CIEE Global Navigator

Program Reviews

Yes, I recommend this program

An Unforgettable Summer

This program was probably the best experience I have encountered thus far– the activities were very fun, the lectures were interesting and engaging, and everyone was so friendly. We went around different cities, which was very surprising to me, but I loved it since I got to see the different cultures from each individual city. I learned more about marine life that can be helpful for me in the future, especially since I am considering studying that in college. I also liked the Portuguese language classes, which I did not appreciate that much at the time of the program. I love learning new languages and it was incorporated very well. The activities were very fun, such as kayaking, going to the beach, and taking surfing lessons, but they also had educational aspects to them! I would 100% do the program again if given the opportunity!

What would you improve about this program?
There could be better lunches that accommodated to specific dietary needs.
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Yes, I recommend this program

A 7,144 Mile Step Out of My Confort Zone

I’d never been outside of North America, therefore entering China was a 7,144 mile step out of my comfort zone. Through the organisation CIEE, I was able to embark on this eye opening journey across the globe. It had been a feature of my bucket list to volunteer abroad, but it seemed like a goal I’d fulfill when I was past thirty! Fortunately, a poster in front of my classroom convinced me that perhaps it wasn’t that far off. As soon as I noticed the Global Navigators Scholarship, I realized it was possible; it elicited the turmoil of dread and excitement I have experienced far too little in my lifetime. The trip itself was incredible and seemingly impossible to describe, as is with most life changing events. Overall, China is incredible, but it became more so with the support of CIEE staff and my wonderful peers; there’s nothing like traveling with purpose, especially to a country as enriching as China! During this trip, I experienced an epiphany that I still remember to this day: countries that have ancient roots are very similar to each other, no matter their location. As someone who visits family in Mexico City often, my visit to Beijing produced a peculiar sense of familiarity I’d believed to be impossible due to the massive cultural differences. The structure of cities, some customs, the ratio of rural to urban areas, etc. were all reminiscent of a shared past. It was a life changing revelation for me to realize that humans are not as different as one might think. Not to mention the food is great in both places; If you’re attending this trip, please try some tofu! I’m a vegetarian, and the tofu in China is a blessing from the Veggie Gods— you can’t get anything like it in the United States. Food recommendations aside, enjoy your time there, for not many get the opportunity to immerse themselves in a beautiful culture such as China.

What would you improve about this program?
It would have been amazing to stay in more local villiages or with host families. Though the hotels were beautiful and comfortable (thank god for air conditioning), being there made me feel more like a tourist than a globe trotter.
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Yes, I recommend this program

First Time In Mexico!

Participating in CIEE HS Abroad was my first time ever out of the country, on an airplane, and traveling alone. I put 100% of my trust into a program had I just learned about and I have no regrets or complaints. Everything about the program from applying, to the online course, the unexpected yet expected emails, and to finally the trip itself plus all of the preparation leading up to it. It will always be a trip I will always vividly remember because of the staff, the program itself, and the unforgettable eyeopening and learning experience it gave me. I'll always reminisce the short three weeks and will always be grateful for the experience!

What would you improve about this program?
Possibly interacting with exclusively our groups before the trip.
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Yes, I recommend this program

Living My Greatest Life in Spain

This CIEE program impacted me because I had the chance to test the boundaries of my comfort zone. In order to be successful, you have to step outside of your comfort zone. It is all about experiencing things that make you nervous and uncomfortable. These feelings are also felt when you chase your dreams, and in order to chase my dreams, I had to leave my comfort zone.  
Leaving my comfort zone means gaining cultural appreciation and the realization that no two places in the world are the same. Every city, state, or country has something special and unique. Experiencing different cultures and ways of life are blessings because they allow me to live a lifestyle different than the ones I’ve previously experienced. This CIEE program impacted my college experience because it gave me a better sense of appreciation for what the world has to offer and likewise it will open my eyes to the diversity and indescribable beauty of places I’ve never been.  
This CIEE program did not only impact my college experience, but it helped me in my future career plans. After graduating Concordia University of Wisconsin with a Master’s degree in Occupational Therapy and a minor in Spanish, I plan on making my mark in the world by using my experiences and knowledge to make a difference in the lives of others. Spanish will be useful since I plan to live abroad in a Spanish-speaking country and practice there. With the knowledge I have of culture minorities, I will be able to successfully practice in a way that doesn’t offend my clients. Helping people is a characteristic that I learned as a child. It gives me a sense of belonging, pride, and accomplishment. It is my obligation to give back, and this is one way that I will be able to share my knowledge with the world and truly make a difference. During this experience, I met so many new people from all around the United States as well as Spain. I’m very fortunate to have been able to take my family back to Spain to show them the city I studied abroad in. It was a beautiful thing for me to have been able to witness. As far as my favorite memory, it would have to be when we took a bus trip to Aracena and ended up jumping off of a bridge into a river while we kayaked and enjoyed the Spanish siesta time. I was terrified to jump, but with my new friends, we all jumped and it was such a fun memory! I haven’t ever had a feeling of adrenaline like that. I absolutely enjoyed every second that I spent in Spain.

What would you improve about this program?
The program was amazing, it was just really hard to travel for our excursions and really to make close friends. There were so many people in my specific program (about 50), so it was very crowded all the time.
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Yes, I recommend this program

A Summer in Berlin

My Summer trip to Berlin was definitely a highlight of my life! It was scary traveling with a large group of strangers, but we all had the interests of entrepreneurship and travel in common, and many of us clicked right away! The combination of a city with intense history and a classroom setting in which we learned about a topic we enjoyed was phenomenal! Personally, I got a lot out of this trip because I got to meet someone within our group with the same sexuality as myself, and I briefly experienced the accepting culture of Berlin at a Pride celebration. Overall, my summer abroad has shaped who I am and who I will be: it made me more confident in myself, and sparked a passion for business endeavors now and in the future.

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Yes, I recommend this program

Amazing Country, Culture, and City

Seville was a life changing experience. It was my first time out of the country, and it helped me gain a huge amount of confidence and independence. The most memorable experience was seeing the historic sites in Granada that had influences from Muslim, Jewish, and Christian cultures.In Seville, I kayaked under the same bridge that I would walk across every day to class. I also cooked paella, learned how to dance and met native Spanish people who I am still friends with. overall, it was an amazing experience and I recommend it to anyone who wants to have a better understanding of the Spanish language and culture.

What would you improve about this program?
The tablets we were given to use often malfunctioned
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Yes, I recommend this program

Best Summer Ever!!

I went abroad for my first time ever with CIEE in Alicante. I absolutely loved the city and the opportunities that are available to see it both with the host family placement and throughout the program's activities. The staff, group leaders, and teachers were great and very helpful and supportive. I would definitely recommend this to anyone looking to improve their Spanish skills in a real-world setting.

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Yes, I recommend this program

Home Away From Home

My trip to Peru was a dream come true. For as long as I can remember I have always wanted to travel outside of the United States. I finally got that opportunity summer of 2017. A lot occurred and it seemed like I was not going to go but it all worked out. The family I stayed with and my roommate were the best. We all coexisted and helped each other out. I even learned a little bit of Quechua, their native tongue. This experience was very unique because the session was during the time of their celebration of their virgin and the Peruvians love to party. To future travelers, always make sure you have your keys so that you will not get locked out and be very aware of your surroundings and when visiting the market, know hot to bargain. This trip made me realize how fortunate I am to live where I do and have the things that I have. Life is different in Peru, but it is also an experience that you will never forget.

What would you improve about this program?
The program can be improved by having only one session because I was a part of the second session where a lot of partying was happening and the environment caused some of the other students to "act out".
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Yes, I recommend this program

An Overall Great Experience

This trip to Madrid was my first outside of the United States, and I am glad it was. The staff were super helpful and I felt as though I could go to them for any need or concern that I had and I would never be judged. The host family that I stayed with was wonderful, and the classes that I took were in-depth and offered perspectives that you can't just get from a classroom.

If there was one thing I wish I had known before I went, it was the amount of freedom that they give you. On paper, a lot of the trip seems very regulated, and it is to an extent. However, they give you and your friends a lot of free afternoons and evenings to explore the city and have fun. It really teaches you how to be independent, and I wouldn't have it any other way.

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Ivana Madeline
Yes, I recommend this program

Swimming to my Doom?

Although, the title sounds a bit crazy, I really thought I was going to die. If you knew me, you would know that I was scared of the ocean and that I had no interest with it whatsoever. I didn't even know how to swim! To this day, it still amazes me and everyone else that I actually had the courage enough to be on this study abroad experience. I met so many people from all over the nation and learned our differences and similarities. Although, the world fits so many people, I have learned that the world is not so big after all. Everyone including the leaders have taught me how to swim and how to overcome my fears of the big ocean and amazing marine life down below. Everyone on the trip was very nice and humble enough to make sure that I was safe and having fun. One of my favorite memories was my first time kayaking on the Atlantic Ocean while collecting plankton samples for the lab we had later on that day. I remember kayaking so hard and strenuous and being confused as to why I was so slow compared to everyone else, until someone pointed out that I was the only kayak that had a net tied to the back collecting plankton samples. I really thought I just had weak arms, but now I know the cause of my lack of speed, I immediately thought I was so cool. This trip has taught me that the ocean is not our trash can and we as citizens of the Earth should prevent plastic pollution from going into the waters where it can eventually and potentially kill life. I have brought all my skills in Portugal and brought it back home in California to apply to my lifestyle and educate others about ocean conservation + sustainability. Future participants should know that this trip was always "on the go" and that we were always surrounded by nature. Backpacking is often placed in the schedule, so be sure to be smart with what you bring in your backpack during the days when you do go backpacking! More importantly, always drink water and sunscreen. ALWAYS!

What would you improve about this program?
It was strange that we did not interact with water as much as we thought. I hope that in the future, the programs will include more time with the water such as snorkeling, kayaking, scuba diving, etc. This will ensure students to learn more about marine life and how they can do to conserve them!