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Program Reviews

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Yes, I recommend this program

Amazing Overall

The program was amazing. Nothing to say here. The family experience was where most of my learning and growth happened. Of course it depends on how you spent time with family, but I personally ensured that we stayed in the target language, Italian, for most of the time with rare exceptions. I learned a little more about Italian culture and their norms as well as a significant language boost which the classroom could never provide. I took 2 trips with my host family outside Ferrara, and a couple times we went out within Ferrara to the movies or something else. The classroom was great. My teacher was very kind, and not strict at all like the program staff. The projects we did and their presentations helped me learn as well. But to be completely honest, I expected the classroom to benefit me more than it did. The family experience turned out to be much more effective than the class. Then there were the weekend trips and after school activities with CIEE. We got to tour a theater, make pizza, make pasta, learn to sing, learn photography, etc. All those activities may not have necessarily helped with learning the language, but rather they helped learn the culture. They were all very fun and entertaining so I'm glad they were there. The 2 weekend trips to Venice and San Marino were also very good. We had a lot of free time there to roam with friends and enjoy sight seeing, as well as some shopping. I only have two criticisms for this program. 1. The missions in the street- They were these activities where we had to approach strangers in Ferrara and ask them questions and have a conversation. Most of them turned out very awkward and I ended up faking all the ones for the last week. It seems like a good idea but in practice it just puts students into uncomfortable scenarios. Perhaps it may work with a few tweaks. 2. Program leaders - They seemed nice at first but there were moments where they acted very unfair and unreasonable. They are biased towards certain students, and don't give chances for behavioral improvement. Basically, if they see something negative in you the first day, you are going to have a bad experience with them for the rest of the program. I personally was on their good side but I still noticed how unreasonable they can be at times, sometimes on a very small but irritating scale. For example, I didn't do an assignment along with 7 other people because there was a misunderstanding on the due date. They ended up pulling me out mid way through a movie we were watching to make it up. I feel like that was a little unfair. There was also a point where we were buying water and the program leaders told us to leave the store just as we were about to pay for it because apparently we had to go. We have to put the water back and upon exiting the store, we took a few steps away and stood there with the rest of the group doing nothing for 10 minutes while they figured stuff out. We could have bought water and it wouldn't hurt anyone. The program leaders also cancelled the third weekend trip because of rain and the rain never happened. Felt like they were simply lazy to go and jumped at the first excuse. There were many other much worse examples that happened with other students though like I said, I kept to their good side. My opinion on this program overall is that CIEE puts you through an amazing immersive experience, but the program leaders break some of that immersion.

What would you improve about this program?
The program leaders need to be a little less uptight about little things and should be more trusting and flexible. They seemed so paranoid every time we went on a weekend trip, or in Ferrara at time, as if they doubt our judgement or their own ability to keep us under control.
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Yes, I recommend this program

Unforgettable Journey

Going to Peru for a month is by far one of my best experiences. I enjoyed myself on this trip. At first, it was very difficult because it was a new environment and everyone spoke to me only in Spanish: the teachers, my host family, everyone. I always wanted to become fluent in Spanish, so this was helpful for me to have this immersion. My favorite experience was when I went to Machu Picchu. The scenery was amazing and the town was even better. My friends and I had pizza at a restaurant, then we listened to some music in the main plaza. Another thing that I loved was my host family. They were so kind and spent a lot of time with me and my roommate. I genuinely feel that my Spanish has improved living in Peru. I recommend this program to anyone who is interested in expanding their horizons and learning the Spanish language.

What would you improve about this program?
The activities were planned very close together. It was a little overwhelming.
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Yes, I recommend this program

Having fun down-under!

I choose to study abroad with CIEE because I wanted to get outside of my comfort zone; I’m generally shy and quiet but I love animals. At the beginning of my program I didn’t know anyone but by the end I had made so many amazing friends along the way, and I still keep in touch with most of them. The program leaders were fabulous and so much fun to be around (I was room mates with one). The excursions you do on this trip were so incredible and absolutely life changing. Seeing the animals on T.V. Or in zoo is okay but going out into the wild and seeing them in person was such a surreal experience. For those of you who are thinking about going abroad I highly recommend doing so; you will regret it if you don’t. If you are one of those people who love animals, loves helping them and learning about them, making a difference and isn’t afraid to get on you hands and knees; this is the program for you.

What would you improve about this program?
There is nothing that I would actually “improve” about the program, but originally we (my program group) we going to go to an Australian animal rehabilitation center. On the program I later learned that the center called to say the we cant come and visit because it wasn’t open to the public. That wasn’t necessarily CIEE or the programs fault but I was still a little disappointed.
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Yes, I recommend this program

The Best Experience I've Ever Had

This entire program was full of fun and informative learning! You get to explore a new region in the world as well as learn about specific topics in marine science, and completing work outside on research and projects in the classroom. I gained a lot from this program, in social skills, academic knowledge, and appreciation for our natural planet. I truly believe that you will not find any experience quite like studying abroad, especially with CIEE. Their staff are all really nice, and extremely helpful and responsive. They're also fun-loving! Please consider studying abroad with CIEE, they are one of the best companies for traveling and exploring the world! CIEE would ensure that your study abroad experience is the best it can be, and they work hard to bring unique opportunities to high school and college students!

What is your advice to future travelers on this program?
Always, always, ALWAYS be open to new people. Making great friends is one of the best feelings while studying abroad, learning among people that you can relate with makes the experience so much better!
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Yes, I recommend this program

High School Summer Abroad in Alicante, Spain - Spanish Foodie Culture

I really enjoyed this program and highly recommend it. I loved learning about the Spanish culture. We went to class but it's not like a traditional class back home. The things we learned were fun and not boring We learned about Spanish gastronomy such as tapas, the mediterranean diet, Spanish culture such as sports and urban art, and a dash of Spanish language. It was very cool to be able to use what we learned in the classroom directly outside of the classroom wether at restaurants or interacting with the Spanish people.

Another thing I loved was being able to interact with younger Spanish people my age. I was able to practice and improve my Spanish by speaking to them. It was fun to meet and get to know them and their bubbly personalities.

It was also in this trip where I met some of the most amazing people. One of my purpose of coming to this trip was to form connections with others. I am so happy to say that I did form great connections with the people I met. I formed friendships with the members in my group and the Spanish kids we interacted with. I will never forget the memories I made with these people.

I also really liked our program leader and program coordinator. Shoutout to Manu and Yesenia. They were so fun and approachable. I could not ask for better leaders than these guys.

I am so grateful to have been given the opportunity to go on this trip. It's pretty safe to say that this summer in Spain has been one of the best moments of my life yet. I cannot wait to be back and continue exploring Spain and its marvelous culture.

What would you improve about this program?
I really liked the cooking lesson we had with the Spanish chef. To improve this program, CIEE should add more cooking classes that focus on variety of Spanish cuisines from tapas to paellas and such. This being a Spanish foodie program, it should contain more activities focused on gastronomy and food such as again cooking classes and food factories.
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Yes, I recommend this program

It was great

This is an interesting experience, it was really fun. We got to see so much and learn a great amount. It couldn’t have been any better. The beaches are extremely nice and their traditions are really interesting. The town is small which makes it easier to move around, you really can’t get lost here. Over all everything was great the education, housing ,support ,and the food! I will definitely miss that!! The host families do definitely make you feel like you are part of theirs. You get to make new friends and meet all kinds of people. You also get to make a second family who will support you and understand you and if you have any problems, they will try to help you. Everything about this is great if you have the option, take it not many can!

If you did this all over again, what's one thing you would change?
I would give more time to certain activities that we enjoyed more.
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Yes, I recommend this program

A month in Palma

My month in Palma was an amazing and unique experience for one main reason. I was able to step outside of my comfort zone and learn something new about myself. On this trip, I was able to meet new friends that I will keep in touch with for a long time. Something that made me step outside my comfort zone was "Misión Ñ". For this, you have to go out into the community and talk with locals. I do not like talking to strangers that much, and it was especially hard in a language I am not great at. Doing this made me learn that it is not as hard as I would make it seem, and the locals will be happy because they see you as something trying to fit in, trying to learn a new language. This was an amazing experience that I am so glad I had to opportunity to do.

What is your advice to future travelers on this program?
Work you hardest and don't be afraid to make mistakes.
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Yes, I recommend this program

Best Semester of my Life!!!!

I absolutely loved my time here in Legon, Ghana. I have met so many amazing, generous, and kind people who I will stay in contact with for a long time. I already want to come back and I haven’t even left yet! I have recommended CIEE to many of my friends and I encourage everyone to take a gap year/semester abroad. I feel like I have grown so much as a person, and my independence/confidence has improved more than it ever would in the states. I can’t stress this enough!!!! It has been the best 3 1/2 months of my whole life. I volunteered at a school here in Teshie, and the kids are wonderful and so sweet & they love volunteers! The food is actually pretty good (besides the fish) and I’m going to miss my bofrout & fanice! I have gotten so accustomed to the life here, my host family feels like my family and this place feels like my home. If you are considering coming to Ghana, I would 100% come through CIEE. They are the best!

What is your advice to future travelers on this program?
My advice to future travelers on this program-and any program really-is to never let your guard down. It’s easy to get used to a place and feel secure, but it’s so important to stay aware of your surroundings and be smart so that nothing bad happens! Also, just keep a good attitude with everything and stay positive and it’ll make your experience 10x greater. :)
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Yes, I recommend this program

A once-in-a-lifetime experience

For those of you considering a high school study abroad program with CIEE, I definitely reccomend you to go for it and just do it. I was hesistant at first, but ended up having the best time of my life during my month in Shanghai, and I grew to love the city more and more each day. Living in another country really opens up your perspective on the world and other people, and I would not trade my experience for any other. I loved meeting other participants who were just as curious and eager to learn as I was, trying out delicious Chinese food (I miss getting cheap bubble tea everyday), traveling using Shanghai's developed subway system, going to touristy spots with beautiful scenery, and pretty much everything else about the program! After going back to America, truth be told, everything seemed like a downgrade compared to Shanghai - the food, the transportation system, etc. I still keep in touch with some of the participants, and we talk a lot about our memories together in Shanghai and how much we miss it. Do not be scared to get out of your comfort zone and try something new, because it will all be worth it in the end.

What would you improve about this program?
Some of the cultural activities could have been better organized, but the majority of them were interesting and fun to do.
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Yes, I recommend this program

In love with Sevilla

My experience studying abroad in Sevilla was extraordinary. I had the most amazing year of my entire life. The relationships I created were incredible, and I know I will hold onto them forever. The American and Spanish friends I made on this program are who I call my best friends. Going to a Spanish school was such a gift in my opinion because you are exposed to a new culture and language while going to school which I think is crazy awesome! I thought my host family was amazing and while I was abroad I was fortune to do traveling with them around Europe which was super cool. I feel like CIEE was a great support system throughout my entire time abroad and I always felt safe and that I had someone to talk to when I needed it. Sevilla is a gorgeous city and I feel so lucky to have call it my second home. The cultural experience you will get is awesome. I experienced events such as Feria, Semana Santa, and Carnival which I never would have experienced in the US. There was never a dull moment through my study abroad experience and I feel like I really immersed myself into the culture. My spanish level increased tremendously and I grew to absolutely adore the language. There is not one day that goes by where I do not think about Sevilla. I have become so much more confident, globally aware, independent, and sure of myself because of this program! Know there will be hard parts and you will miss home but think about how great of an oppurtunity it is that you are there, and that each day it gets better and better. Enjoy it while it lasts! I HIGHLY recommend.