuable life skills. It teaches you how to be independent as well as how to work in a team and with other people in the student house you will be living in. The three different streams. :Media, worship and leadership give everyone the opportunity to build their skills and abilities in something they are passionate about while also having classes that teach broader skills and valuable life lessons.

What is your advice to future travelers on this program?
Come with an open mind and heart and an expectation of life changing experiences.
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Yes, I recommend this program


For many, taking a gap year seems like a waste of time, but I can truly say that my year at VGY was life changing. I can only look back and stand in awe and wonder what God managed to do and I am forever thankful for everyone involved with VGY that made it one of the best years of my life! From being immediately accepted into the community, living life with friends, adventures, and through daily life tasks discovering more and more who God wants me to be, it was a year that has laid a solid foundation for the rest of my life.

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Yes, I recommend this program


Gap year changed my life. I left with much more confidence and a sense of purpose.

I made great friends and I felt like I belonged.
It was loads of fun and I would do it all over again if I could!

The student house was a great experience for me. It was very interesting to live with different cultures and types of people. You learn a lot of people skills and problem solving skills.

The lectures was my favorite part. I loved that we got trained and equipped, but also got to enjoy a year of rest and growth.

What is your advice to future travelers on this program?
Make the most of the year. Take part in everything and just have fun for the year.


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