
Program Reviews

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Yes, I recommend this program

Teaching in Thailand

I have had such an amazing experience in Thailand and met such incredible people and travelled to beautiful places. I would definitely recommend anyone to go teach aboard, it will be one of the best things you do in your life. I am so sad to have left!

Have an agency to support and guide you through the steps was invaluable, especially during COVID where there's lots of steps to do to just get into the country. Everyone was there ready to help with any questions.

One downside was my first placement, I feel like I was sent to a rather remote area and not necessarily told the truth about where I was going to, which was the case for several people. It was quite a lonely experience and I was so happy after requesting to be moved to go somewhere else.

Nevertheless, Travel Bud, particularly Saskia, were great in keeping in touch and offering to help and share experiences throughout my time.

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Yes, I recommend this program

Thailand program

My experience as an English teacher in Thailand is amazing because of the new space I am in. The culture is very warm and the people are always kind. It really encourages you to challenge yourself and see life in a different perspective. The ability to travel and experience a new culture while working is a huge bonus. I highly recommend this program to people who are outgoing and not afraid to take risk. It is also for people who are eager to learn new cultures and spaces. It give you a reason to stay motivated in life

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Yes, I recommend this program

Travelbud the best

Travelbud has honestly been the best company to come overseas with. They have been so supportive and helpful. always checking in and emailing me to see if I need anything. Just such a great company to go through. They help me through the paperwork process so amazingly! They’re just so great! Just enjoyed the agency they placed me with and everything. They are great. They have a great media presence and care about their teachers. We’re like a big family! The people are so friendly and kind and just want to help

What is your advice to future travelers on this program?
Just decided to love it and love it! Be happy and Vietnam will treat you well!
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Yes, I recommend this program

You won't regret it

I know the program costs a lot of money. But consider it an investment. Not only do you get a TESOL qualification taught in person (better than an online TEFL) which you can use anywhere, but you will also grow as a person. The teaching work in Vietnam is very rewarding, with 80 hours a week teaching paying over £1000 a month (after tax). It's incredibly easy to save, and still live in great accommodation. I've met many amazing people and picked up a second language and several hobbies thanks to all my free time. I feel 10x more confident in myself, and I love living in Vietnam. The people are so friendly, especially if you learn a little Vietnamese.

What is your advice to future travelers on this program?
Take this opportunity to grow. Use your newfound free time to develop some hobbies you really enjoy, while working a job you will love.
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Yes, I recommend this program

Overall A Welcoming and Life-Changing Experience

I found the program to be very beneficial. Originally I was going to do everything myself, but decided to go through the program to have extra support and guidance. I found that it was a very worthy investment, as the support team was well-organized and helpful in getting me acclimated and prepared for my experience.

The support with logistics, paperwork, bank accounts etc. is facilitated and also the cultural orientation was valuable. Meeting so many other people was a great way to start my time abroad, as I made friends and developed a network from the start.

While there is room for improvement, I found overall the experience to be smooth and helpful. My teaching placement worked out for me and I am happy where I was placed. It was a pretty seamless process and I have been enjoying and learning much in my time here.

Originally I wanted to be in a bigger city with a lot of ex-pats, but my placement turned out to be in a small area. I decided to just trust in the process and it turned out that I had a great experience. I still made friends and had a life-changing experience. I think that you might grow and learn more being outside your comfort zone.

If you're new to teaching abroad and you want a strong support network to help with all the logistics and also as a way to meet others, I think this program is a strong option.

What would you improve about this program?
I would allow a bit more down time during the 1 week cultural orientation (for those doing placement only, not TESOL course). I found the days were packed with classes and activities and there wasn't much time for me to run errands or simply get a little rest. Otherwise, I thought it was very well organized.
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Yes, I recommend this program

I ❤️ TravelBud

I would highly recommend Travelbud to anyone wanting to teach abroad. I have been teaching in the United States the past 4+ years and I decided to teach abroad to learn more about how I could support my students who are English Language Learners (ELL) or learning English as a Second Language (ESL). I have very little experience working outside the US so I was looking for an agency that could support me throughout the whole process. I reached out to Travelbud in January of 2019 and for the next year they worked closely with me to make sure I was supported every step of the way. From understanding the Thailand school year to TESOL questions to all of my Visa questions and the long process of getting my teaching degree notarized, authenticated, and legalized, Travelbud was with me every step of the way. Travelbud also helped me connect with an in-country program that allowed me to get my TESOL degree before actually teaching in a school. Every question I had throughout my year of preparing to go abroad was answered quickly and accurately. It felt like I had a friend holding my hand throughout the process and I LOVED that.

What is your advice to future travelers on this program?
Don’t be afraid to ask questions. Travelbud helped me feel at peace with all of my worries by answering all of my questions without judgement each step of the way. If you have any questions—even if you’re afraid it’s a stupid question—just ask! Mine ranged from Visa questions to how many pieces of luggage was too much for 3 months abroad. Travelbud was always beyond helpful!
Yes, I recommend this program

Everything I wanted! (And everything I didn’t know I wanted)

TravelBud has been extremely supportive since the very start. I originally wanted to come to Thailand at the end of March (in a few weeks), but I changed my mind last minute a few months ago and wanted to come in December instead. TravelBud was super quick to getting me all the information I needed to be in Thailand faster than originally planned. TravelBud has constantly reached out to me to make sure I have all the help I need.

Being in Thailand for 2.5 months now has already been life changing. The TESOL course brought me some amazing friends who I still speak to every day. Going to my placement school was really scary because it was entering this unfamiliar territory to do a job I had never done before. I didn’t think culture shock would get me, but it definitely did! It was something I was quickly able to overcome with constant support and the community I was quickly able to build in my new city. I can’t express enough how special this program is and how everyone should really have an experience like this!

What was the most nerve-racking moment and how did you overcome it?
When I got off the bus in my placement school city. I don’t usually get stressed about something until it’s actually happening. I got off the bus and realized this was really happening and I was suddenly horrified. This feeling goes away quickly as Thailand is the most welcoming country I’ve ever been to and the people instantly make you feel at home.
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Yes, I recommend this program

Excite your brain

Every single moment since I have arrived in Vietnam has felt like a vivid story in my head. Not only are we just learning in the classroom- we are learning every time we step outside. Whether it’s reading signs , asking questions to local people in Vietnamese or looking in doorways as you pass down side streets... there is truly never a dull moment. Travel Bud had me feeling so well prepared for this trip. The comfort they provided me set the tone for a welcoming , warm journey into Vietnam. I have felt extremely looked after and the way that the staff (especially Saskia) responded to every question I asked no matter how big or small was both genuine and helpful.

What would you improve about this program?
Personally I think TravelBud was everything I could have asked for. I think the handoff to their in-country partner could be a bit smoother. I found a few times that they started providing me with differing info than I had been told initially by Travel Bud
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No, I don't recommend this program

Teaching in Panama with TeachPTY

Bait and Switch. Not worth the value. This program did not provide the services listed on the website. Travelbud did not provide 24/7 support after I arrived in Panama and did not request feedback after I completed the program. The TeachPTY host changed the agenda each week employing others to teach during the time I was supposed to be teaching English to the students.

My attempts to provide feedback to Teach PTY and Travelbud have been ignored.

Why should someone pay to "volunteer" while others make a profit?

What would you improve about this program?
Don't charge so much money to volunteer, honor what was promised to the volunteers. Be honest and upfront if the agenda changes, so the volunteer has plenty of time to adjust or change plans. Be respectful, listen to both sides without judgement and offer refunds of the contract was breached (as it was in my circumstances)
Response from TravelBud

Hi Sherry,

Thank you for your feedback. As mentioned over email, we are very sad to hear that you felt your experience on our Panama program did not live up to your expectations and are sorry that you did not accept our offer to speak over the phone and hear your feedback.

As you know, TravelBud offered this program through our in-country volunteer partner in Panama, Teach PTY, where TravelBud provides the majority of the pre-arrival support and Teach PTY provides all the in-country services which includes things like airport pickup, accommodation, volunteer activities, meals, and 24/7 in-country support.

Saskia provided you with full pre-arrival support assisting you with guides on what to pack, what flights and insurance to purchase, visa guidance, and answering all your questions before arriving in Panama. She also checked in with you regularly throughout your time on the program.

After investigating your feedback thoroughly we have found that in addition to TravelBud providing extensive pre-arrival support, Teach PTY went over and above to make your experience as pleasant as possible and provided all the services listed on our website.

When it comes to volunteering abroad, it's important to be adaptable to changes in plans and schedules which sometimes takes place to accommodate the needs of the community one is working with. We are sorry that the change in schedule which took place had a negative impact on your experience but hope you can understand the needs of the community need to be prioritised when it comes to volunteering abroad.

We hope that over time you will be able to look back on this experience with a change of heart. Volunteering abroad is no walk in the park but it provides a great opportunity to step outside of your comfort zone, travel to and explore a new country, help local communities in need, and gain a new perspective.

We wish you all the best for your future endeavours, Sherry.

The TravelBud Team

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Yes, I recommend this program

Vietnam with TravelBud

TravelBud have been an excellent resource, and the experience as a whole has been wonderful so far. I had never left the US before signing up to come teach and it's been great. Vietnam as a whole has been amazing, and the kids I am teaching are fantastic. The companies who guided me through this process have really been exemplary in their ability to make sure everything went as smoothly as possible.

The food here is unbelievable. So delicious, and so affordable. Don't be afraid of street food, it's so good. You quickly get a favorite vendor for most anything you can eat.

What is your advice to future travelers on this program?
Read everything and ask questions. The process can be a bit overwhelming, so it is easy to lose a detail or two and misunderstand a component of the program or requirements. TravelBud are great at guiding you through everything, so don't be afraid to ask. Also, once you start teaching, inevitably you will get sick. So hand sanitizer, plenty of Vitamin C, etc should be in your tool kit going into a placement.